Journal Papers
◾ Analysis of Flood Damage Mitigation Effects Based on the Presence of Rainwater Retaining Facility Through Flood Depth Distribution Analysis by Grid, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.24 No.6 pp.87~96, 2024전환돈
◾ Short-term Prediction of Urban Inundation based on Radar-predicted Rainfall through Real-time SWMM Parameter Calibration, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.23 No.5 pp.43~54, 2023전환돈
◾ Evaluation of Casualty Risk Index for Evacuating When Inundation Occurs on Excavation Construction Sites, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.23 No.1 pp.115~124, 2023전환돈
◾ A study on the simulation method for the flushing flowrate and velocity in the watermain using a hydrant and a drain valve, 한국수자원학회논문집, vol.55 pp.1251~1260, 2022전환돈
◾ Strategy to Enhance Emergency Interconnected Operation of Water Distribution System, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.14 No.10, 2022전환돈
◾ 비상시 수계전환에 따른 공급성능 개선방안, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.21 No.3 pp.115~123, 2021전환돈
◾ 비상시 수계전환에 따른 적정공급률 결정 방안, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.20 No.6 pp.159~166, 2020전환돈
◾ 플러싱 공법 적용을 위한 구역정의 및 적정유속 확보여부 모의 방안에 관한 연구, Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.20 No.5 pp.255~264, 2020전환돈
◾ Development of a Fuzzy-Function-Based Performance Indicator for Water Distribution System’s Emergency Condition, water, 2020전환돈
◾ Runoff Characteristics in Urban Drainage Systems Considering Secondary Consolidation Settlement, Journal of The Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.19 No.7 pp.393~399, 2019전환돈
◾ Development of Failure Cause-Impact-Duration (CID) Plots for Water Supply and Distribution System Management, WATER, vol.11 No.8, 2019전환돈
◾ A Framework for Improving Reliability of Water Distribution Systems Based on a Segment-Based Minimum Cut-Set Approach, WATER, vol.11 No.7, 2019전환돈
◾ A Study on Application of Very Short-range-forecast Rainfall for the Early Warning of Mud-debris Flows, Journal of Wetlands Research, vol.19 No.3 pp.366~374, 2017전환돈
◾ Estimation of Design Flood Discharge by Areal Ratio for Ungauged Basin, Journal of Wetlands Research, vol.19 No.3 pp.335~344, 2017전환돈
◾ A Study on the Drainage Maintenance Plan with Considering Rainfall Characteristics, Journal of Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.17 No.3 pp.297~304, 2017전환돈
◾ Restricted Water Supply Planning by Using Mixed Integer Programming Model, Journal of Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.17 No.3 pp.97~108, 2017전환돈
◾ Evaluation and Optimization of a Rain Gauge Network Considering the Altitudinal Distribution of Rain Gauges For the Han River Basin, Journal of Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.17 No.2 pp.287~299, 2017전환돈
◾ Logistic Regression Model Construction and Evaluation for Maintenance of Water Level Stations, Journal of Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.17 No.2 pp.389~396, 2017전환돈
◾ Determination of monitoring systems and installation location to prevent debris flow through web-based database and AHP, MARINE GEORESOURCES GEOTECHNOLOGY, vol.35 No.8 pp.1049~1057, 2017전환돈
◾ A Study on the Construction of Optimal Rain Gauge Network Using Estimation Error Analysis, Journal of korean society of hazard mitigation, vol.17 No.1 pp.301~311, 2017전환돈
◾ Evaluation of Rain Gauge Distribution Characteristics by Altitude using Optimization Technique, Journal of Welands Research, vol.19 No.1 pp.103~111, 2017전환돈
◾ Construction of Representative Stream Gauge Network using Ensemble Technique, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.16 No.5 pp.273~283, 2016전환돈
◾ Methodological Approaches to the Vulnerability Assessment for the Effect Quantification of Debris Flow Disaster Mitigation Facilities, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.16 No.3 pp.359~367, 2016전환돈
◾ Uncertainty quantification of pressure-driven analysis for water distribution network modeling, Water science and Technology: Water supply, vol.16 No.3 pp.599~610, 2016전환돈
◾ 미계측 지역에서의 토석류 유발강우의 산정을 위한 레이더 강우의 화룡에 대한 연구, Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment, vol.32 No.3 pp.310~317, 2016전환돈
