Ph.D in Physics, KAIST, Korea ( 1993.03~1998.02)
M.S in Physics, KAIST, Korea ( 1991.03~1993.02)
B.S in Physics, Seoul National University, Korea ( 1987.03~1991.02)
2014.10~ Present: Associate Professor, Department of Optometry, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
2010.09~ 2014.09 Assistant Professor, Department of Optometry, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
1998.03 ~ 2010.08 Chief Research Engineer , LG Display, Korea
Research Areas
- Stereoscopy, Stereoscopic display
- Virtual reality
- Human factors related to Vision and Display
- Vision science
- Optics
Selected Publications
Hyungki Hong,"Effect of 3D depth on the resolution and the observed image for autostereoscopic multi view 3D display" Journal of SID, vol 26 n7 p401-406 (2018)
Jaehyung Lee, Wonjae Yeo, Hyungki Hong, "Visual evaluation of 3D image quality by viewer unexperienced in viewing autostereoscopic 3D", Journal of SID,v26 no1 p21-26 (2018)
Hyungki Hong "Influence of depth and 3D crosstalk on blur in multi-view 3D displays (Cover page)"Journal of SID, vol.25, no.7 p450-457 (2017)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of the dependence of the viewing zones on the display radius in autostereoscopic 2 view displays of horizontally concave surface " Journal of Display Technology , no.8 p808-814 (2016)
Hyungki Hong "Polarization rotator consisting of two layers of twisted nematic LC which shows little dependence on the initial polarization direction and the wavelength" Liquid Crystals, vol.43,no.8, p1038-1046(2016)
Hyungki Hong "Hidden image display which reguired the special eyeglass for the viewer to observe the hidden image" Journal of SID, vol.23, no.2, p.84 (2015)
Seok Hyon Kang,Hyungki Hong "Measurement of the lens accommodation in viewing stereoscopic displays" Journal of SID, Journal of SID, vol.23, no.1, p.19 (2015)
Hyungoo Kang,Hyungki Hong "Measurement of Minimum angle of resolution (MAR) for the spatial grating consisting of lines of two colors", DISPLAYS,vol.38 p44-49 (2015)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of the reflected image by the cylindrical concave surface of the mobile display" Journal of SID,vol.22, no.3 p163(2014)
Hyungki Hong "Design of autostereoscopic 2 view 3D that uses the spherical concave surface and the parallax barrier" Journal of SID, vol.22, no.3 p144 (2014)
Soo-Kyung Shin, Myung-jin Jun, Hyungki Hong "Measurement of Minimum Angle of Resolution (MAR) in the Stereoscopic Display using the Optotype of Stereoscopic Stimuli" Journal of SID,vol.22,p123 (2014)
Hyungoo Kang, Hyungki Hong "Experimental determination of the range of binocular disparity for which stereoscopic fusion occurs at a viewing distance of 2.5m for a stereoscopic TV" Journal of SID, vol.21,p317 (2013)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of focal length of blue-phase liquid crystal(BPLC) cylindrical lens for the light of the various incident angles and polarization". Liquid Crystals, vol.40, p450 (2013)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of the performance of the electric-field driven liquid crystal lens (ELC Lens) for light of various incident angles" Liquid Crystals, vol.39,p1055 (2012)
Hyungki Hong "Reduction of Spatially Non-uniform 3D Crosstalk for Stereoscopic display using shutter glasses" DISPLAYS,vol.33, p136 (2012)
Hyungki Hong "Change of the observed binocular disparity of the moving 3D object in 3D technology
based on the time-division" DISPLAYS,vol.33, p98 (2012)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of the rotation of the polarization direction in the cylindrical LC lens where the direction of the incident linear polarization is not parallel to the axis of cylindrical lens". Liquid Crystals, vol.39, p157 (2012)
Hyungki Hong "Simple method of characterizing the spatial luminance distribution at the user
