2006.03-2012.02 Yonsei University, Chemical Engineering, B.S.
2012.03-2014.02 Yonsei University, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, M.S.
2014.08-2019.05 The University of Texas at Austin, Chemical Engineering, Ph.D.
2008.02-2010.01 ROK Army
2019.05-2019.08 The University of Texas at Austin, Chemical Engineering, Research Engineering Scientist Associate
2019.09-2021.02 Princeton University, Electrical Engineering, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Areas
Spectroelectrochemistry, localized surface plasmon resonance, synthesis of inorganic/organic materials, structure-property relationship, processing development, optoelectronic and electrochemical devices
Selected Publications
-Organic Hole Transport Material Ionization Potential Dictates Diffusion Kinetics of Iodine Species in Halide Perovskite Devices, ACS Energy Letters, 2021, 6, 501–508.
-Influence of crystalline and shape anisotropy on electrochromic modulation in doped semiconductor nanocrystals, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5, 2662–2670.
-Enhanced coloration efficiency of electrochromic tungsten oxide nanorods by site selective occupation of sodium ions, Nano Letters, 2020, 20, 3, 2072–2079.
-Direct Electrochemical Deposition of Transparent Metal Oxide Thin Films from Polyoxometalates”, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 11, 4600–4608.
-Electrochromic Niobium Oxide Nanorods, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 1, 468-475.
-Spectrally tunable infrared plasmonic F,Sn:In2O3 nanocrystal cubes, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 014709.
-Competition Between Depletion Effects and LSPR Coupling in LSPR Modulation of Doped Metal Oxide Nanocrystal, Nano Letters, 2019, 19, 2012–2019.
-Solvothermal processing of plasmonic ITO nanocrystals followed by their ultrasonic spray deposition as near-infrared electrochromic thin films, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2019, 200, 110014.
-Wide Dynamic Range in Tunable Electrochromic Bragg Stacks from Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1904555.
-High Mobility in Nanocrystal-Based Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 3200-3208.
-Template-Free Mesoporous Electrochromic Films on Flexible Substrates from Tungsten Oxide Nanorods, Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5756-5761.
-Charge carrier concentration dependence of ultrafast plasmonic relaxation in conducting metal oxide nanocrystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 5757-5763.
-Disentangling Photochromism and Electrochromism by Blocking Hole Transfer at the Electrolyte Interface, Chemistry of Materials, 2016, 28, 7198-7202.
-Three-dimensional Conducting Polymer Films for Pt-free Counter Electrodes in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2014,137, 34-40.
-One-step Fabrication of Crack-free, Hierarchically-ordered TiO2 Films via Self-assembly of Polystyrene Bead and Preformed TiO2, Electrochimica Acta, 2014,117, 521-527.
-Bifunctional Moth-Eye Nanopatterned Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Light Harvesting and Self-Cleaning Effects, Advanced Energy Materials, 2014, 4, 1300632.
-Vertically Aligned Anatase TiO2 Nanotubes on Transparent Conducting Substrates Using Polycarbonate Membranes, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 13681-13684.
-Hybrid Electrolytes Prepared From Ionic Liquid-Grafted Alumina for High-Efficiency Quasi-solid-state Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Nanoscale, 2013,5, 5341-5348.
-Honeycomb-like Organized TiO2 Photoanodes with Dual Pores for Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23, 3901-3908.
-Micron-thick, Worm-like, Organized TiO2 Films Prepared Using Polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) Block Copolymer and Preformed TiO2 for Solid-state Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 105, 15-22.
-Preparation and characterization of proton conducting crosslinked P(VDF-co-CTFE)-MAA/SEMA membranes, Membrane Journal, 2013, 23, 290-296.
-Preparation of TiO2 Nanowires/Nanoparticles Composite Photoanodes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Rapid Communication in Photoscience, 2013, 2, 82-84.
-Professional Development Award, UT Austin, 2016
-George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, UT Austin, 2014-2015
-Excellent Paper Award, Yonsei University Graduate School, Fall 2013
-Best Poster Presentation Award, 2013 Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE) Spring Meeting
-Awarded the Highest Honors, Yonsei University, Fall 2011, Fall 2006
-Awarded Honors, Yonsei University, Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2006
Journal Papers
◾ 고분자 전해질 막의 성능 향상을 위한 나노입자 활용 연구 동향, Polymer(Korea), vol.48 No.6 pp.563~575, 2024허성연
◾ Assembly of ITO Nanocrystals into Nanotubes Using Polycarbonate Membranes for Dual-Band Electrochromic Modulation, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol.41 No.11 pp.3053~3058, 2024허성연
◾ Visible and near-infrared modulating tungsten suboxide nanorods electrochromic films in acidic aqueous electrolytes, Heliyon, vol.10 No.17 pp.e37094~e37094, 2024허성연
◾ 플라즈몬 금속 산화물 나노입자를 활용한 차세대 전기변색 소자 개발 동향, 전기전자재료학회논문지, vol.37 No.1 pp.1~10, 2024허성연
