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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Joohan Kim
Laser Engineering, Renewable Energy
Journal Papers
◾ Study of Bacterial Culture on Zirconia and Alumina Surfaces Through Laser Surface Treatment, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2024김주한
◾ Study on processing carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites by lasers of different wavelengths, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, 2024김주한
◾ Characterization of Heat Affected Zone Generation in Laser Processing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2024김주한
◾ Enhancing Bond Strength Between Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic and Aluminum Alloys Through Laser Surface Treatment, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2024김주한
◾ Effects of Temperature on Optical Aberrations in Beam Delivery Components, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol.25 No.3 pp.527~538, 2023김주한
◾ Effect of Bubble on Processing Efficiency According to Pulse Laser Repetition Rate Laser Processing in Liquid, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, 2023김주한
◾ A Study on the Generation of Negative Tapered Holes in Laser Process of the Metal Material, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, vol.9, 2023김주한
◾ Effect on Bacterial Culture on Ceramic Surfaces Deposited Using a Laser, J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng, vol.40 No.4 pp.269~274, 2023김주한
◾ A Study on the Improvement of Bonding Strength of Heterojunctions by Applying Laser Surface Treatment to Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics, J. Korean Soc. Precis. Eng.,, vol.39 No.9 pp.683~689, 2022김주한
◾ Analysis of Changes in Spectral Signal According to Gas Flow Rate in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Applied sciences, vol.11 No.19, 2021김주한
◾ 마그네슘 합금 표면의 지르코니아 분말 레이저 소결과정에서 조사 패턴이 접합계면 품질에 미치는 영향, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, vol.20 No.2 pp.51~57, 2021김주한
◾ Effect of Pd Ions on the Generation of Ag and Au Heterogeneous Nanoparticles Using Laser Ablation in Liquid, Applied Sciences, vol.11 No.1394, 2021김주한
Conference Papers
◾ 김지훈, 우성철, 김주한, 광학시스템에서 대류 조건이 수차에 미치는 영향 연구, 한국기계가공학회 추계, 제주, 2024김주한
◾ 우성철, 김지훈, 김주한, 레이저 가공 원통 표면에서의 열전달 특성 연구, 한국기계가공학회 추계, 제주, 2024김주한
◾ 왕환*, 우성철, 김지훈, 김주한, CFRTP 가공에서 IR 및 UV 레이저의 적용 연구, 한국생산제조학회 춘계학술대회, 강릉, 2024김주한
◾ 우성철*, 김지훈, 왕환, 이현석, 김주한, 레이저 펄스에 적용한 디지털 신호의 보간에 관한 연구, 한국생산제조학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 강릉, 2024김주한
◾ 김지훈*, 우성철, 왕환, 김주한, 레이저 가공에서 탄소 섬유 강화 플라스틱의 광학 물성에 대한 열전달 해석 연구, 한국생산제조학회 춘계학술대회, 강릉, 2024김주한
◾ Ji Hun Kim1, Seong Cheol Woo1, Huan Wang1, Joohan Kim1, Study of dispersion of laser beams due to convection using aberration analysis for laser processes, International Conference on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM2024), Busan, 2024김주한
◾ Huan Wang1, Ji Hun Kim1, Seong Cheol Woo1, Joohan Kim1, Study on the influence of the wavelength of the laser beam on laser drilling of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing, Busan, 2024김주한
◾ Sangwoo Yoon, Joohan KIM, Cell Cultivation control of surface patternining using laser induced backward transfer, SLPC2024, Japan, 2024김주한
◾ Ji Hun Kim1, Seong Cheol Woo1, Joohan Kim1, The effect of convection conditions on aberration in the beam delivery system, SLPC2024, Japan, 2024김주한
◾ 김지훈, 박찬식 , 김주한, The effects of temperature conditions on aberration in a mirror holder, KSMPE conf proc. 2023, 제주, 2023김주한
◾ 우성철, 김지훈, 김주한, A study for the optimization and modeling about precision operation system of laser scanning system, KSMPE conf. Proc. 2023, 제주, 2023김주한
◾ 김지훈, 우성철 ,김주한, Thermal effects of wafer processing according to high-power laser conditions, 2023 Proc. KSMTE, 강릉, 2023김주한
◾ 왕환, 김지훈,우성철, 정성균, 김주한, A study on analysis for shear stress strength of CFRTP using laser surface treatment, KSMTE Conf. Proc., 강릉, 2023김주한
◾ 김지훈, 김주한, The effects of temperatrue conditions on aberration in the beam delivery system, LPM2023, Japan, 2023김주한
◾ 윤상우, 이우람. 김주한, Effect of Bubble Cavitation on Processing Quality Using Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid, KSPE 2023 spring, 제주, 2023김주한
◾ 윤상우, 김주한, A study on the surface processing of the 3D cell culture base of ceramic materials using laser sintering, 2023 KSMTE Spring, 부산, 2023김주한
◾ 왕환, 우성철, 정성균, 김주한, Laser Surface Treatment for Bonding Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermal Polymers and Aluminum Alloy, KSMPE conf. 2022, 제주, 2022김주한
◾ 우성철, 김주한, A Study on the Characteristic for the Thermal Rffect and Generation of ablation Hole by the Pulse Laser Beam, KSMPE Fall 2022, 제주, 2022김주한
◾ 윤상우, 김주한, A study on S. aureus culture according to surface characteristics in ceramic microstructure using LIBT deposition process, KSMPE 2022 Fall conf, 제주, 2022김주한
◾ 윤상우, 김주한, Effect of bubble cavitation on processing quality using pulsed laser ablation in liquid, KSMPE 2022 Fall, 제주, 2022김주한
◾ 윤상우, 김주한, Laser Induced Backward Transfer using Ceramic Materials for Bacteria Cell Culture Deposition, KSMPE Spring Conf. 2022, 여수, 2022김주한
◾ 왕환, 우성철, 정성균, 김주한, Effect of laser surface treatment on adhesive joints of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and alumium alloy, KSMPE conf. proceedings, 여수, 2022김주한
◾ 윤상우, 김주한, Method of Measuring Fluid Flow in Chamber using LIBS, KSMPE conference 2022 spring, 여수, 2022김주한
◾ 우성철, 왕환, 정성균, #김주한, A study on simulation of heat-transfer of thermoplastic CFRP using a laser process, Proceedings KSMPE, 여수, 2022김주한
◾ 우성철, 왕환, 홍민철, 정성균, 김주한, A study on verification of heat-affected zone of thermoplastic CRFP using a laser process, KSMPE Fall conf 21, 제주, 2021김주한
◾ 우성철, 김주한, A study on the generation of negative tapered holes in laser process, KSMPE 21 Spring Conf., 부산, 2021김주한
◾ 고출력 빔을 이용한 열영향층이 최소화(?20μm)된 자유 형상(최소지름3mm)의 WLCSP(Wafer Level Chip Scale Package) 고정밀(±5μm) 가공 장비 개발, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2020.12.~2023.11.김주한
◾ 광 전달 시스템에서 온도조건이 광학 수자에 미치는 영향, 추계학술대회 우수논문상, KSMPE, 2023김주한
◾ 펄스레이저를 이용한 수중가공에서 펄스반복률에 다른 버블효과, 학술지 우수논문상, KSMPE, 2023김주한
◾ CFRP Effect for laser ablation, Best Presentation, KSMTE, 2021김주한
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