position for autostereoscopic 3-D display" Journal of SID, vol.20,p118 (2012)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of Generation of Multi-domain in Vertical alignment (VA) Mode caused by the Fringe Field on the side of the lower substrate" Liquid Crystals, vol.38, p1007 (2011)
Hyungki Hong "Analysis of polarisation change in an electric field-driven liquid crystal lens of cylindrical type where LC are aligned twisted" Liquid Crystals, vol.38, p689 (2011)
Hyungki Hong et al "Angular dependence of 3D performance of 3D LCD TV using Shutter Glass" Journal of SID, vol.19,p287 (2011)
Hyungki Hong et al "Motion artifact of 3D LCD TV using Shutter Glass(SG) " Journal of SID, vol.19 p282 (2011)
Hyungki Hong "Temporal Characteristics of Optical Shutter of Vertical Alignment Liquid Crystal Cell designed for the Obliquely Incident Light" Liquid Crystals, v38,p87 (2011)
Journal Papers
◾ Investigation of the effect of the alignment of the eye and the virtual image of virtual reality on fatigue in viewing VR device, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, 2024홍형기
◾ Fast estimation of three-dimensional spatial light intensity distribution at the user position of an autostereoscopic 3D display by combining the data of two-dimensional spatial light intensity distributions, Current Optics and Photonics, vol.8 No.3 pp.307~312, 2024홍형기
◾ Effect of the line scanning driving of active-matrix display on the measurement of display temporal characteristics, Effect of the line scanning driving of active-matrix display on the measurement of display temporal characteristics, vol.31 No.9 pp.559~567, 2023홍형기
◾ 근거리와 원거리에서 콘솔게임을 이용했을 때 피로도와 시기능 변화에 관한 연구, 한국안광학회지, vol.28 No.3 pp.225~233, 2023홍형기
◾ Study on Changes in Fatigue and Immersion between Glasses and Contact Lens Wearers when Using Virtual Reality Games, 한국안광학회지, vol.27 No.4 pp.287~296, 2022홍형기
◾ Effects on Ocular Dryness and Optical Quality when Watching Movies Using a Virtual Reality Device, 한국안광학회지, vol.27 No.4 pp.297~304, 2022홍형기
◾ A method to measure the uniformity of the virtual image distance in an augmented reality or virtual reality device, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.30 No.4 pp.335~343, 2022홍형기
◾ Effect of and Factors for Screen Size on Fatigue and Cybersickness When Watching Virtual Reality Videos, 한국안광학회지, vol.26 No.4 pp.299~305, 2021홍형기
◾ Effective selection of the optimal virtual reality (VR) lens interval of VR devices using the test patterns of the different shapes for the left and right eyes, journal of SID, vol.29 No.10 pp.793~800, 2021홍형기
◾ A measurement method of the focal distance of the virtual image in an augmented reality or virtual reality device, journal of Society for Information Display, vol.29 No.4 pp.230~236, 2021홍형기
◾ Novel method for the fast measurement of the three-dimensional range of the eyebox of a VR device, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.28 No.9 pp.752~758, 2020홍형기
◾ Fast Measurement of Eyebox and Field of View (FOV) of Virtual and Augmented Reality Devices Using the Ray Trajectories Extending from Positions on Virtual Image, CURRENT OPTICS AND PHOTONICS, vol.4 No.4 pp.336~344, 2020홍형기
◾ Eye Deviation and Fusional Vergence Measurement Using VR(Virtual Reality) Device of Google Cardboard Type, 한국안광학회지, vol.25 No.2 pp.155~161, 2020홍형기
◾ The Wear and Care of Corrective and Cosmetic Soft Contact Lenses in Female Middle School, High School, and University Students, 한국안광학회지, vol.25 No.2 pp.131~143, 2020홍형기
◾ Effect of outside view on attentiveness in using see-through type augmented reality device, DISPLAYS, vol.57 pp.1~6, 2019홍형기
◾ Effect of 3D depth on the resolution and the observed image for autostereoscopic multi view 3D display, Journal of the society for information display, vol.26 No.7 pp.401~406, 2018
홍형기◾ Visual evaluation of 3D image quality by viewer unexperienced in viewing autostereoscopic 3D, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.26 No.1 pp.21~26, 2018
홍형기◾ 구글 카드보드 타입 가상현실기기(VR)에서 애플리케이션 특성이시기능 및 피로도에 미치는 영향, 한국안광학회지, vol.22 No.3 pp.221~228, 2017