◾ The Study of the Critical Depth and Critical Velocity of Casualties on Mud Flow, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.16 No.2 pp.399~405, 2016전환돈
◾ Hack’s Law and Topographical Properties Analysis of Small River Basin, Journal of Korean society of hazard mitigation, vol.16 No.2 pp.173~182, 2016전환돈
◾ Assessment of the impacts of global climate change and regional water projects on streamflow characteristics in the Geum River Basin in Korea, Water, vol.8 No.3 , 2016전환돈
◾ Seasonal Drought Damage Prediction Method Based On the Climate Forecasting Data in Geum River Basin, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.16 No.1 pp.83~92, 2016전환돈
◾ Optimization of Locations of Elevated Tanks for Stable Water Supply Networks, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.6 pp.19~26, 2015전환돈
◾ Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Pipe Rehabilitation and Replacement Strategies in Water Pipeline Systems, Jouranl of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.6 pp.301~310, 2015전환돈
◾ Future Trend Analysis of Hydrologic Time Series in Chungju Dam Basin Using Quantile Regression, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.3 pp.275~283, 2015전환돈
◾ 강우관측소의 공간분포가 면적평균강우량 산정에 미치는 영향 검토: 티센가중법을 중심으로, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.15 No.3 pp.297~306, 2015전환돈
◾ Analysis on Discharge Capacity Considering the Sedimentation in Storm Sewer Pipe Line, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.1 pp.345~353, 2015전환돈
◾ Rehabilitation Priority Determination of Water Pipes Based on Hydraulic Importance, Water, vol.6 No.12 pp.3864~3887, 2014전환돈
◾ 강우계의 공간분포에 따른 레이더 강우 보정에 대한 평가, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.6 pp.337~345, 2014전환돈
◾ Assessment of future water resources and water scarcity considering the factors of climate change and social-environmental change in Han River basin, Korea, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, vol.28 pp.1999~2014, 2014전환돈
◾ 강우관측소의 공간적 특성 및 설치고도를 반영한 강우관측망 평가, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.6 pp.347~356, 2014전환돈
◾ 기후변화와 수리구조물의 영향을 고려한 금강유역의 미래 수문순환특성 변화 분석, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.5 pp.299~309, 2014전환돈
◾ 상하류 유출특성을 고려한 수위관측망 평가, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.4 pp.309~319, 2014전환돈
◾ 다목적 최적화 기법을 이용한 수위관측망 평가, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.4 pp.143~153, 2014전환돈
◾ Evaluation of Raingauge Network using Area Average Rainfall Estimation and the Estimation Error, Journal of Wetland Research, vol.16 No.1 pp.103~112, 2014전환돈
◾ A Strategy on Optimizing a Stream Gauging Network to Mitigate the Flood Risk in a Disaster Risk Area, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.14 No.1 pp.303~310, 2014전환돈
◾ A Methodology for Rain Gauge Network Evaluation Considering the Altitude of Rain Gauge, Journal of Wetlands Research, vol.16 No.1 pp.113~124, 2014전환돈
◾ Inter-Event Time Definition Setting Procedure for Urban Drainage Systems, WATER, vol.6 pp.45~58, 2014전환돈
◾ A Methodology for Flood Forecasting and Warning Based on the Characteristic of Observed Water Levels Between Upstream and Downstream, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.13 No.6 pp.367~374, 2013전환돈
◾ An Exploratory Development of a Mathematical Programming Model for Planning of Restricted Water Supply, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.13 No.4 pp.131~136, 2013전환돈
◾ Evaluation of a Raingauge Network Considering the Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Entropy : A Case Study of Imha Dam Basin, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.13 No.2 pp.217~226, 2013전환돈
◾ Determination of the Optimal Location for Water Treatment Plants in the Decentralized Water Supply System, Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater, vol.27 No.1 pp.1~10, 2013전환돈
◾ Optimization of pressure gauge locations for water distribution systems using entropy theory, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, vol.184 No.12 pp.7309~7322, 2012전환돈
◾ An Evaluation of Inundation Risk of Urban Watershed Using Data Envelopment Analysis, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.12 No.4 pp.179~186, 2012전환돈
