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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Safety Engineering
Jung Jin-Woo
Occupational Safety & Health Law, Occupational Safety & Health Management
1986.3 ~ 1989.2 Dept. of Pre-clinical Dentistry, Natural Science College, Seoul University
1989.3 ~ 1991.3 Dept. of Clinical Dentistry, Natural Science College, Seoul University(dropout)
1994.2 Bachelor of Science of public Administration
1996.3 ~ 1998.8 Graduate School of Labor, Korea University(Labor Economics, Master)
2007.4 ~ 2009.3 Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan(Social Law, Master)
2009.3 ~ 2012.2 Graduate School of Law, Korea University(Docial Law, Ph.D)
1998.6 ~ 2000.4 Section Chief of Occupational Health and Environment Division, Ministry of Labor
2002.4 ~ 2006.3 Section Chief of Safety and Health Policy Division, Ministry of Labor
2006.3 ~ 2006.9 Vice Director of Safety and Health Policy Division, Ministry of Labor
2009.12 ~ 2011.3 Director of Occupational Health Division, Ministry of Employment and Labor
2011.3 ~ 2011.7 Director of Occupational Safety Division, Ministry of Employment and Labor
2011.7 ~ 2013.9 Director of Occupational Accident Prevention Policy Division, Ministry of Employment and Labor
2013.9 ~ 2015.2 Director of Seoungnam District Employment and Labor Office, Ministry of Employment and Labor
2015.2 ~ 2015.8 Director of International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Employment and Labor
2015.9 ~ Assistant Professor, Dept. of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
2022.4 ~ Associate Professor, Dept. of Safety Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
Research Areas
Safety Relations Law
Safety Management
Safety Psychology
Safety Culture
Legal Basic of Industrial Safety and Compensation of Industrial accident
Safety psychology and Education
Advanced Safety Management
Safety and Laws
Safety Management
Advanced Occupational Safety and Health Act
Advanced Occupational Safety and Health Management System
Safety Culture
Selected Publications
2009.12 A comparative Study on the Income Security System of the Sick or Injured Workers(Journal of Labor Policy)
2012.3 Employer's Duty to provide a Safe Workplace and to Comply with OSHA for Contract Employees in their own Establishment(co-authorship, Korea Law Review)
2012.4 Employee's Right to Refuse Hazardous Work in in Germany, the United States, Japan, and Korea: A Comparative Law Approach(Labor Law Forum)
2013.6 Employee's Right to Know of Occupational Safety and Health in Germany, the United States and Korea: A Comparative Law Approach(Journal of Labour Law)
2013.12 Reinforcement of Criminal Responsibility of Corporations in the Occurence of an Accidental Death in the U.K.: Focusing on "Corporate Manslaugter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007"(Journal of Korea Soceity of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene)
2013.12 Record Keeping of Employee Exposure to Chemical Hazards under Industrial Safety and Health Law(co-authorship, Journal of Korea Soceity of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene)
2014.6 A Study on the Implementation of Risk Assessment System at Workplace in Korea(Journal of Korea Soceity of Safety)
2014.6 A Study on Legal Limits of Occupational Safety and Health Law and Application of Private Standards(Journal of Korea Soceity of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene)
2015.2 A Study on Legislation Background and Application of the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in U.S.(Journal of the Korean Society of Safety)
