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Department of Creative Writing
Dohoon Bok
Literary Criticism
Journal Papers
◾ From Apocalypse to Extinction: Korean Science Fiction and Extinction Discourse in the 2020s, International Journal of Diaspora & Cultural Criticism(IDCC), 2023복도훈
◾ 한국 좀비 아포칼립스 서사의 시체정치: 자본, 국가, 인민의 재현 방식을 중심으로, Literature and Film, vol.23 No.1 pp.83~112, 2022복도훈
◾ Odradek’s Rustling Laughter: Criticism of the End of the World, Korean Literary Creative Writing, vol.20 No.2 pp.75~97, 2021복도훈
◾ 감염과 변이—H. P. 러브크래프트의 소설과 『Project LC. RC』에 대하여, Journal of Popular Narrative, vol.27 No.2 pp.13~44, 2021복도훈
◾ 변증법적 유토피아 서사의 교훈 - 어슐러 K. 르귄의 『빼앗긴 자들』(1975)을 중심으로, The Korean Journal of Arts Studies, 2020복도훈
◾ 인류세의 (한국)문학 서설, Korean Literary Creative Writing, vol.19 No.3 pp.13~34, 2020복도훈
◾ 1990년대 묵시록 서사와 밀레니엄의 상상― 박상우의 『블랙리포트』와 백민석의 『러셔』를 중심으로, Literary Criticism, No.77 pp.151~176, 2020복도훈
Conference Papers
◾ 복도훈, Is a world without humans possible?, The intersection of contemporary thought and art, 서울대학교 인문대학 14동 B101호, 2024복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Schreber's apocalypse, (Possible) Relationships and (Possible) Questions in Psychoanalysis and Literature, 건국대학교 상허연구관 109호, 2024복도훈
◾ 복도훈, From Apocalypse to Extinction: Recent Korean Fiction and the Discourse of Extinction, Post-apocalyptic period, post-global imagination, 온라인, 2023복도훈
◾ 복도훈, The Imagination of Korean Fiction and Extinction, An Narrative Response to Disaster and the Aspects of Disaster Discourse, 조선대학교 본관 4145호, 2022복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Recent Korean Novels and the Imagination of Climate Change, Literature and Art, 충북대학교 인문대학, 2022복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Literacy of Anthropocene, The Direction and Prospects of Globalization of K-Literacy, 온라인(줌), 2022복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Horror Life Appearance: Read Pyeon Hye-young’s Aoi Garden Again, Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal, 서울 중구 프레지던트 호텔, 19층 브람스홀(오프라인 참석), 2021복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Anthropocene and Hyperobject Epic aesthetics: Focusing on Jo Ha-hyung's , Post-Corona era, the future of Korean language & literature research, 온라인(줌), 2021복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Infection and Mutation: On the H. P. Lovecraft's fiction and “Project LC. About RC”, Historical Imagination and Pop Culture of Infection, 온라인(줌), 2021복도훈
◾ 복도훈, (Korean) literature to the Anthropocene: Introduction and Method, Literary creative writing and education in the Covid-19 period, 삼경교육센터3층, 2020복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Post-Pendemic (Korean) Literature, Thinking of the 21st Century East Asian Culture after the Pandemics, 단국대학교 죽전캠퍼스 상경관 209호, 2020복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Anthropocene and literature, The past, present, and future of the industrial revolution, 화상회의, 2020복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Transhumanism, Gnisticism, Body, Body Technology and Human Science, 경희대학교, 2019복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Utopia, Literacy, Community, Community and Literacy, 연세대학교, 2019복도훈
◾ 복도훈, How new, How new, 창비 세교연구소, 2019복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Two futures, two undoings, Migration, forced migration, and re-migration, 공주대학교, 2019복도훈
◾ 1, 'How' to Read SF?, disagreement, the way criticism exists, 고려대학교, 2019복도훈
◾ 복도훈, SF read by keyword, 저서, 979-11-92986-18-0, Book publisher b, 2024복도훈
◾ 복도훈, Criticism of humour, 저서, 979-11-92986-17-3, Book publisher b, 2024복도훈