◾ Pipe Failure Simulations with Individual Pipe Failure Probability for Estimating the Reliability of Water Distribution Systems, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.12 No.4 pp.51~57, 2012전환돈
◾ An Investigation of the Relationship between Revenue Water Ratio and the Operating and Maintenance Cost of Water Supply Network, 한국물환경학회지, vol.28 No.2 pp.202~212, 2012전환돈
◾ Subsystem-based pressure dependent demand analysis in water distribution systems using effective supply, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.16 No.3 pp.457~464, 2012전환돈
◾ Determination of Optimal Pressure Monitoring Locations of Water Distribution Systems Using Entropy Theory and Genetic Algorithm, 상하수도학회지, vol.26 No.1 pp.1~12, 2012전환돈
◾ Fuzzy Techniques to Establish Improvement Priorities of Water Pipes, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.44 No.11 pp.903~913, 2011전환돈
◾ Record Breaking Occurrence Frequency of Air Temperature and Precipitation, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.5 pp.345~352, 2011전환돈
◾ An Optimal Sewer Layout Model to Reduce Urban Inundation, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.44 No.10 pp.777~786, 2011전환돈
◾ Development of a Long-term Rainfall Generation Method for Long-term Runoff Simulations Considering the Recent Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.4 pp.221~227, 2011전환돈
◾ Estimation of Urban Inundation Risk using Fuzzy C-Means, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.4 pp.229~235, 2011전환돈
◾ The Proportional Hazards Modeling of Water Main Failure Data Incorporating the Time-dependent Effects of Covariates, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, vol.25 No.1 pp.1~19, 2011전환돈
◾ Distributed modelling of urban runoff using a meta-channel concept, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.61 No.11 pp.2707~2715, 2010전환돈
◾ Estimating the Reliability of Water Distribution Systems Using HSPDA Model and Distance Measure Method, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.43 No.9 pp.769~780, 2010전환돈
◾ Suggestion of Weighted Utopian Approach for Combining Weighting Methods and Utopian Approach, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.10 No.4 pp.119~125, 2010전환돈
◾ Developement of a PDA model for water distribution systems using Harmony Search Algorithm, KSCE Journal of Civil Engieering, vol.14 No.4 pp.613~625, 2010전환돈
◾ The effect of climate change on Byeongseong stream's water quantity and quality, DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol.19 pp.105~112, 2010전환돈
◾ Nutrient impact on the Bocheung watershed by land application of the treated animal waste, DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, vol.19 pp.119~128, 2010전환돈
◾ Study of Rehabilitation Priority Order of Pipes for Water Distribution Systems using Utopian Approach, 상하수도학회지, vol.24 No.2 pp.183~193, 2010전환돈
◾ An Impact Assessment of Climate and Landuse Change on Water Resources in the Han River, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.43 No.3 pp.309~323, 2010전환돈
◾ The Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts on the Water Scarcity of the Han River Basin in South Korea Using High Resolution RCM Data, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.43 No.3 pp.295~308, 2010전환돈
◾ Estimation of the Reliability of Water Distribution Systems using HSPDA Model and ADF Index, 한국수자원학회 논문집, vol.43 No.2 pp.201~210, 2010전환돈
Conference Papers
◾ 김진혁, 이송이, 김종석, 전환돈, Analysis of Underpass Flooding Due to Localized Heavy Rainfall Using HEC-HMS, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024전환돈
◾ 김광현, 강종환, 주도현, 전환돈, A Methodology of Block System and Analyzing Water Level Data for Managing RDII in the Sanitary Sewer Pipes of a Separate Sewer System, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024전환돈
◾ 강종환, 김광현, 이우진, 전환돈, An Analysis of Roughness Coefficient Reflecting Functional Degradation in Sewer Pipes, KOREA WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, 제주도 신화월드, 2024전환돈
◾ 이송이, 왕정아, 김진혁, 전환돈 , The Real-Time Flood forecasting system development for Underground Excavation Construction Sites, KOREA WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, 제주도 신화월드, 2024전환돈