홍형기◾ Influence of depth and 3D crosstalk on blur in multi-view 3D displays, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.25 No.7 pp.450~457, 2017
홍형기◾ 2D 및 3D 근거리 영상 시청 전, 후의 피로도 및시기능 변화에 대한 연구, 한국안광학회지, vol.22 No.2 pp.119~126, 2017
홍형기◾ Analysis of the dependence of the viewing zones on the display radius in autostereoscopic 2 view displays of horizontally concave surface, JOURNAL OF DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY, vol.12 No.8 pp.808~814, 2016
홍형기◾ 2D 및 3D 영상 시청 전, 후의 피로도 및 시기능 변화에 대한 연구, 대한시과학회지, vol.18 No.2 pp.121~133, 2016
홍형기◾ Comparison of Stereoscopic Fusional Area between People with Good and Poor Stereo Acuity, Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society, vol.21 No.1 pp.61~68, 2016
홍형기◾ Polarisation rotator consisting of two layers of twisted nematic LC, which shows little dependence on the initial polarisation direction and the wavelength, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.43 No.8 pp.1038~1046, 2016
홍형기◾ Measurement of the lens accommodation in viewing stereoscopic displays, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.23 No.1 pp.19~26, 2015
홍형기◾ Hidden image display which required the special eyeglass for the viewer to observe the hidden image, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.23 No.2 pp.84~89, 2015
홍형기◾ Measurement of minimum angle of resolution (MAR) for the spatial grating consisting of lines of two colors, DISPLAYS, vol.38 pp.44~49, 2015
홍형기◾ 양안융합의 분리 시간에 따른 사위량 비교에 관한 연구, J.Korean Ophtalmic Opt.Soc, vol.19 No.3 pp.331~338, 2014
홍형기◾ 자동 굴절력계의 굴절력값과 포롭터를 이용한처방값의 차이에 관한 연구, J.Korean Ophtalmic Opt.Soc, vol.19 No.2 pp.231~238, 2014
홍형기◾ Design of autostereoscopic two-view 3D that uses the spherical concave surface and the parallax barrier, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.22 No.3 pp.144~152, 2014
홍형기◾ Analysis of the reflected image by the cylindrical concave surface of the mobile display, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.22 No.3 pp.163~169, 2014
홍형기◾ Measurement of Minimum Angle of Resolution (MAR) in the Stereoscopic Display using the Optotype of Stereoscopic Stimuli, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.22 No.2 pp.122~128, 2014
홍형기◾ A Comparative Study on Quantity of Phoria between New Phoria Measurement with 3D Display and Existing Methods, 한국안광학회지, vol.18 No.3 pp.313~320, 2013
홍형기◾ A Study on the Process that Materializes the Stereoscopic Image Observed through a Slitlamp on 3D TV, 대한시과학회지, vol.15 No.3 pp.227~234, 2013
홍형기◾ Experimental determination of the range of binocular disparity for which stereoscopic fusion occurs at a viewing distance of 2.5 m for a stereoscopic TV, Journal of SID, vol.21 pp.317~323, 2013
홍형기◾ Analysis of focal length of blue-phase liquid crystal (BPLC) cylindrical lens for the light of the various incident angles and polarisations, Liquid crystals, vol.40 No.4 pp.450~457, 2013
홍형기◾ Analysis of the performance of the electric-field-driven liquid crystal lens (ELC Lens) for light of various incident angles, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.39 No.9 pp.1055~1061, 2012
홍형기◾ Reduction of spatially non-uniform 3D crosstalk for stereoscopic display using shutter glasses, DISPLAYS, vol.33 No.3 pp.136~141, 2012
홍형기◾ Change of the observed binocular disparity of the moving 3D object in 3D technology based, DISPLAYS, vol.33 No.2 pp.98~102, 2012
홍형기◾ Analysis of the rotation of the polarisation direction in a cylindrical liquid crystal lens where the direction of the incident linear polarisation is not parallel to the axis of the cylindrical lens, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.39 No.2 pp.157~164, 2012
홍형기◾ Simple method of characterizing the spatial luminance distribution at the user position for autostereoscopic 3-D display, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.20 No.2 pp.118~122, 2012