◾ 이성민,이승준,윤인로,복도훈,조영일,히로세 요이치,다카이 오사무 씀, possible humanities, 편서, 9791197224232, Vigo, 2022복도훈
◾ 지은이: 김태희,김기흥,박혜영,박명준,한광택,백욱인,노대원,황임경,복도훈,김양선,이윤종, Pandemic Mobility Technology, 저서, 9791187430520, aelphi, 2022복도훈
◾ 김소미,김형식,복도훈,서동은,송경원,송형국,신형철,심정명,이지현,임경규,임수연,조현나,조형래 지음, Disaster and Cinema, 저서, 9791162445624, Youkrack, 2022복도훈
◾ 지은이: 권희철,강동호,김영임,백지은,복도훈,오연경,정주아,차미령,최진석, The 20th Annual Young Review Award-winning Workbook of 2019, 저서, 9791162445402, Youkrack, 2020복도훈
◾ SF, 공동체, 유토피아, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.복도훈
◾ 한국 좀비 아포칼립스 서사의 '정치적 무의식' 연구: 자본, 국가, 인민의 재현 양상, 한국연구재단, 2019.05.~2020.04.복도훈
◾ 과학소설 창작연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.복도훈
◾ Hybrid, 'Middlebrow Fiction', Daesan Culture, 2024복도훈
◾ "We're not here, I'm not here", New Radical Review, 2023복도훈
◾ Park Hwa Sung Fiction Prize Review, Literature and Society, 2023복도훈
◾ SF of bricoleur making a weird invention, Crossroads, 2023복도훈
◾ Kant of the Underworld, Silcheon Munhak, 2022복도훈
◾ a pang of criticism that sets the agonistic field, The Quarterly Changbi, 2022복도훈
◾ a speculative journey to explore this planet of dust, New Radical Review, 2022복도훈
◾ The Bug of the Future, gyoyu books, 2022복도훈
◾ K-zombies today are, inmun360, 2022복도훈
◾ Human, All to human?, CROSSROADS, 2022복도훈
◾ Three books to accompany a weirdly coloured vacation, publishing culture, 2022복도훈
◾ 프로메테우스 인류세 서사, CROSSROADS, 2022복도훈
◾ After me, the flood, CROSSROADS, 2021복도훈
◾ Let's dance together toward where the sun goes at night, Leeungno Museum, 2021복도훈
◾ Monster Warning, New Radical Review, 2021복도훈
◾ Extinction or The world without us, The Literary Notebook, 2021복도훈
◾ Dithering and Great Derangement, Criticism of Anthropocene, K-Culture and Convergence Journal, 2021복도훈
◾ Lovecraft in Cyclonopedia, Todays of Literature, 2021복도훈
◾ Instead of a dark prophecy, imagine connection, Humaniites Journal Chang, 2021복도훈
◾ Living in the Anthropocene, Todays of Literature, 2021복도훈
◾ The World Without Us: A Speculative Fable, Crossroads Webzine, 2021복도훈
◾ a familiar and unfamiliar wall, The Quarterly Chanbi, 2020복도훈
◾ A Slave Zombie under the spell of Colony, Allegory of Global Capitalism, Pressian, 2020복도훈
◾ Horror Korea, 2020, Literature & Thought, 2020복도훈
◾ a tentacle longer than the terror of the night, Jaeum&Moeum, 2020복도훈
◾ Lovecraft subversiving Lovecraft, Crossroad, 2020복도훈
◾ We, the Protector of Ephemera, Hyundae Munhak, 2020복도훈
◾ The Planetary Poetics, Lyric Poetics, 2020복도훈
◾ SF, Imagination of Restoration and Inheritance, Writing-in the name of literature, 2020복도훈
◾ A weird and eerie SF aesthetics, Crossroad, 2020복도훈
◾ Finding SF and New Reality, The Quarterly Changbi, 2019복도훈
◾ Two Futures, Two Undoing-Korea's SF, Posthuman and Gender, A writer's field, 2019복도훈
◾ A Dream of Eternal Life, Literature & Medicine, 2019복도훈
◾ Eeriness iof 'Future without Future', Crossroad, 2019복도훈
◾ 'How' to Read SF, Contemporary Criticism, 2019복도훈
◾ Zombie Affect, A Planning Meeting, 2019복도훈
◾ The Emergence of the Posthuman in Korean Fiction, Guest of Honour of Goteborg Book Fair 2019(Korean Publisher Association), 2019복도훈
◾ Return the borrowed kettle: The Psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan and the Literature Criticism of Korea, Literary Community, 2019복도훈
◾ A story of labor and love that glitters in the light of a carbide, munjang webzine, 2019복도훈
◾ A transit platform of time-travel, Moonji Publishing Co.,Ltd, 2019복도훈
◾ Transhuman Sceneries, Writing-in the name of literature, 2019복도훈
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