◾ 강종환,이우진,김광현,전환돈, An Analysis of Roughness Coefficient for Sewer Pipes Diameters Considering the Decrease in Flow Capacity of Sewer Pipes, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 제주도 신화월드, 2024전환돈
◾ 이송이,왕정아,김진혁,전환돈, Prediction of Real-time Inundation Risk Time for Underground Roadways Based on Nomograph, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 제주도 신화월드, 2024전환돈
◾ 이은환,박종표,김광현,전환돈, Methodology of Implementing Block System and Water Level Monitoring Framework for Efficient Management of RDII in Sanitary Sewer Networks, The Society of Korean Smart Water Grid, 인천 송도컨벤시아, 2023전환돈
◾ 이은환,김광현,강종환,전환돈, A Methodolgy of Designing Block System and Analysis of Water Level Monitoring Data for Sanitary Sewer System RDII Management, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2023전환돈
◾ 이우진,박종표,김광현,전환돈, Analysis of Changes in Roughness Coefficient for Each pipe Diameter Accprdomg tp the years of Use of Storm Sewer, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2023전환돈
◾ 왕정아,박종표,이송이,전환돈, Real-time Forecast Warning Method for the Risk of Flooding in Underground Space to Prevent Casualties, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2023전환돈
◾ 이우진,박종표,김광현,전환돈, Analysis of the Effectiveness of Runoff Reduction Facilities through the Analysis of Inundation Depth Distribution by Grid, KOREA WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, 강원 고성 소노펠리체 델피노, 2023전환돈
◾ 이은환,왕정아,이송이,전환돈, Study on Optimal Location of Water Quality Measurement Sensor Based on Travel Time, KOREA WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, 강원 고성 소노펠리체 델피노, 2023전환돈
◾ 이은환, 조영빈, 이송이, 전환돈, Scenario Based Simulation of Pressure Equalization in Water Distribution Systems, Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 2023전환돈
◾ 이은환, 이송이, 김아린, 전환돈, A Study on the Selection Method of Water Distribution System Risk pipe Using DEA Model, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 부산항국제전시컨벤션센터, 2022전환돈
◾ 이우진, 왕정아, 김광현, 전환돈, Methodology Study For Performance Evaluation of Stormwater Storage Facilities, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 부산항국제전시컨벤션센터, 2022전환돈
◾ 김아린, 전환돈, 최세중, 박성우, A Study on the Application of DEA for selection of Risk Pipe in the Water Distribution System, korean society of hazard mitigation, 연세대학교 제4공학관 D507, 2022전환돈
◾ 왕정아, 박종표, 이우진, 전환돈, Application Plan of Flooding Forecasting and Warning System by Site Type of Excavation Work, korean society of hazard mitigation, 연세대학교 제3공학관 로비, 2022전환돈
◾ 전환돈, 조영빈, 이은환, 김아린, Interconnection and Veriffication of the Urban Water Supply Systems Using CPS, korean society of hazard mitigation, 연세대학교 제3공학관 로비, 2022전환돈
◾ 조영빈, 이우진, 전환돈, A Study on Optimal Lacation of Pressure and Water Quality Sensor in Water Distribution System Using Utopian Approach, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2021전환돈
◾ 왕정아, 이은환, 전환돈, A Study on Deriving Strategies to Apply Flood Forewarning System for Excavation Sites, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 온라인 발표, 2021전환돈
◾ 조영빈, 김아린, 전환돈, A Study on Optimization of Monitoring Sensor Location Based on Interpretation of Sensor Network, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 온라인 발표, 2021전환돈
◾ 김아린, 조영빈, 왕정아, 이은환, 전환돈, A Study on a Method of Consturcting WDS Model Considering Hydrants, -, 온라인 발표, 2020전환돈
◾ 김아린, 조영빈, 왕정아, 이은환, 전환돈, A Study on a Method about Hydrulic Analysis of Flushing Considering Hydrants, -, 온라인 발표, 2020전환돈
◾ 김아린, 조영빈, 김수리, 왕정아, 전환돈, A Study on Operating Rules of the Emergency Interconnected Operation for Securing an Suppliable Time, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 온라인발표, 2020전환돈
◾ 김아린, 김수리, 이은환, 전환돈, A Study on the Improvements of the Water Supply Performance In Emergency Interconnected Operation, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 온라인 발표, 2020전환돈
◾ 김아린, 조영빈, 하정태, 김진혁, 전환돈, Defining Flushing Path and Priority for Flushing Operation, 2020 Korea water resources association Annual conference, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2020전환돈
◾ 김수리, 김아린, 전환돈, A Study on the Application of Effective Flushing in WDS, KSCE 2019 Convention Program Book, 평창 알펜시아, 2019전환돈
