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Department of Industrial Design
Choi, Woong
Journal Papers
◾ Design Considerations for Variable Washbasin Considering wheelchair Users in Public Disabled Toilets, Archives of design research, vol.36/1 No.1 pp.123~135, 2023최웅
◾ 알고리즘 기반 설계를 활용한 유기적 형태 디자인 프로세스 연구, Journal of basic design & art, vol.23 No.3 pp.193~208, 2022최웅
◾ Proposal of 3D Printing and AI Technology-Based Product Design Process, Journal of Industrial Design Studies, vol.16 No.1 pp.49~62, 2022최웅
◾ Universal Design Guidelines for Improvement of Toilet Hygiene Products in Public Rental Housing, Archives of Design Research, vol.34 No.4 pp.103~118, 2021최웅
Conference Papers
◾ 김정준, 최웅, A study on the service robot design for self service car washing, 2024 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 카이스트 대전 본교 캠퍼스, 2024최웅
◾ 우선주, 최웅, Analysis of the research method system of Auteurism design paper in Korea, 2024 한국디자인학회 봄 국제학술대회 논문집, 연세대학교 신촌캠퍼스 삼성관, 2024최웅
◾ 박인석, 최웅, Research on design for urine sample collection kit for contactless bio monitoring, 2024 한국디자인학회 봄 국제학술대회 논문집, 연세대학교 신촌캠퍼스 삼성관, 2024최웅
◾ 김가윤, 최웅, Design study for an industrial high resolution DLP 3D printer, 2023 한국디자인학회 디자인융복합학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 홍익대학교 세종캠퍼스 세종관, 2023최웅
◾ 신주영, 최웅, Self sustaining biophilic design considering environmental conditions of autonomous vehicles, 2022 KSDS Fall Conference Proceedings, 고려대학교, 2022최웅
◾ 장유나, 최웅, Research on the components and grid systems of the unmanned payment kiosk interface, 2022 한국디자인학회 봄 국제학술대회 논문집, 숙명여자대학교, 2022최웅
◾ 최지혜, 최웅, A Proposal for Improvement of Kiosk Design Based on a Survey of Z Generation Kiosk Experience, 2022 한국디자인학회 봄 국제학술대회 논문집, 숙명여자대학교, 2022최웅
◾ 박세현, 최웅, 김상규, A Study of Establishing Infrastructure for the Personal Mobility Devices, 2021 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 동대문디자인플라자, 2021최웅
◾ 정나은, 최정민, 최웅, A study on the Design of Posture Correction Tools for Increasing Laptop Users due to Prolongation of Telecommuting, 2021 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 동대문디자인플라자, 2021최웅
◾ 길정연, 최웅, A study on automatic dog leash for safe use in unexpected situations, 2021 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 동대문디자인플라자, 2021최웅
◾ 남영후, 최웅, Forming of natural patterns to algorithmic modeling with generative design, 2020 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2020최웅
◾ 송민영, 이선경, 최웅, A study on the furniture design of cafe in post-corona era, 2020 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2020최웅
◾ 우선주, 최웅, A study on the design cases and guidelines for the improvement of ostomate toilet, 2020 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 서울대학교, 2020최웅
◾ 홍효림, 최웅, A study on the Design of Bus Stop for Reduction of Fine Dust Outdoor, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019최웅
◾ 우선주, 고영준, 최웅, A study on a guiding cane operated with tactile signal for blind people, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019최웅
◾ 정영경, 홍효림, 최웅, A proposal of shared pet consignment place for the loneliness care of the elderly, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019최웅
◾ 박소연, 민여홍, 최웅, A proposal of an infographic APP for subway congestion in Seoul using big data, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019최웅
◾ 이가영, 최웅, A study on the user travel experience record service design through the five senses, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 국제학술대회 논문집, 일산 킨텍스, 2019최웅
◾ 최웅, Multi-dimensional Analysis Framework for Design Concept Representation Activity, 2019 KSDS Spring International Conference Proceedings, 서울여자대학교, 2019최웅
◾ "패러매트릭 쉐이프" 등 국제전 출품 작품 창작에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.최웅
◾ 2019 Fall DSUS, 지도교수상, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
◾ Industrial 3D printer concept design with layered shapes, 2024 KSDS Tangshan International Invitational Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2024최웅
◾ Industrial DLP 3D Printer Design Concept with Touch Screen, 2024 한국기초조형학회 캘리포니아 국제초대작품전, 한국기초조형학회, 2024최웅
◾ Tilted Shape Industrial 3D Printer Design, 2024 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2024최웅
◾ Universal Shower, Winner in HOME (Household Products)/Bathroom: Taps and Shower Heads, EUROPEAN PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD 2023, 2024최웅
◾ Swing Washbasin, Top Design Winner in HOME (Household Products)/Bathroom: Fittings/Appliances, EUROPEAN PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD 2023, 2024최웅
◾ Smart Faucet, Silver in Industrial & Life science design / Inclusive & Equaty social products, IDA DESIGN AWARD 2023, 2024최웅
◾ Add-on Shower, Gold in Home / Bathroom Fittings / Appliances, IDA DESIGN AWARD 2023, 2024최웅
◾ Industrial 3d printer design with rolling open door, 2023 KSBDA Fall International Invitational Exhibition, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2023최웅
◾ Parametric shapes with gravity algorithm, 2023 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2023최웅
◾ Add-on Shower, 2023 KSDS Tangshan International Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2023최웅
