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Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Hun-yong Shin
Thermodynamics Green Process
Journal Papers
◾ A Study on the Adequacy of Safety Distances through Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Assessment of Gas and Liquid Hydrogen Vehicle Charging Stations, TRANSACTIONS OF THE KOREAN HYDROGEN AND NEW ENERGY SOCIETY, vol.35 No.5 pp.601~616, 2024신헌용
◾ 상태방정식을 이용한 포화상태 수소의 열역학적 물성 모델링, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, vol.61 No.4 pp.550~554, 2023신헌용
◾ 이산화탄소 포집공정을 위한 Diethanolamine 수용액의 기-액 상평형, 대한환경공학회지, vol.45 No.2 pp.119~126, 2023신헌용
◾ Effect of Lewis acid-base complexes between CO2 and alkanols on phase behavior at high pressure, Journal of CO2 Utillization, vol.vol 52 pp.101680~, 2021신헌용
◾ Effect of Blending Ratio and Temperature on CO2 Solubility in Blended Aqueous Solution of Monoethanolamine and 2‑Amino-2-methyl-propanol: Experimental and Modeling Study Using the Electrolyte Nonrandom Two-Liquid Model, ACS OMEGA, vol.5권 pp.28738~28748, 2020신헌용
◾ Effect of Blending Ratio and Temperature on CO2 Solubility in Blended Aqueous Solution of Monoethanolamine and 2‑Amino-2- methyl-propanol: Experimental and Modeling Study Using the Electrolyte Nonrandom Two-Liquid Model, ACS OMEGA, vol.5 pp.28738~28748, 2020신헌용
◾ A Study on the Odorization Levels and Management in the Facility using Liquified Natural Gas(LNG), Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas, vol.23 No.6 pp.25~32, 2019신헌용
◾ Experimental and Modeling Study of Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for a Methyldiethanolamine-CO2-H2S-Water Quaternary System Using Activity Coefficient Models with Corrected Equilibrium Constants, ENERGY FUELS, vol.33 No.5 pp.4401~4411, 2019신헌용
◾ Measurement and Correlation of density and excess volume for Water+DIPA, DIPA+MDEA and Water+DIPA+MDEA systems, Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK), vol.57 No.2 pp.198~204, 2019신헌용
◾ Mesoporous tungsten oxynitride as electrocatalyst for promoting redox reactions of vanadium redox couple and performance of vanadium redox flow battery, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol.429 pp.187~195, 2018신헌용
◾ Densities and excess volumes of aqueous monoethanolamine and diisopropanolamine systems at atmospheric pressure from 303.15 K to 333.15 K, KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol.34 No.10 pp.2725~2730, 2017신헌용
◾ High-pressure phase behaviour of poly(D-lactic acid), trichloromethane, and carbon dioxide ternary mixture systems, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, vol.90 pp.216~223, 2015신헌용
◾ High-Pressure Phase Behavior of Poly(L-lactic acid), Trichloromethane, and Carbon Dioxide Ternary Mixture Systems, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, vol.60 No.7 pp.2172~2177, 2015신헌용
◾ High-Pressure Phase Behavior of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid), Dichloromethane, and Carbon Dioxide Ternary Mixture Systems, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, vol.60 No.7 pp.2146~2151, 2015신헌용
◾ High-pressure phase behavior of polycaprolactone, carbon dioxide, and dichloromethane ternary mixture systems, Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK), vol.53 No.2 pp.193~198, 2015신헌용
◾ Phase Behavior of Poly(D-lactic acid), Dichloromethane, and Carbon Dioxide Ternary Mixture Systems at High Pressure, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, vol.59 pp.2144~2149, 2014신헌용
◾ A Study on the Consequences of Underground High Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines, 한국가스학회지, vol.17 No.2 pp.44~49, 2013신헌용