홍형기◾ In Watching 3D Stereoscopic Display Using the Binocular Disparity, the Effect of Pupillary Distance of Adults and Children on the Perception of 3D Image, 한국안광학회지, vol.16 No.3 pp.299~305, 2011홍형기
◾ Analysis of the generation of multi-domain in vertical alignment (VA) mode caused by the fringe field on the side of the lower substrate, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.38 No.8 pp.1007~1015, 2011
홍형기◾ Analysis of polarisation change in an electric field-driven liquid crystal lens of cylindrical type where LC are aligned twisted, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.38 No.6 pp.689~696, 2011
홍형기◾ Motion artifacts observed in 3-D LCDs that use shutter glasses (SG 3D), JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.19 No.3 , 2011
홍형기◾ Angular dependence of the performance of stereoscopic liquid-crystal-display (LCD) television using shutter glasses, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION Display, vol.19 No.3 pp.287~294, 2011
홍형기◾ Temporal characteristics of the optical shutter of a vertical alignment liquid crystal cell designed for obliquely incident light, LIQUID CRYSTALS, vol.38 No.1 pp.87~92, 2011
홍형기◾ Evaluation method of electro-optical transfer function for display devices, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.18 pp.913~921, 2010홍형기
◾ Determination of luminance distribution of autostereoscopic 3-D displays through calculation of angular profile, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.18 No.5 pp.327~335, 2010홍형기
◾ Analysis of angular dependence of 3-D technology using polarized eyeglasses, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.18 No.1 pp.8~12, 2010홍형기
◾ Moving-picture response time (MPRT) of LCDs for the oblique viewing direction, JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY, vol.17 pp.567~572, 2009홍형기
◾ Electric-field-driven LC lens for 3-D/2-D autostereoscopic display, Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol.17 No.5 pp.399~406, 2009홍형기
Conference Papers
◾ 홍형기, Methods to measure the performance of VR AR devices, 한국광학회 2024동계 학술 발표회, 수원 컨벤션 센터, 2024홍형기
◾ 홍형기, VR/AR device and the user with the bad eyesight, IMID 2023, 부산, 2023홍형기
◾ 이진웅 홍형기, Optical see through HMD 증강현실 근거리 영상 시청이 안정피로에 미치는 영향, 2022 한국안광학회 동계학술대회 초록집, 대전과기대, 2022홍형기
◾ 홍형기, IEC TC110/WG12 표준화 동향, 한국방송미디어공학회 2022년 추계학술대회, 서울과기대, 2022홍형기
◾ hyungki hong, (Invited, Tutorial) Vision and Human perception, 2022 IMID ( International Meeting on Information Display ), 부산, 2022홍형기
◾ 이진웅 홍형기, VR HMD 가상현실 영상 시청이 눈물 안정막 및 각막 고위 수차에 미치는 영향, 2022 한국안광학회, 대한시과학회 공동학술대회 초록집, 대한안경사협회 서울교육센터, 2022홍형기
◾ 홍형기, Techincal seminar 6 Topic: Image quality, 2021 International Conference on Display Technology, Beijing Online, 2021홍형기
◾ 홍형기, Virtual reality and Ophthalmics, The Korean Ophthalmic Optical Society and The Korean Society of Vision Science Conference abstract, 온라인, 2020홍형기
◾ Hyungki Hong, (Invited) Central, Peripheral and Binocular Vision, IMID 2018 ( International Meeting on Information Display), 부산 Bexco, 2018홍형기
◾ 강현구 홍형기, Accommodation Measurement in VR(Virtual Reality) Device of Google Cardboard Type, IDW ( International Display Workshop ) 2016, Fukuoka, 2016홍형기
◾ 강현구 이준혁 유인왕 홍형기, 구글카드보드 타입 가상현실기기(VR)에서 어플리케이션 종류에 따라 시기능 및 피로도에 미치는 영향, 2016년 동계 학술대회, 동신대학교, 나주, 2016홍형기
◾ 홍형기, (Invited, F70-3) Accommodation in 3D, IMID 2016 ( International Meeting on Information Display ), 제주, 대한민국, 2016홍형기
◾ 강현구,함은규,박현범,홍형기, 스마트폰의 청광 차단 어플리케이션 및 필름의 청광 차단 효과 평가, 2016년 하계 학술대회, 대전보건대학교, 2016홍형기
◾ 강현구,오수진,김연정,홍형, 근거리 2D 및 3D 영상 시청 전, 후의 피로도 및 시기능 변화에 대한 연구, 2016년 하계 학술대회, 대전보건대학교, 2016홍형기
◾ 강현구,김화종,송정빈,홍형기, 각막굴절교정수술 후 정상안과의 최대조절력, 조절용이성, 눈물막 파괴시간 비교, 2015 한국 안광학회 동계 학술대회, 서울시 안경사회 회관, 2015홍형기
◾ 강현구, 홍형기, 입체 시력과 파눔영역간의 연관, 한국안광학회 창립20주년 기면 학술대회, 대전 KT 인재개발연수원, 2015홍형기
◾ 홍형, Display where the viewer wearing the special eyeglass can see the different image that viewer of the naked eye cannot see, International Meeting on Information Display 2014, Excim Daegu, Korea, 2014홍형기
◾ 홍형기, 3D 영상표시장치의 평가, 한국광학회 2014년동 하계 학술발표, 제주 국제 컨벤션 센, 2014홍형기