2015.11 The System of the Occupational Safety and Health Act: Problems and Improvement Measures(Labor Law Forum)
2016.8 A Study on the Strenthening of Industrial Safety and Health for Foreign Workers(Law and Policy)
2016.9 International Trends of Occupational Safety & Health Management System and Development Plan in Korea(Journal of the Korean Society of Safety)
2017.3 A Study on the Necessity and Action Plan of Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Executive in Korea(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2017.8 A Study on Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Law in Korea - Problems and Improvement Measures - (The Journal of Labor Law)
2018.3 A Study on Problems and Improvement Measures of Occupational Safety and Health Law Policies in Korea: Focused on Administrative Rules and Guidelines(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2018.4 A Critical Review on the Complete Amendment to Occupational Safety and Health Act(The Journal of Labor Law)
2018.12 Issues and Tasks of Government Amendment to Occupational Safety and Health Act(Journal of Social Security Law)
2019.11 A Study on the Problems of Administrative Orders and Contracting Regulations under Occupational Safety and Health Act(Labor Law Forum)
2021.6 Legal Issues in the Establishment of Act on the Punishment, etc. of Serious Accidents and Tasks Left Behind(Research for Law of Science & Technology)
2021.6 Effects of Communication Company's Safety Management System on Workers' Safety Consciousness and Safety Observance Behavior(Journal of information and communication convergence engineering)
2021.11 A Study on the Prevention Plan of Fall Accident in High-level Rope Work(Labor Law Forum)
2021.12 A Critical Review on the Legislative Notice of the Enforcement Decree of the Serious Accident Punishment Act(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2021.12 A Comparative Study on the Legal System for Risk Assessment in the Workplace(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2022.4 Legal Issues in Practice under Serious Accident Punishment Act - Focusing on Serious Industrial Accidents -(Journal of Social Security Law)
2022.6 A Critical Study on the Regulation of Contracts under the Occupational Safety and Health Act(The Journal of labor Law)
2022.6 A Comparative Study on the Right to Know Industrial Health Information among Workers(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2022.6 A Health and Safety Issue in the Serious Accident Punishment Act - Focusing on the Contract, Service, and Commission Relationship Issues -(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2022.9 A Comparative Study of the Legal Regulations on Contracting for Dangerous Work(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2022.12 Development of Legal Theory of Contract Regulation in the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act(The Journal of Labor Law)
2022.12 A comparative study ISO 45001 and the safety and health management system under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2023. 6 Relationship between Risk-causing Factors Perceived by Telecommunications Workers and Safety Motivation and Behavior(Journal of information and communication convergence engineering)
2023. 7 A Critical Review of Occupational Safety and Health Legislation — Focus on Recent Issues —(Labor Law Forum)
2023. 9 A Study on the Application of Occupational Safety and Health Act to School Sites(Journal of Labour Law)