◾ Phase Behavior of Sorbitan Monopalmitate Surfactant in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, 청정기술, vol.19 No.1 pp.8~12, 2013신헌용
◾ Phase behaviour of the ternary mixture system of poly(L-lactic acid), dichloromethane and carbon dioxide, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, vol.55 pp.37~41, 2012신헌용
◾ A Study on the Worst Stress Condition Test Evaluation of Blowers for Small Stationary Fuel Cell System, 한국가스학회지, vol.16 No.6 pp.34~40, 2012신헌용
◾ Production of Hydrogen by Thermochemical Transition of Lauan Sawdust in Steam Reforming Gasification, Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHAK), vol.50 No.5 pp.908~912, 2012신헌용
◾ Equation of State for the Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide-Polymer Systems, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, vol.49 No.16 pp.7678~7684, 2010신헌용
Conference Papers
◾ 서준교, 남원제, 신헌용, 액체수소용 직교류 인쇄기판형 열교환기의 동적 모델링, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 부산 벡스코, 2024신헌용
◾ 강은구, 김준영, 남원제, 신헌용, 액화수소 처리공정에서의 피스톤 펌프와 외접 기어 펌프의 수치 해석적 비교 연구, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 부산벡스코, 2024신헌용
◾ 서준교, 남원제, 신헌용, Simulation of vapor izer for liquid hydrogen, 한국가스학회 2024년도 봄 학술대회 논문집, 제주오리엔탈호텔, 2024신헌용
◾ 강은구, 김준영, 백세윤, 신헌용, 양방향 FSI를 활용한 액화수소 펌프의 적합성 판단에 대한 수치해석적 연구, 한국가스학회 2024년도 봄 학술대회 논문집, 제주오리엔탈호텔, 2024신헌용
◾ 강은구, 남원제, 이봉섭, 신헌용, Numerical analysis of piston pump and vaporizer in the cryogenic liquid hydrogen facilities., Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2023신헌용
◾ 노병관, 신헌용, 강은구, 이봉섭, Numerical analysis for stability of liquid hydrogen vaporizer, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 부산BEXCO, 2023신헌용
◾ 김도형, 박명주, 강동진, 최규성, 송태인, 노병관, 신헌용, 액화수소 설비에서 기체모델에 따른 배출 상태의 수치 해석적 연구, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 부산BEXCO, 2022신헌용
◾ 최규성, 신헌용, 송태인, 강동진, Static method에 의한 DES를 함유한 water + ethanol계의 기체-액체 평형, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 부산BEXCO, 2022신헌용
◾ 이봉섭, 박병흥, 신헌용, BTX Extraction using Deep Eutectic Solvents, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2022신헌용
◾ 김도형, 나서연, 박명주, 이병화, 신헌용 , 이봉섭, Vapor-liquid equilibrium of ethanol +ethyl acetate system with DES(deep eutectic solvents), Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2022신헌용
◾ 노병관, 강동재, 이봉섭, 신헌용, Vapor-liquid equilibrium for ethanol +hexane system with DES of Choline Chloride and Glycerol mixtures, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 김대중컨벤션센터, 2021신헌용
◾ 강주은, 강동재, 노병관, 이봉섭, 신헌용, Vapor-liquid equilibrium of ethanol + hexane system by deep eutectic solvents, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 부산벡스코, 2021신헌용
◾ 이봉섭, 신헌용, 박병흥, Modeling of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium for BTX extraction using COSMO-SAC model, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 부산벡스코, 2021신헌용
◾ 강중규, 공진배, 장예슬, 이예린, 김지수, 신헌용, Measurement and correlation of thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide + aqueous DEA solution, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 부산벡스코, 2021신헌용
◾ 김승모, 최봉근, 문종호,이종섭, 신헌용, 민병무, Experimental Study and Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of Three Blended Amine (MEA, DIPA and AMP) Using Electrolyte-NRTL Model, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 온라인발표, 2020신헌용
◾ 최봉근, 김승모, 문종호,이종섭,신헌용, 민병무, Experimental Study and Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Solution of DIPA and MDEA Blended Amine Using Electrolyte-UNIQUAC Model, The Korean Instittute of Chemical Engineers, 온라인발표, 2020신헌용
◾ 김예람, 황준하, 신헌용, HSGC 방법을 이용한 water+DEEA, DEEA+TEA 계의 기-액 평형 측정 및 상관, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 온라인발표, 2020신헌용