◾ 홍형기, Rotation of polarization direction of linearly polarized light, irrespective of the initial polarization direction, using two layers of twisted nematic LC, 25th International Liquid Crystal Conference, University of Dublin, Ireland, 2014홍형기
◾ 편광 회전자 및 광학 소자, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016홍형기
◾ 특수 안경을 착용한 관찰자만 정보를 볼 수 있는 디스플레이 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015홍형기
◾ 특수 안경을 착용한 관찰자만 정보를 볼 수 있는 디스플레이 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015홍형기
◾ 3차원 입체 영상의 크로스토크 감?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014홍형기
◾ 무안경 3차원 영상 디스플레이 평?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014홍형기
Ministry of Industry & Trade "Establishment of standardization of immersive display" ( 2018,April ~, 3 Years)
LG DISPLAY ( 2016.03~2017.02)
Ministry of Industry & Trade, Industry and Energy (2014~2015, 1 Year) "Establishment of 3D Display Evaluation System"
Ministry of Education, Basic Science Research Program "Analysis and reduction of lens aberration caused by switchable GRIN(Gradient index) lens used in autostereoscopic 3D " (2013 ~ 2015, 2 Year )
LG DISPLAY "Design of autostereoscopic 3D" (2013)
◾ Novel method for the fast measurement of the threedimensionalrange of the eyebox of a VR device, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.홍형기
◾ Effect of Outside View on Attentiveness in Using See-through type Augmented Reality Device, 산학협력단, 2018.08.~2019.07.홍형기
◾ 실감형 디스플레이 표준화 기반 조성, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2018.04.~2020.12.홍형기
◾ Effect of 3D depth on the resolution and the observed image for auto-stereoscopicmulti-view 3D display, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2019.02.홍형기
◾ 무안경 3D 시청시 최적 시청 위치, 산학협력단, 2017.11.~2018.09.홍형기
◾ Influence of depth and 3D crosstalk on blur in multi-view 3D displays, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2018.06.홍형기
◾ 무안경 3D 측정법 개발, 엘지디스플레이 주식회사, 2016.03.~2017.03.홍형기
◾ 곡면형 3D의 곡면 반지름과 시청위치 분석( Analysis of the dependence of the viewing zones on the display radius in autostereoscopic 2 view displays of horizontally concave surface), 산학협력단, 2015.10.~2016.11.홍형기
◾ 영상 표시 장치 핸드북, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.12.홍형기
◾ 입체 시력이 양호한 사람과 불량인 사람간의 입체시 융합 가능 영역 비교, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.11.홍형기
◾ 3차원 디스플레이의 측정평가 기반구축, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2014.05.~2015.04.홍형기
◾ 사위 검사에서 분리순간사위량과 분리안정사위량의 비교, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2015.02.홍형기
◾ 자동 굴절력계의 굴절력 값과 포롭터를 이용한 처방값의 차이에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2015.02.홍형기
◾ 무안경 3D에 적용되는 가변 GRIN 렌즈의 수차 분석 및 감소 방안 연구, 한국연구재단, 2013.06.~2015.05.홍형기
◾ Active lens용 Simulation Model 개발, 엘지디스플레이 주식회사, 2013.05.~2013.11.홍형기
◾ 입체 영상 장비를 이용한 양안 시차 경계값 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2014.02.홍형기
◾ 세극등을 이용한 눈의 입체 영상 촬영 및 시청, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2014.02.홍형기
◾ Optical see through HMD 증강현실 근거리 영상 시청이 안정피로에 미치는 영향, 2022 한국안광학회 동계학술대회 구연발표경연대회 최우수상, 한국안광학회, 2022홍형기
◾ VR HMD 가상영상 시청이 눈물안정성 및 각막 고위수차에 미치는 영향, 우수논문, 한국안광학회, 대한시과학회, 2022홍형기
◾ 구글카드보드 타입 가상현실기기(VR)에서 어플리케이션 종류에 따라 시기능 및 피로도에 미치는 영향, 2016 동계 학술 대회 구연발표 경연대회 최우수상, 한국안광학회, 2016홍형기
◾ 스마트폰의 청광 차단 어플리케이션 및 필름의 청광 차단 효과 평가, 2016 하계 학술 대회 구연 발표 경연 대회 최우수상, 한국안광학회, 2016홍형기
한국 안광학회 회원
한국 정보디스플레이 학회 회원 및 화질연구회 연구회장 ( 2020.1~2023.12)
SID ( Society for the Information Display ) 회원
IEC ( 국제 표준화 기구 ) TC 110 전문위원, TC110 국내 mirror committee 대표
1)Co-Project leader of "IEC62629-12-1:3D Display devices-Part12-1:Measuring methods for stereoscopic displays using glasses - optical" (2009~2010)
2)Proj. leader of "IEC62629-13-1:3D DISPLAY DEVICES–Part 13-1: Visual inspection methods for stereoscopic displays using glasses"(2014~2017)
3)Proj.leader of "IEC63145-21-20 ED1 Eyewear display - Part 21-20: Measurement methods for VR type - Image quality" (2018~2022 )
4)Co-Convenor of WG12(eyewear device) (2018.10~ )