◾ Living Room Table with Algorithmic Design, 2023 KSBDA Spring International Invitational Exhibition, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2023최웅
◾ Algorithm-driven shapes with 3D metaball, 2023 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2023최웅
◾ Tea Table with Algorithm-driven Design, 2022 KSDS Fall International Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2022최웅
◾ Sequence_Algorithmic Design, 2022 KSBDA Fall international exhibition, 한국기초조형학회, 2022최웅
◾ Algorithm Driven Design_Voronoi Chair, 2022 KSDS Tangshan International, 한국디자인학회, 2022최웅
◾ Algorithm Driven Design_Voronoi Sphere, 2022 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2022최웅
◾ Lounge Chair with Algorithmic Hexagonal Patterns, Asia Network Beyond Design 2021 Phuket, ANBD, 2021최웅
◾ Pendant Lamp with Algorithmic Hexagonal Patterns, Asia Network Beyond Design 2021 Seoul, ANBD, 2021최웅
◾ Coffee Table with Algorithmic Hexagonal Patterns, Asia Network Beyond Design 2021 Shanghai, ANBD, 2021최웅
◾ Desk with Algorithmic Hexagonal Patterns, Asia Network Beyond Design 2021 Tainan, ANBD, 2021최웅
◾ Universal Washbasin with Shower Module, 2021 KSDS Fall International Invitational Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2021최웅
◾ Net Pattern Table, 2021 한국기초조형학회 추계 국제초대작품전, 한국기초조형학회, 2021최웅
◾ The Bubble Mesh Lighting, 2021 KSDS Tangshan International Invitation Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2021최웅
◾ Table and Stools with Algorithmic Rhombus Patterns, 2021 한국기초조형학회 태국 국제특별전, 한국기초조형학회, 2021최웅
◾ Algorithmic Tessellation Wall 1, 2021 한국기초조형학회 서울 국제특별전, 한국기초조형학회, 2021최웅
◾ Stool with Algorithmic Pattern, 2021 한국기초조형학회 춘계 국제초대작품전, 한국기초조형학회, 2021최웅
◾ Storage Jar with Algorithmic Pattern, 2021 KSDS Spring International Invitation Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2021최웅
◾ 3D Printed Lighting_Spire, Seoultech College of Art&Design Faculty Exhibition, Seoultech Museum of Art, 2021최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design_Interactive Wall, 2021 KSBDA Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute International Special Exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2021최웅
◾ Algorithmic Shapes_Voronoi Lamp, 2020 Asia Network Beyond Design Bangkok, Asia Network Beyond Design, 2020최웅
◾ 3D Printed Lighting_Mitosis, MEET AGAIN, Seoultech Museum of Art, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design_Fluid Contour, 2020 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Shapes_Morphogenesis Lamp, 2020 Asia Network Beyond Design Shanghai, Asia Network Beyond Design, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Shapes_Tessellation Pavilion, 2020 Asia Network Beyond Design Seoul Exhibition, Asia Network Beyond Design, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Shapes_Street Furniture, 2020 Asia Network Beyond Design Taipei, Asia Network Beyond Design, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design_Framed Structure, 2020 한국기초조형학회 인사아트센터 국제특별전, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic shapes_Twisted Triangles, 2020 KSBDA Beijing International Exhibition (The Best Award), Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2020최웅
◾ Generative Shapes_Icosahedron, 2020 한국디자인학회 봄 국제초대전, Korean Society of Design Science, 2020최웅
◾ Generative Shapes_Triangle, 2020 한국기초조형학회 춘계 국제초대작품전, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2020최웅
◾ Generative Shapes_3D Tessellation, 2020 예술과 삶, 국제 특별전, Korean Society of Basic Design & Art, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design_Octahedron, 2020 KSBDA Longbeach international invitational exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2020최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design_Icosahedron, 2020 KSBDA Monash international invitational exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2020최웅
◾ 지도교수상, 2019 한국디자인학회 가을 대학생 디자인 학술발표대회, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design: Wireframe Pantone chair, KSDS 2019 Spring International Exhibition Special Prize, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
◾ Generative Shapes by proliferation, KSDS 2019 Fall International Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
◾ Parametric Diamond Grid Faces, Seoultech College of Art & Design Faculty Exhibition, 서울과학기술대학교 조형대학, 2019최웅
◾ Broken Generative Shapes, 2019 KSBDA Fall International Exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2019최웅
◾ Parametric Shapes 3, 2019 KSBDA Moscow International Exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2019최웅
◾ Parametric Shapes 2, 2019 KSBDA Purdue University International Exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2019최웅
◾ Wireless Electric Hand Drill Concept Design, KSDS 2018 Fall International Exhibition Special Prize, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
◾ Parametric Shapes 1, 2019 KSBDA Spring International Exhibition, Korean Society of Basic Design and Art, 2019최웅
◾ Algorithmic Design: Wireframe Pantone chair, 2019 KSDS Spring International Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019최웅
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