◾ 김훈태, 윤이지, 신헌용, 문종호, CO2(1) + diethanolamine (2) + water (3) 혼합물의 밀도 측정 및 상관, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 온라인발표, 2020신헌용
◾ 남상곤, 류정렬, 안지원, 신헌용, Static method에 의한 water + 2-(diethylamino)ethanol 이성분계의 기체-액체 평형, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 온라인발표, 2020신헌용
◾ 김진호, 신헌용, Measurement and Correlation of vapor liquid equilibrium for water + DEA and water + TEA systems by HSGC method, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ 최봉근, 이종섭, 신헌용, 민병무, 문종호, Modeling of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Solutions of MEA and AMP mixtures Using Activity Coefficients, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ 문종호, 이종섭, 최봉근, 박영철, 전동혁, 신헌용, 성현제, 민병무, Experimental and Modeling Study of CO2 Solubility in Aqueous Blended Amine Solutions for Estimating Regeneration Energy of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Process, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ 김진호, 신헌용, Measurement and correlation of density for water + TEA, DEA + TEA binary systems, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ 김진호, 신헌용, Densities and Excess volumes of Water+Diethanolamine(DEA) binary mixture at 303.15 to 333.15 K, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주 컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ 김진호, 신헌용, Measurement and Correlation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Water+Diethanolamine(DEA) system, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주컨벤션센터, 2019신헌용
◾ Jaeseok Na, Byoeng-Moo Min, Young Cheol Park, Jong-Seop Lee, Hun Yong Shin, DENSITIES AND EXCESS VOLUMES OF AQEOUS N-METHYLDIETHANOLAMINE AND 2-AMINO-2-METHYL-1-PROPANOL SYSTEMS, The 11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, 부산, 2017신헌용
◾ Sung-Rae Kim, Byoung-Moo Min, Jong-Ho Moon, Jong-Seop Lee, Hun Yong Shin, VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIUM OF WATER + DIISOPROPYLAMINE AND WATER + N-METHYLDIETHANOLAMINE SYSTEMS BY STATIC METHOD, The 11th International Conference on Separation Science and Technology, 부산, 2017신헌용
◾ 나재석, 신헌용, 민병무, 박영철, 이종섭, Measurement and correlation of density and viscosity for aqueous monoethanolamine and N-methyldiethanolamine mixtures, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2017신헌용
◾ 김성래, 신헌용, 민병무, 문종호, 이종섭, Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of monoethaolamine + water, N-Methyldiethanolamine + water s ystem by static method, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2017신헌용
◾ 나재석, 신헌용, 민병무, Measurement and correlation of excess volumes and viscosity for aqueous monoethanolamine and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol mixtures, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주, 2017신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 김성래, 신헌용, 민병무, Vapor-Liquid-Equilibira of Bis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine + water system by HSGC method, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 제주, 2017신헌용
◾ 나재석, 민병무, 문종호, 이종섭, 신헌용, Measurement and correlation of isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium for water + diisopropanola, 2017년 한국열물성학회 학술대회초록집, 대전 한국기초과학지원연구원, 2017신헌용
◾ 문종호, 이종섭, 박영철, 민병무, 신헌용, Blended amine의 CO2 흡수 특성 모델링, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 대전컨벤션센터, 2016신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 신헌용, 나재석, 민병무, Densities and excess volumes of MEA + water, DIPA + water, MEA+DIPA system, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 대전컨벤션센터, 2016신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 신헌용, 김보희, 민병무, Binary isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria of Ethanolamine+water, 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol+water and Ethanolamine+2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 대전컨벤션센터, 2016신헌용