◾ Electrochemically n-Doped CsPbBr3 Nanocrystal Thin Films, ACS Energy Letters, vol.7 No.1 pp.211~216, 2022허성연
◾ Dynamics of Lithium Insertion in Electrochromic Titanium Dioxide Nanocrystal Ensembles, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.143 No.22 pp.8278~8294, 2021허성연
◾ Organic Hole Transport Material Ionization Potential Dictates Diffusion Kinetics of Iodine Species in Halide Perovskite Devices, ACS Energy Letters, vol.6 No.2 pp.501~508, 2021허성연
◾ Influence of Crystalline and Shape Anisotropy on Electrochromic Modulation in Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals, ACS Energy Letters, vol.5 No.8 pp.2662~2670, 2020허성연
◾ Direct Electrochemical Deposition of Transparent Metal Oxide Thin Films from Polyoxometalates, Chemistry of Materials, vol.32 No.11 pp.4600~4608, 2020허성연
◾ Enhanced Coloration Efficiency of Electrochromic Tungsten Oxide Nanorods by Site Selective Occupation of Sodium Ions, Nano Letters, vol.20 No.3 pp.2072~2079, 2020허성연
◾ Electrochromic niobium oxide nanorods, Chemistry of Materials, vol.32 No.1 pp.468~475, 2020허성연
◾ Spectrally tunable infrared plasmonic F,Sn:In2O3 nanocrystal cubes, The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol.152 No.1 pp.014709~, 2020허성연
◾ Wide dynamic range in tunable electrochromic Bragg stacks from doped semiconductor nanocrystals, Advanced Functional Materials, vol.29 No.37 pp.1904555~, 2019허성연
◾ Solvothermally-synthesized tin-doped indium oxide plasmonic nanocrystals spray-deposited onto glass as near-infrared electrochromic films, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol.200 pp.110014~, 2019허성연
◾ Competition between depletion effects and coupling in the plasmon modulation of doped metal oxide nanocrystals, Nano Letters, vol.19 No.3 pp.2012~2019, 2019허성연
◾ Template-free mesoporous electrochromic films on flexible substrates from tungsten oxide nanorods, Nano Letters, vol.17 No.9 pp.5756~5761, 2018허성연
◾ Charge carrier concentration dependence of ultrafast plasmonic relaxation in conducting metal oxide nanocrystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol.5 No.23 pp.5757~5763, 2018허성연
◾ High Mobility in Nanocrystal-Based Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films, ACS Nano, vol.12 No.4 pp.3200~3208, 2018허성연
◾ Disentangling photochromism and electrochromism by blocking hole transfer at the electrolyte interface, Chemistry of Materials, vol.28 No.20 pp.7198~7202, 2016허성연
◾ Three-dimensional Conducting Polymer Films for Pt-free Counter Electrodes in Quasi-solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells, Electrochimica Acta, vol.137 pp.34~40, 2014허성연
◾ Bifunctional moth‐eye nanopatterned dye‐sensitized solar cells: light‐harvesting and self‐cleaning effects, Advanced Energy Materials, vol.4 No.3 pp.1300632~, 2014허성연
◾ One-step Fabrication of Crack-free, Hierarchically-ordered TiO2 Films via Self-assembly of Polystyrene Bead and Preformed TiO2, Electrochimica Acta, vol.117 pp.521~527, 2014허성연
◾ Vertically aligned anatase TiO 2 nanotubes on transparent conducting substrates using polycarbonate membranes, RSC advances, vol.3 No.33 pp.13517~14140, 2013허성연
◾ Micron-thick, worm-like, organized TiO2 films prepared using polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinyl pyridine) block copolymer and preformed TiO2 for solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, vol.105 pp.15~22, 2013허성연
◾ Honeycomb‐Like Organized TiO2 Photoanodes with Dual Pores for Solid‐State Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, vol.23 No.31 pp.3901~3908, 2013허성연
◾ Hybrid electrolytes prepared from ionic liquid-grafted alumina for high-efficiency quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Nanoscale, vol.5 No.12 pp.5341~5348, 2013허성연
Conference Papers
◾ 허성연, 전기화학 분석법의 기초 이해, 수소및신에너지학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 부산 벡스코, 2024허성연
◾ 허성연, Influence of Anisotropic Property of Tungsten Oxide Nanocrystals on Electrochromic Modulation, 2024년 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024허성연
◾ 허성연, Next-generation Flexible Electrochromic Thin Films from Colloidal Tungsten Oxide Nanocrystals, 2024년 한국접착 및 계면학회 춘계학술대회 및 총회, 부산항 컨벤션센터, 2024허성연
◾ 허성연, 전기화학 분석법의 이해, 한국수소및신에너지학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 여수, 2023허성연
◾ 허성연, Effect of Organic Hole Transport Layer Energetics on Iodine Species Diffusion in Halide Perovskite Devices, 춘계학술대회 연구논문 초록집, 대전, 2023허성연
◾ 허성연, Enhanced electrochromic modulation from plasmonic tungsten oxide nanocrystals, 한국화학공학회 2022년도봄 총회 및 학술대회, 제주도, 2022허성연
◾ 허성연, Effect of crystalline and shape anisotropies on electrochromic modulation, 2022년도 한국전기화학회 춘계총회 및 학술발표회 프로그램, 제주도, 2022허성연
◾ 허성연, Enhanced electrochromic modulation strategy of plasmonic tungsten oxide nanocrystal thin films, 2021년 한국공업화학회 추계 총회 및 학술대회, 대구 엑스코, 2021허성연
◾ 허성연, Strategies to enhance electrochromic modulation in plasmonic tungsten oxide nanocrystals, 가을총회 및 국제 학술대회, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2021허성연
◾ Enhanced electrochromic modulation strategy of plasmonic tungsten oxide nanocrystal thin films, 제12회 미원상사신진과학자상 수상, The Korea Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2022허성연