In the current information-centric society, electronic and information engineering technology such as semiconductors, communications, circuit design, embedded systems, computer architecture and software, display, etc. is creating primary advancements of technology and potential opportunities as well as providing the basis for our information society. The electronic engineering department cultivates engineering experts who can lead the technology advancement and cope with a drastic transition of technology. For this purpose, practical and intensive courses are organized in various electronic and information engineering areas.
Education and Research Area
This program aims to educate and produce professional researchers with related theoretical and practical knowledge as well. This program offers an educational environment where students can develop theory as well as perform simulations and get practical training. It offers four majors:
Applications and Related Industrial Area
Electronic devices and information related products that have been widely used in our daily life are developed mainly using electronic engineering and information technology. Key fields of information industry in 21 century such as computer, semiconductor, wired & wireless communication, robotics, control, and vision are all based on electronic engineering technology It is also expected to drive and create business opportunity in bio-medical and social welfare industries such as silver care and medical devices for the disabled.
Feature of Program and Development Prospect
Faculty of the electronic engineering department have sufficient industry and research experiences in the focused education and research areas such as communication and microwaves, intelligent systems, computer and VLSI system design, semiconductor and integrated circuits. Students are mainly educated through problem solving projects to cultivate the practical capability based on theory. They are expected to lead technology advancements.