2023.12 Assessment of exposure to sulfuric acid in workers using cleaning equipment operated with lead-acid batteries(ANNALS OF WORK EXPOSURES AND HEALTH)
2024. 1 Safety Management Education based on the Experience of Participants in the Disabled Swimming Club Influence on Exercise Continuing Participation(SoCoRI)
2024. 2 A Study on the Application of FRAM to PSM through the Analysis of Serious Industrial Accident in Non-routine Work(Korean Chem. Eng. Res)
2024. 6 A Study on the Problems and Improvement of Occupational Safety and Health Standards - Focusing on Regulation on Occupational Safety and Health Standards -(Journal of the Korean Industrial Hygiene Association)
2024. 7 A Study on the Current Status and Development of Safety Management in Sports(Library Progress International)
2024. 8 Problems and Improvement Measures of Serious Accident Punishment Act from a Constitutional Principle Perspective — Focusing on Serious Industrial Accident —(The Journal of Labor Law)
Journal Papers
◾ Development and validation of an unsafe behavior checklist for workers, PLOS ONE, 2024정진우
◾ Problems and Improvement Measures of Serious Accident Punishment Act from a Constitutional Principle Perspective – Focusing on Serious Industrial Accident –, 노동법논총, vol.61 pp.299~348, 2024정진우
◾ A Study on the Current Status and Development of Safety Management in Sports, Library Progress International, vol.44 No.2 pp.233~253, 2024정진우
◾ 산업안전보건기준의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.34 No.2 pp.148~155, 2024정진우
◾ 비정상 작업에서 발생한 중대산업사고 분석을 통한 FRAM의 PSM 활용 방안에 관한 연구, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, vol.62 No.1 pp.44~52, 2024정진우
◾ 장애인수영클럽 참여자의 경험에 따른 안전관리 교육이 운동지속참여에 미치는 영향, Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange, vol.10 No.1 pp.539~560, 2024정진우
◾ Assessment of exposure to sulfuric acid in workers using cleaning equipment operated with lead-acid batteries, Annals of Work Environment and Health, 2023정진우
◾ A Study on the Application of Occupational Safety and Health Act to School Sites — Focusing on public elementary, middle and high schools —, 노동법학, No.87 pp.229~257, 2023정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법제에 대한 비판적 고찰* — 최근 이슈를 중심으로 —, 노동법포럼, No.39 pp.101~158, 2023정진우
◾ Relationship between Risk-causing Factors Perceived by Telecommunications Workers and Safety Motivation and Behavior, Journal of information and communication convergence engineering, vol.21 No.2 pp.174~184, 2023정진우
◾ A Comparative Study ISO 45001 and the Safety and Health Management System under the Serious Accident Punishment Act, Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol.32 No.4 pp.393~401, 2022정진우
◾ Development of Legal Theory of Contract Regulation in the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act, The Journal of Labor Law, vol.56 pp.183~219, 2022정진우
◾ 위험작업 도급에 관한 법규제의 비교법적 고찰, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.32 No.3 pp.279~286, 2022정진우
◾ A Critical Study on the Regulation of Contracts under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 법학연구, vol.33 No.1 pp.91~122, 2022정진우
◾ 중대재해처벌법의 안전보건상의 쟁점 고찰 - 도급⋅용역⋅위탁관계 문제를 중심으로 -, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.32 No.2 pp.129~136, 2022정진우
◾ 노동자의 산업보건정보에 대한 알 권리의 비교법적 고찰, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.32 No.2 pp.89~101, 2022정진우
◾ 중대재해처벌법 실무상의 법적 쟁점 — 중대산업재해를 중심으로 —, 사회법연구, No.46 pp.519~553, 2022정진우
◾ A Critical Review on the Legislative Notice of the Enforcement Decree of the Serious Accident Punishment Act: Focusing on Serious Industrial Accidents, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.31 No.4 pp.417~426, 2021정진우