◾ 김수리, 김아린, 전환돈, An Application of A-PDA Model for Defining HIPs in case of the Emergency Interconnected Operation, 2019 SMART WATER GRID INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 송도 컨벤시아, 2019전환돈
◾ 박규진, 한진구, 전환돈, Establishment of Structural Measures Considering Regional characteristics : For the Boseong, Sacheon Area, 2019 한국방재학회 학술발표대회 초록집, 고려대학교, 2019전환돈
◾ 최소현, 왕정아, 전환돈, Detailed Flood Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Areas, 2019 한국방재학회 학술발표대회 초록집, 고려대학교, 2019전환돈
◾ 김수리,김아린,전환돈, A Study on the Damage Reduction of the Water Distribution System Failure based on Segment Analysis, 2019 한국방재학회 학술발표대회 초록집, 고려대학교, 2019전환돈
◾ 옥수연 진정한 박규진 전환돈, A Study on the Establishment of the Relation Between Water Shortage Time and Damage Magnitude for the Individual Cause in the Water Distribution System, KSCE 2017 Convention Program Book, 부산 BEXCO, 2017전환돈
◾ 최종원 옥수연 함대헌 이지호 전환돈, Discharge Analysis for considering Effect of Small River using XP-SWMM, KSCE 2017 Convention Program Book, 부산 BEXCO, 2017전환돈
◾ Soojun Kim, Hwandon Jun, Jiho Lee, Application of Radar Rainfall to Improve the Early-warning of a Mud-debris Flow, 2016 International Conference on Landslide and Debris flow disasters, KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea, 2016전환돈
◾ 이지호, 옥수연, 김수전, 전환, The Vulnerability Assessment for the Optimal Location of Mud Flow Disaster Mitigation Facilities, Korean Wetlands Congress, 인하대학교 60주년 기념, 2016전환돈
◾ 전환돈, 이지호, 박규진, 최소현, 김수전, A study on Use of Radar Rainfall for Rainfall-triggered Mud-Debris Flows, Korean Wetlands Congress 2016, 인하대학교 60주년 기념관, 2016전환돈
◾ 김종근, 이지호, 유도근, 전환돈, The Assessment and Optimization of a Raingauge network Considering the Vertical Distribution of Raingauges Based on the Hanriver Basin, Korean Wetlands Congress 2016, 인하대학교 60주년 기념과, 2016전환돈
◾ Yoo, Doguen / Kang, Doosun / Jun, Hwandon / Kim, Joonghoon, Prioritization of Water Pipe Rehabilitation Based on Pipe Failure Scenarios, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, Austin, Texas, USA, 2015전환돈
◾ Park, Yoonkyung / Jun, Hwandon / Kim, Sangdan, Socio-economic Vulnerability Assessment of Natural Disaster Considering Urban Characteristics in South Korea, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 2015전환돈
◾ Jiho Lee, Hwandon Jun, Hungsoo, Kim, Evaluation of Raingauge Network Considering Entropy Theory and Spatial Distribution, American Geophysical Union 2012, San Francisco, USA, 2012전환돈
◾ Jiho Lee, Hwandon Jun, Hongjun Joo, Hungsoo Kim, A Study on Determination of the Optimal Stream Gage Network under Consideration of the Hydrological Similarity and Importance of the Location, American Geophysical Union 2012, San Francisco, USA, 2012전환돈
◾ Do Guen Yoo, Sang Myoung Lee, Hwandon Jun, Joong Hoon Kim, A Practice in Optimal Cost Design of Water Distribution Networks, 14th Water Distribution Systems Anslysis, Adelaide, South Australia, 2012전환돈
◾ Do Guen Yoo, Hwan Don Jun and Joong Hoon Kim, Determination of Rehabilitation Priority Order of Subareas in Water Distribution Systems considering Relative Importance of Pipes, Water Distribution System Analysis 2010, Tucson, USA, 2010전환돈
◾ 상수도 관망 세그먼트 분할 방법 ?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014전환돈
◾ CPS 기반 도시 수자원 시스템 실시간 시뮬레이션 및 운영관리 의사결정 지원기술 개발, 한국환경산업기술원, 2019.06.~2022.12.전환돈
◾ 에일린의뜰 아파트 적수사고 원인조사 및 재발방지대책 수립 용역, 하남시친환경사업소, 2018.12.~2019.04.전환돈
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◾ 하남미사 상수 탁수사고 원인분석 및 재발방지대책 수립 용역, 한국토지주택공사, 2018.05.~2018.09.전환돈
◾ 강우관측망의 공간분포가 면적평균강우량 산정에 미치는 영향 검토, 산학협력단, 2017.08.~2018.07.전환돈
◾ 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 유량관측소의 관리등급 결정방안 제시, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2018.06.전환돈
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◾ 기후변화 적응을 위한 연안도시지역별 복합원인의 홍수 취약성 평가기술 개발 및 대응 방안 연구, 행정안전부, 2016.05.~2018.12.전환돈
◾ 도심지 토사재해 예방 및 복구를 위한 통합관리기술 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2015.02.~2016.06.전환돈
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◾ 2022년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2022년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2024전환돈
◾ 2020년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2020년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2021전환돈