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Department of Fine Chemistry
Hyun Woo Cho
Physical Chemistry/Polymer Physics/Computational Chemistry
2011 B.S. Department of Chemistry, Sogang University
2016 Ph.D. Department of Chemistry, Sogang University
Sep. 2016 - Mar. 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry, Sogang University
Research Institute for Basic Science of Sogang University

Mar. 2017 - Mar. 2018 Visiting Scholar
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Theoretical Chemistry Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Apr. 2018 - Feb. 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin

Mar. 2021- Present Assistant Professor, SeoulTech
Research Areas
◾ Glass transition
- Dynamic heterogeneity of glassy polymers and colloids
- Franz-Parisi (FP) potential energy landscape of a single polymer
- Random first order transition (RFOT) theory for the structural glass transition

◾ Thermal and electrical properties of polymer nanocomposites
- Electric conductivity of polymer nanocomposites
- Electric properties of deformable electronics
- Dynamics of nanoparticles in polymer melts

◾ Percolation theory
- Critical dynamic behavior of tracers in porous media
- Transport properties of percolating clusters in confined geometry
Journal Papers
◾ “Random First Order Transition Theory for Glassy Dynamics in a Single Condensed Polymer”, H. W. Cho, G. Shi, T. R. Kirkpatrick and D. Thirumalai* Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 137801 (2021).
◾ “Tracer Diffusion in Tightly-Meshed Homogeneous Polymer Networks: A Brownian Dynamics Simulation Study”, H. W. Cho†, H. Kim†, B. J. Sung* and J. S. Kim* Polymers 12, 2067 (2020). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Fragile-to-Strong Crossover, Growing Length Scales, and Dynamic Heterogeneity in Wigner Glasses”, H. W. Cho, M. L. Mugnai, T. R. Kirkpatrick and D. Thirumalai* Phys. Rev. E 101, 032605 (2020).
◾ “The Breakdown of the Local Thermal Equilibrium Approximation for a Polymer Chain during Packaging”, S. Kwon†, S. Lee†, H. W. Cho, J. Kim, J. S. Kim*, and B. J. Sung* J. Chem. Phys. 150, 204901 (2019). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Non-universality of the Dynamic Exponent in Two-Dimensional Random Media”, H. W. Cho, A. Yethiraj and B. J. Sung* Sci. Rep. 9, 251 (2019).
◾ “Fractional Viscosity Dependence of Reaction Kinetics in Glass-Forming Liquids”, S. Kwon, H. W. Cho, J. Kim and B. J. Sung* Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 087801 (2017).
◾ “The Spatial Arrangement of a Single Nanoparticle in a Thin Polymer Film and Its Effect on the Nanoparticle Diffusion”, H. Im†, Y. Oh†, H. W. Cho, J. Kim, K. Paeng and B. J. Sung* Soft Matter 13, 5897 (2017). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “The Glass Transition and Interfacial Dynamics of a Single Strand Fiber of Polymers”, H. W. Cho and B. J. Sung* Soft Matter 13, 1190 (2017).
◾ “Network Structure of Carbon Nanotubes in Elastic Microfibers and its Effect on the Electrical Conductance: Experiment and Simulation”, H. W. Cho†, S. Kim†, J. Kim, J. Park and B. J. Sung* J. Chem. Phys. 144, 194903 (2016). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Effects of Shape and Flexibility of Conductive Fillers on Percolating Network Formation and Elec- trical Conductivity”, S. K. Kwon, H. W. Cho, G. Kwon, H. Kim*, and B. J. Sung*, Phys. Rev. E 93,032501,(2016). -Selected as part of the kaleidoscope
◾ “Translational and Rotational Diffusion of a Single Nanorod in Unentangled Polymer Melts”, M. J. Kim†, H. W. Cho†, J. Kim, H. Kim, and B. J. Sung*, Phys. Rev. E 92, 042601, (2015). - Selected as part of the kaleidoscope (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Non-Gaussian Rotational Diffusion in Heterogeneous Media”, H. Jeon, H. W. Cho, J. Kim and B. J. Sung*, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042105, (2014)
◾ “Effects of Size and Interparticle Interaction of Silica Nanoparticles on Dispersion and Electrical Conductivity of Silver/Epoxy Nanocomposites”, H. W. Cho†, S. Nam†, S. Lim, D. Kim, H. Kim* and B. J. Sung*, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 154307, (2014). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Monte Carlo Simulation Studies on the Effect of Entropic Attraction on the Electric Conductivity in Polymer Nano-Composites”, H. W. Cho, S. Nam, G. Kwon, H. Kim and B. J. Sung*, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 14, 5103, (2014).
◾ “Enhancement of Electrical and Thermomechanical Properties of Silver Nanowire Composites by the Introduction of Non-Conducive Nanoparticles: Experiment and Simulation”, S. Nam†, H. W. Cho†, S. Lim, D. Kim, H. Kim* and B. J. Sung*, ACS Nano 7, 851, (2013). (†These authors contributed equally.)
◾ “Effect of Polydispersity on Diffusion in Random Obstacle Matrices”, H. W. Cho, G. Kwon, B. J. Sung* and A. Yethiraj Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 155901, (2012).
◾ “Structure and Dynamics of Dilute Two-Dimensional Ring Polymer Solutions”, Y. Oh, H. W. Cho, J. Kim, C. H. Park and B. J. Sung* Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 33, 975, (2012).
◾ “Effects of Silica Particles on the Electrical Percolation Threshold and Thermomechanical Property of Epoxy/silver Nanocomposites”, S, Nam, H. W. Cho, T. Kim, D. Kim, B. J. Sung, S. Kim* and H. Kim* Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 043104, (2011).
◾ Universal Scaling Behaviors of Interfacial Thickness in Polymer Globules, Macromolecules, 2024조현우
◾ Transcription-induced active forces suppress chromatin motion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol.121 No.12, 2024조현우
◾ Molecular mechanisms of steric pressure generation and membrane remodeling by disordered proteins, Biophysical Journal, vol.121 No.18 pp.3320~3333, 2022조현우
◾ Molecular mechanisms of steric pressure generation and membrane remodeling by disordered proteins, Biophysical Journal, vol.121 No.18 pp.3320~3333, 2022조현우
◾ Tracer Diffusion in Tightly-Meshed Homogeneous Polymer Networks: A Brownian Dynamics Simulation Study, Polymers, vol.12 No.9, 2020조현우
◾ Fragile-to-strong crossover, growing length scales, and dynamic heterogeneity in Wigner glasses, Physical Review E, vol.101 No.3, 2020조현우
◾ Non-universality of the dynamic exponent in two-dimensional random media, Scientific Reports, vol.9, 2019조현우
◾ Fractional Viscosity Dependence of Reaction Kinetics in Glass-Forming Liquids, Physical Review Letters, vol.119 No.8 pp.087801~, 2017조현우
◾ Fractional Viscosity Dependence of Reaction Kinetics in Glass-Forming Liquids, Physical Review Letters, vol.119 No.8 pp.087801~, 2017조현우
Conference Papers
◾ 박주형, 조현우 , Universal Behavior of Dynamic Heterogeneity in Glassy Polymer Melts, 2023년 추계학술대회 연구논문 초록집, 제주 ICC, 2023조현우
◾ Hyun Woo Cho , The overwhelming contributions of structures to the dynamic heterogeneity of glassy liquids, The overwhelming contributions of structures to the dynamic heterogeneity of glassy liquids, 이화여대 과학관 , 2023조현우
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