◾ 사업장 위험성평가에 관한 법제의 비교법적 고찰, 한국산업보건학회지, vol.31 No.4 pp.304~316, 2021정진우
◾ 고소로프직업 추락사고 방지방안에 관한 연구, 노동법포럼, No.34, 2021정진우
◾ 중대재해처벌법 제정과정에서의 법적 쟁점과 남겨진 과제, 과학기술법연구, vol.27 No.2 pp.47~94, 2021정진우
◾ Effects of Communication Company's Safety Management System on Workers' Safety Consciousness and Safety Observance Behavior, JICCE, vol.19 No.2 pp.120~129, 2021정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법상의 행정명령과 도급규제의 문제점에 대한 고찰, Labor Law Forum, No.28 pp.161~192, 2019정진우
◾ A Study on the Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Law in Korea – Problems and Improvement Measures –, 노동법논총, vol.40 pp.179~220, 2017정진우
◾ A Study on the Necessity and Action Plan of Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Executive in Korea, Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environment Hygiene, vol.27 No.1 pp.1~12, 2017정진우
◾ 산업안전보건 증진을 통한 지속가능발전, 이슈페이퍼, vol.19 No.10 pp.305~349, 2016정진우
◾ 안전보건경영시스템(OSHMS)의 국제동향과 우리나라에서의 발전방안, 안전보건이슈리포트, vol.10 No.3 pp.38~46, 2016정진우
◾ A Study on the Strengthening of Industrial Safety and Health for Foreign Workers, Law and Policy Review, vol.22 No.2 pp.355~385, 2016정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법의 입법체계상 문제점과 개선방안, 노동법포럼, No.16 pp.81~110, 2015정진우
◾ A Study on Legislation Background and Application of the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act in U.S., 한국안전학회지, vol.30 No.1 pp.119~126, 2015정진우
Conference Papers
◾ 김용성, 정진우, 안전의 관점에서 바라본 중대재해처벌법의 문제점과 개선방안, 2024 한국안전학회 추계학술대회 초록발표집, 부산 벡스코, 2024정진우
◾ 방기문, 정진우, 안전문화 평가의 문제점과 개선방안, 2024 한국안전학회 추계학술대회 초록발표집, 부산 벡스코, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 김현수, 군에 대한 위험성평가 적용에 관한 연구, 2024 한국산업보건학회 하계학술대회 초록발표집, 대전컨벤션센터, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 이승호, 위험성평가 기법의 문제점과 개선방안 연구 , 2024 한국산업보건학회 하계학술대회 발표초록집, 대전컨벤션센터, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 헌법원리적 관점에서 바라본 중대재해처벌법의 문제점과 개선방안, 노동법의 현대적 쟁점과 과제, 고려대 CJ 법학관, 2024정진우
◾ 임용호 정진우, 중대재해처벌법 시행 후 근로자의 위험성평가 인식 변화에 관한 연구, 2024 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록발표집, 제주 매종글래드호텔, 2024정진우
◾ 정철우 정진우, 위험성평가 개선을 통한 자율안전보건관리 향상 방안에 관한 연구, 2024 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 제주 매종글래드호텔, 2024정진우
◾ 이민우 정진우, 중대재해처벌법 적용상의 문제점 및 실효성에 관한 연구, 2024 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 제주 메종글래드호텔, 2024정진우
◾ 김도형 정진우, 안전보건경영시스템 인증 실태 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 , 2014 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록발표집, 제주 매종글래드호텔, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 황준하, 중대재해처벌 등에 관한 법률의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구 , 2023 한국안전학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 부산 Bexco, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 김태영, 도급작업 안전관리 개선 방안에 관한 연구 - A제조업체 사례를 중심으로 -, 2023 한국안전학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 부산 BEXCO 제1전시장 , 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 서솔이, 위험성 평가 적용 내실화에 관한 연구 - A 제조업체를 중심으로, 2023 한국안전학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 부산 BEXCO 제1전시장 , 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 문병조, 건설공사 기획 및 설계 단계에서의 안전관리 제도 개선 방안, 2023 한국안전학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 메종글래드호텔, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 미국 산업안전보건법에서의 도급규제의 법리 전개, 한국비교노동법학회/안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2022년 추계공동학술대회, 상연재 서울역점, 2022정진우
