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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Electronic Engineering
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 9530001 Master's ThesisⅠ 3 Y
Major Required Courses 9530002 Master's Thesis Ⅱ 3
Major Electives 9530003 Speech and Audio Processing 3
Major Electives 9530005 Probability and Random Process 3
Major Electives 9530006 Seminar 3
Major Electives 9530008 VLSI Systems Design 3
Major Electives 9530012 Digital Circuit for Communication 3
Major Electives 9530015 Thin Film Transistor Engineering 3
Major Electives 9530016 Solid State Theory 3
Major Electives 9530017 System Modeling and Simulation 3
Major Electives 9530018 Signal Processing VLSI 3
Major Electives 9530021 Error Correction Codes 3
Major Electives 9530023 Wireless Communications 3
Major Electives 9530025 Power Electronics System 3
Major Electives 9530030 Computer Vision 3
Major Electives 9530031 Modern Control Engineering 3
Major Electives 9530032 Special topic in Network-on-Chip 3
Major Electives 9530033 Digital Communications 3
Major Electives 9530034 SoC Design Methodology 3
Major Electives 9530036 Resilient Processor Design 3
Major Electives 9530037 Multi-channel Digital Circuit) 3
Major Electives 9530038 Advanced Signal Processing VLSI 3
Major Electives 9530040 Advanced Computer Architecture 3
Major Electives 9530041 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3
Major Electives 9530042 Advanced DSP Architecture 3
Major Electives 9530043 Radio frequency circuit analysis and design 3
Major Electives 9530049 Green Energy Power Electronics 3
Major Required Courses 9530050 Research for the Doctor’s DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9530051 Research for the Doctor’s DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9530052 Special Topics on Digital Signal Processing 3
Major Electives 9530053 Special Topics on Speech Signal Processing 3
Major Electives 9530054 Special Topics on Machine Learning 3
Major Electives 9530055 Pattern Recognition 3
Major Electives 9530057 Special Topics in Computer Vision 3
Major Electives 9530058 Mixed-signal Circuit design 3
Major Electives 9530059 Advanced Operating System 3
Major Electives 9530060 Storage System 3
Major Electives 9530061 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Processor 3
Major Electives 9530062 Special Topics on Artificial Intelligence 3
Major Electives 9530063 Reinforcement Learning 3
Major Electives 9530064 Advanced Image Processing 3
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