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Department of Mechanical Design and Robot Engineering
Yim Chung-Hyuk
Motor controller, Power electronics
Journal Papers
◾ Implementation of Radon Measurement Apparatus Using Semiconductor Sensors, Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, vol.vol.71P pp.129~135, 2022임충혁
◾ Design and Control of Segway-type Balancing Robot that can Stand up, Jounal of Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.29 No.3 pp.202~209, 2020임충혁
◾ 3D Extraction Method Using a Low Cost Line Laser, 한국생산제조학회지, vol.26 No.1 pp.108~113, 2017임충혁
◾ Performance Improvement Method of an Axial Fan Using Simulation, 한국생산제조학회지, vol.26 No.1 pp.137~143, 2017임충혁
◾ IAQ Minitoring Sytem Using Zigbee Network, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, vol.4 No.1 pp.17~22, 2017임충혁
◾ NDIR-Type CO2 Measuring and Monitoring System, Internationa Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol.5 No.1 pp.33~36, 2017임충혁
◾ ESP8266 WI-FI Module for Minitoring System Application, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, vol.VOL.4 NO.1 pp.1~6, 2017임충혁
◾ Application of USB Serial Communication to Radon Measuring System, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol.VOL.5 NO.1 pp.75~80, 2017임충혁
◾ Calibration of Pin Photodiode Radon Counters Using an Ion Chamber type Radon Counter, Global journal of Engineering Science and Researches, vol.3 No.12 pp.75~80, 2016임충혁
◾ Design and control of a biomimetic fish robot, Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, vol.36 No.1 pp.1~7, 2012임충혁
◾ Efficient Geo-Location Estimation System using Two-Dimensional MUSIC Algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, vol.9 No.4 pp.636~641, 2011임충혁
◾ Investigation of field-emitted electron beam behaviors using a line collector in a triode electron gun system, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, vol.87 pp.2190~2195, 2010임충혁
◾ A Study on Machining of Uncut Volume at the Boundary Region of Curved Surfaces, 한국생산제조시스템학회지, vol.19 No.2 pp.251~259, 2010임충혁
◾ Dynamic Performance Improvement of Oscillating Linear Motors via Efficient Parameter Identification, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS, vol.10 No.1 pp.58~64, 2010임충혁
◾ Novel design of a small field robot with multi-active crawlers capable of autonomous stair climbing, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.24 No.1 pp.343~350, 2010임충혁
Conference Papers
◾ 이정용 김기웅 고현민 임충혁, 초보자를 위한 자전거 자동 변속기, 추계학술대회, 제주칼호텔, 2019임충혁
◾ 김기현 김진우 김지호 임충혁, 스스로 일어나는 segway형 밸런싱 로봇에 대한 제어기 설계, 추계학술대회, 제주칼호텔, 2019임충혁
◾ 호버링 로봇 도킹 스테이션, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2011임충혁
◾ 자동 방향 분사기 개발, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.06.임충혁
◾ 스리랑카 콜롬보 중앙직업훈련원 및 감파하 고등기술센터 건립사업 교육훈련 위탁용역, 대외경제협력기금, 2017.08.~2018.06.임충혁
◾ 산업융합연계향로봇창의인재양성, 산업통상자원부, 2017.03.01.~2017.12.31.임충혁
◾ 산업융합연계형로봇창의인재양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2014.06.~2019.02.임충혁
◾ 제어기 설계 및 해석기술, (주)에스피지, 2014.04.~2015.03.임충혁
◾ 2014년도 대학 산학협동교육 지원사업(I-ACE), (재)산학협동재단, 2014.03.~2015.02.임충혁
◾ 제어기 설계 전문 인력의 사내 양성, (주)에스피지, 2013.04.~2014.03.임충혁
◾ 2013년도 대학 산학협동교육 지원사업(I-ACE), (재)산학협동재단, 2013.03.~2014.02.임충혁
◾ 현장중심형 캡스톤디자인 프로그램, 기획처, 2012.05.~2013.02.임충혁
◾ 2012년도 대학 산학협동교육 지원사업(I-ACE), (재)산학협동재단, 2012.03.~2013.02.임충혁
◾ 로봇 액추에이터용 21bit급 회전각 센서 SoC 및 모듈 개발, 알에스오토메이션주식회사, 2011.06.~2012.05.임충혁
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