◾ 조무송, 정진우, 국내 설계안전성검토 제도의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구: 건설사업 발주자의 이무이행 강화방안을 중심으로, 2022 한국안전학회 추계학술대회, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022정진우
◾ 이민구, 정진우, 안전보건관리담당자의 업무수행실태 분석을 통한 개선방안에 관한 연구 , 2021 추계학술대회 초록집, 메종글래드호텔 제주, 2021정진우
◾ 노재윤, 정진우, 안전보건경영시스템 운영실태와 개선방안에 관한 연구, 2021 춘계학술대회 초록집, 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021정진우
◾ 정진우, 라규현, 건설현장 근로자 안전규칙 위반 방지방안, 2021 춘계학술대회 초록집, 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021정진우
◾ 정진우, 김성훈, 물류업 도급작업 시 안전보건 확보방안에 관한 연구, 2020 한국안전학회 추계학술대회: e-conference, 온라인, 2020정진우
◾ 정진우, 구본한, 건설업 외국인 취업실태에 따른 안전관리 개선방안에 대한 연구 , 2020 한국안전학회 추계학술대회: e-Conference, 온라인, 2020정진우
◾ 정진우, 연진석, 작업장 안전문화 운영실태 및 개선방안에 관한 연구, 2020 한국안전학회 추게학술대회: e-conference, 온라인 , 2020정진우
◾ 정진우, 배진경, 협력회사 자율적 안전보건관리 향상을 위한 연구, 2020 한국안전학회 추계학술대회: e-conference, 온라인, 2020정진우
◾ 김명희, 정진우, A Study on the Problem and Improvement Plan of Safety Education for Managers and Supervisors, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2019, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2019정진우
◾ 윤은태, 정진우, A Proposal of Revision Direction for Improvement of Inccident Prevention Effect of the Indusrial Safety and Health Act, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2019, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2019정진우
◾ 성민기, 정진우, The Role and Responsibilities of Contract Work on the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Fall Conference of the Korean Soceity of Safety 2019, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2019정진우
◾ 윤성원, 정진우, A Study on Improvement Safety Management of Substract Work for Shipbuilding Industry, A Proposal of Revision Direction for Improvement of Inccident Prevention Effect of the Indusrial Safety and Health Act, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2019정진우
◾ 정진우, A Study on the Problems of Administrative Orders and Contracting Regulations under Occupational Safety and Health Act, Labor Law's Tasks for Ensuring Workers' Safety Rights, 고려대학교 CJ법학관, 2019정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전과 심리의 교착, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2017, 현대호텔 경주, 2017정진우
◾ 정진우, the Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Act: Problems and Improvement Measures, Joint Spring Academy 2017, 창원대학교, 2017정진우
◾ 정진우, The Necessity and Action Plan of Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Executive in Korea, Winter Academy of Korean Industrial Hygiene Association 2017, 호텔인터불고 엑스코, 대구, 2017정진우
◾ 정진우, ISO 45001의 제정배경, 도입현황과 과제, 한국산업보건학회 2017 동계학술대회, 호텔인터불고 액스코, 그랜드볼룸A, 2017정진우
◾ 정진우, 도급사업 시의 안전보건조치에 관한 비교법적 연구, 한국안전학회 추계학술대회, 그랜드플라자 청주호텔, 2016정진우
◾ 정진우, The System of the Occupational Safety and Health Act: Problems and Improvement Measures, Labor Law Forum, 고려대 CJ법학관, 2015정진우
◾ 정진우, Trends and Promotion Measures in Occupational Safety and Health Management System, Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Safety 2015, 웰리힐리파크, 2015정진우
2014. 5 Occupational Safety and Health Law Theory(2nd ed.)
2024.10 Risk Assessment Handbook(5th ed.)
2015. 4 Comparative Occupational Safety and Health Law(2nd ed.)
2022. 5 Occupational Safety Management(4th ed.)
2024. 8 Occupational Safety and Health Law(6th ed.)
2023.12 Psychology of Safety(4th ed.)(Named a Excellent Academic Book)
2023. 9 Safety Management(4th ed.)(Named a Excellent Academic Book)
2024. 8 Safety and Law(3rd ed.)
2024. 1 Safety Culture(4th ed.)(Named a Excellent Academic Book)
2023. 2 Occupational Safety and Health Management System(2nd ed.)
2024. 3 Serious Accident Punishment Act(3rd ed.)