◾ Jihye Kim, Hun Yong Shin, Byoung-Moo Min, monoethanolamine, diethanolamine 그리고 methyl diethanolamine 수용액의 밀도와 과잉부피, The 8th nternational Conference on Separation Science and Technology, 중국, 텐진, 2016신헌용
◾ 이원미, 정주영, 팜티투 히엔, 신헌용, 이진우, 권용재, Use of III and V group element co-doped mesocellular carbon foams as efficient catalyst for vanadium redox flow battery, The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 부산BEXCO, 2016신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 김보희, 신헌용, Water + alkanolamine계의 기-액 상평형에 관한 연구, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 부산 BEXCO, 2016신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 나재석, 전승윤, 신헌용, Monoethanolamine, methyl diethanolamine 흡수제 수용액과 삼성분계의 과잉부피측정 및 상관, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 부산 BEXCO, 2016신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 윤상준, 이병관, 신헌용†, 박장호, 한규형, The effect on supercritical Water Gasification of Low-Rank Coal with Katalco 46-5Q and Ruthenium catalyst, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of 2015 KIChE Fall Meeting, 일산킨텍스제1전시장, 2015신헌용
◾ 김지혜, 신헌용†, 송정은, 이광순, 이오겸, Water + 아민계흡수제의 기-액 평형에 관한 연구, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of 2015 KIChE Fall Meeting, 일산킨텍스제1전시장, 2015신헌용
◾ 조종태, 유승준†, 김성래, 김형섭, 장민호, 유재원, 이세일, 김지혜, 신헌용, 윤호성, 김철주, 이진영, 정, 염산수용액내에서 황동광으로부터 구리침출 반응속도론적 연구, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of 2015 KIChE Spring Meeting, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2015신헌용
◾ Jaehoon Baek, Hun Yong Shin, Phase behaviors of supercritical carbon dioxide including dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium salt and waters, ICSST14, 일본, 나라, 2014신헌용
◾ 이병관, 윤상준, 신헌용, 고수분의 ECO탄 초임계수 가스화 특성, Theories and Applicaiton of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2014신헌용
◾ 권정민, 김학민, 신헌용, 김수현, 김화용, Phase behavior of the ternary mixture system of biodegradable polymer, dichloromethane and carbon dioxide, Theories and Applicaiton of Chemical Engineering, 대전컨벤션센터, 2014신헌용
◾ Hun Yong Shin, Kwang Soon Lee, Densityh and Excess Volumes of Aqueous Mixtures of 2-(isopropylamino)ethanol and 1-methylimidazole, ECTP2014 (20th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties), 포르투대학, 2014신헌용
◾ 신헌용, Measurement and correlation of Thermdynamics properties of multicomponent alkanolamine absorbent mixtures, Theories and Application of Chemical Engineering, 창원컨벤션센터, 2014신헌용
◾ 권정민, 김병헌, 김수현, 신헌용, 김화, High-Pressure Phase behavior of Polycaprolactone + Dichloromethane + Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Ternary Mixture System, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 창원컨벤션센터, 2014신헌용
◾ 김강수, 이덕권, 이정운, 김은정, 유근준, 조영도, 신헌용, 건물용 연료전지시스템의 동작특성이 블로워 성능에 미치는 영향 분석, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 대구EXCO, 2013신헌용
◾ Hun Yong Shin, Byoung-Moo Min, Jong-Seop Lee and Jin Hee Jeon, Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Methyldiethanolamine and Sulfolane Solutions, The 10th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Jeju, 2013신헌용
◾ Hun Yong Shin, Jeong Won Kang, Measurement and Correlation for Density of aqueous IPAP and IPADP Solutions, The 10th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2013신헌용
◾ Hun Yong Shin, Minjeong Yu, Kwang Soon Lee, Measurement and Correlation for Density of Aqueous 2-(Butylamino)ethanol and 1-Isopropylamino-p-2-o1solutions, Proceeding of the 7th International conference on separation Science and Technology, Sichuan University, China, 2013신헌용