◾ 정진우, 위험성평가 해설 개정증보 제5판, 저서, 978-89-701-7562-1, 중앙경제, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전과 법 3판, 저서, 978-89-363-2601-2, 교문사, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 산업안전보건법 개정증보 제6판, 저서, 9788970175607, 중앙경제, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 중대재해처벌법 제3판, 저서, 9788970175553, 중앙경제, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전문화 이론과 실천 5판, 저서, 978-89-363-2540-4, 교문사, 2024정진우
◾ 정진우, 산업안전관리론: 이론과 실제, 저서, 978-89-7017-544-7, 중앙경제, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전심리, 저서, 978-89-363-2536-7, 교문사, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전관리론, 저서, 978-89-363-2521-3, 교문사, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 위험성평가 해설, 저서, 978-89-7017-500-3, 중앙경제, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전문화 이론과 실천, 저서, 978-89-363-2453-7, 교문사, 2023정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전보건관리시스템, 저서, 978-89-363-2447-6, 교문사, 2023정진우
◾ 지은이: 정진우, 중대재해처벌법, 저서, 9788970174983, 중앙경제, 2022정진우
◾ 지은이: 정진우, 산업안전보건법, 저서, 9788970174952, 중앙경제, 2022정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 안전심리, 저서, 9788936323653, 교문사, 2022정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 안전과 법 : 안전관리의 법적 접근, 저서, 9788936323646, 교문사, 2022정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 산업안전관리론 : 이론과 실제, 저서, 9788970174907, 중앙경제, 2022정진우
◾ 지은이: 정진우, 중대재해처벌법, 저서, 9788970174877, 중앙경제, 2022정진우
◾ 지은이: 정진우, 산업안전보건법 : 중대재해처벌법 해설 반영, 저서, 9788970174792, 중앙경제, 2022정진우
◾ 정진우, 산업안전보건법, 저서, 978-89-7017-476-1, 중앙경제, 2021정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전보건관리시스템, 저서, 978-89-363-2199-4 , 교문사, 2021정진우
◾ 정진우, 안전관리론, 저서, 978-89-363-2196-3, 교문사, 2021정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, Safety Management 2nd, 저서, 9788936319205, cheongmoongak, 2020정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 산업안전관리론 : 이론과 실제, 저서, 9788970174518, 중앙경제, 2020정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 안전문화 : 이론과 실천, 저서, 9788936320713, 교문사, 2020정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 안전심리, 9788963643052, ChungMungak, 2017정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 산업안전보건법, 저서, 978-89-7017-340-5, Joongangkyeongje, 2016정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 산업안전보건법 국제비교, 저서, 9788926869352, 한국학술정보, 2015정진우
◾ 정진우 지음, 산업안전보건관리의 이론과 실제 : 우리사회의 경영키워드, "안전경영" : 최근 개정법령 및 최신 이론·기법, 국제기준 반영, 저서, 9788970173207, 중앙경제, 2015정진우
◾ 위험작업 도급이 산업재해 발생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, (사)한국경영자총협회, 2019.06.~2019.12.정진우
◾ 안전과 법 - 안전관리의 법적 접근 -, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2019.12.정진우
◾ JPDC 안전보건관리체계 진단 용역, 제주특별자치도개발공사, 2019.01.~2019.05.정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법 전부개정안에 대한 비판적 고찰, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2018.06.정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법정책의 문제점과 개선방안, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.05.정진우
◾ 근골격계부담작업자 유해요인 조사 용역, 단양군청, 2017.05.~2017.06.정진우
◾ 산업안전보건청의 설립 필요성과 추진방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2017.03.정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법의 집행상의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2017.09.정진우
◾ 근골격계부담작업 유해요인조사, 서울메트로, 2016.11.~2016.12.정진우
◾ 근골격계부담작업 수시 유해요인조사, 서울메트로, 2016.09.~2016.12.정진우
◾ 들기작업과 유해요인 평가시스템의 개발, (주)시드테크, 2016.07.~2017.02.정진우
◾ 산재예방요율제 사업주교육 성과평가 및 발전방안 연구용역, 한국산업안전보건공단, 2016.04.~2016.10.정진우
◾ 도급사업장의 효율적인 안전보건관리를 위한 법제도 개편 연구, (사)한국경영자총협회, 2016.03.~2016.09.정진우
◾ 산업안전보건법의 입법체계상 문제점과 개정방안, 산학협력단, 2015.10.~2016.02.정진우
◾ 우리나라 산업안전보건법 해설서 저술, 산학협력단, 2015.10.~2016.08.정진우
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