◾ 최혜성, 유민정, 신헌용, Measurement and correlation of thermodynamic properties of water + 2-butylaminoethanol system, Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng., 김대중컨벤션센터, 2013신헌용
◾ 김수진, 신헌용, Measurement and Correlation of Volumetric Propeties of Alkanolamine Absorbent Mixtures, 2013년 한국청정기술학회 춘계학술발표회 초록집, 여수, 2013신헌용
◾ 오경환, 김은진, 신헌용, Phase behavior of sorbitan monopalmitate, water and carbon dioxide mixture, 한국화학공학회 2012년 가을 학술대회 및 창립50주년 기념행사, 부산 BEXCO, 2012신헌용
◾ 신중혁, 이병관, 신헌용, MDEA+sulfolane 흡수제혼합물의 과잉부피측정, 한국화학공학회 2012년 가을 학술대회 및 창립 50주년 기념행사, 부산BEXCO, 2012신헌용
◾ Hun Yong Shin; Hak-Young Shin, Measurement and Correlation of Phase Behaviors of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Including Pentadecafluorooctanoic Acid Surfactant and Water, 18th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Colorado USA, 2012신헌용
◾ 권정민, 김화용, 김병헌, 신헌용, 김수현, High-Presssure Phase Behavior of Poly(L-lactiv acid)+Carbon Dioxide+Dichloromethane Ternary Mixture System, 한국화학공학회 2012년 봄 총회 및 학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2012신헌용
◾ 신헌용, 김은진, 민병무, 산성기체화학적흡수제혼합물의과잉부피 측정 및 상관에 관한연구, 한국화학공학회 2012년도 봄 총회 및 학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2012신헌용
◾ 이소연, 민병무, 신헌용, Measurement and Correlaiton of excess volume for aqueous carbon dioxide absorbents, 2012년한국열물성학회학술대회초록집, 오션스위츠 제주호텔, 2012신헌용
◾ Soyeon Lee, Jiun Kim, Excess volumes of aqueous mixture of monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA) and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), ICSST11 program & Abstracts, Jeju Grand Hotel, 2011신헌용
◾ Hak Young Shin, Mihe Yoo, Jihe Seok, Phase behaviors of micro-emulsion for supercritical carbon dioxide including pentadecafluorooctanoic acid surfactant and water, ICSST11 Program & Abstracts, Jeju Grand Hotel, 2011신헌용
◾ 이소연, 김지은, 민병무, alkanolamine 흡수제 혼합물 수용액의 과잉부피, Abstracts Presented at the 44th KSIEC meeting, 경원대학교, 2011신헌용
◾ 신학영, 유미혜, 석지예, 초임계 이산화탄소에서 pentadecafluorooctanoic acid 계면활성제의 상거동에 관한 연구, Abstracts Presented at the 44th KSIEC meeting, 경원대학, 2011신헌용
◾ 이소연, 김지은, 민병무, Measurement and correlation of excess volumes of alkanolamines, Abstracts Presented at the 43rd KSIEC Meeting, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2011신헌용
◾ 김일두, 조보연, Phase behavior of carbon dioxide + water + triton X-100 ternary system, Abstracts Presented at the 42nd KSIEC Meeting, 대전컨벤션센터, 2010신헌용
◾ 신헌용, Basic prociples and calcuation in chemical engineering, 역서, 978-981-3350-96-0, siplus, 2024신헌용
◾ 지은이: J. Richard E, Introductory chemical engineering thermodynamics, 역서, 978-89-98338-59-6, CHAOS BOOK, 2014신헌용
◾ 화학공정 생산기술, 안전 관련 자문, (주)삼양사, 2018.01.~2018.03.신헌용
◾ CO2 흡수제 수용액의 열역학적 물성, 한국연구재단, 2016.06.~2017.05.신헌용
◾ 활동도 계수가 고려된 혼합 흡수제의 이산화탄소 포집공정 설계툴 개발, 한국에너지기술평가원, 2015.12.~2018.09.신헌용
◾ 초임계 이산화탄소에서 AOT계면활성제의 상거동에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.10.~2015.09.신헌용
◾ 액화천연가스(LNG) 사용시설내의 부취농도 분포 및 관리방법에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.12.신헌용
◾ 이산화탄소+물+2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoro-1-propanol 혼합물의 상거동(phase behavior of CO2+H2O+2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoro-1-propanol mixture), 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.신헌용
◾ 고압 매몰 천연가스 배관 누출사고 해석에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.신헌용
◾ 초임계 이산화탄소에서 소르비탄 모노팔미테이트 계면활성제의 상거동에 관한연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.03.신헌용
◾ 수증기개질 가스화반응을 이용한 나왕톱밥으로부터 수소제조특성, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.신헌용
◾ 친환경 소재제품 분야 전문인력 양성을 위한 산학융합형 교육시스템 구축 (5차년도), 한국환경산업기술원, 2010.08.~2011.07.신헌용
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