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Electronic Engineering Program
Shin, Ilhoon
operating system, storage system, SSD
BS. in 1998 (Seoul National Univ.)
MS. in 2000 (Seoul National Univ.)
Ph.D in 2005 (Seoul National Univ.)
senior engineer at samsung electronics (2005.1 - 2008.2)
Research Areas
operating system
storage system
embedded system
solid state drives
operating system
embedded system
C programming
python programming
data structure and algorithmic thinking in python
Journal Papers
◾ Leveraging Static and Dynamic Wear Leveling to Prolong the Lifespan of Solid-State Drives, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.14 No.18, 2024신일훈
◾ Early Dirty Buffer Flush with Second Chance for SSDs, MICROMACHINES, vol.14 No.4 pp.796~811, 2023
[원문보기] 신일훈
◾ Dynamic Early Dirty Buffer Flush to Reduce Miss Penalty in Solid-State Drives, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.143124~143133, 2020신일훈
◾ Performance analysis of buffer management policy considering internal parallelism of solid state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.15 No.15 pp.1~8, 2018신일훈
◾ Applying fast shallow write to short-lived data in solid state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.15 No.13 pp.1~9, 2018신일훈
◾ Improving internal parallelism of solid state drives with selective multi-plane operation, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.54 No.2, 2018신일훈
◾ Dynamic Active Log Pool for Improving Worst-case Performance of Memory Cards, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.63 No.3 pp.318~324, 2017신일훈
◾ Performance evaluation of multi-threaded flash translation layer, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.12 No.19 pp.8937~8940, 2017신일훈
◾ Multi-thread flash translation layer for multi-core solid state drives, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.11 No.2 pp.1187~1191, 2016신일훈
◾ Clustering data according to update frequency to reduce garbage-collection overhead in solid-state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.13 No.1 pp.1~8, 2016신일훈
◾ Supporting Irrecoverable File Deletion, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.10 No.22 pp.43290~43293, 2015신일훈
◾ Enhancing internal parallelism of solid-state drives while balancing write loads across dies, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.51 No.24 pp.1978~1980, 2015신일훈
◾ Knock Pattern Based Door Lock with Smart Phone Application, life science journal, vol.11 No.7 , 2014신일훈
◾ Distributing Garbage Collection Costs over Multiple Requests to Improve the Worst-Case Performance of Hybrid Mapping Schemes, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, vol.E97D No.11 pp.2844~2851, 2014신일훈
◾ Active log pool for fully associative sector translation, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.11 No.1 , 2014신일훈
◾ Double Hot/Cold Clustering for Solid State Drives, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.279 No.1 pp.141~146, 2014신일훈
◾ Implementing Secure File Deletion in NAND-based Block Devices with Internal Buffers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.58 No.4 pp.1219~1224, 2012신일훈
◾ A File System Framework Independent of Operating Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol.288 pp.218~225, 2012신일훈
◾ Hot/Cold Clustering for Page Mapping in NAND Flash Memory, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.57 No.4 pp.1728~1731, 2011신일훈
◾ Implementing Greedy Replacement Scheme using Multiple List for Page Mapping Scheme, 한국정보기술학회논문지, vol.9 No.6 pp.17~23, 2011신일훈
◾ Reducing Computational Overhead of Flash Translation Layer with Hashed Page Tables, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.56 No.4 pp.2344~2349, 2010신일훈
◾ Light Weight Sector Mapping Scheme for NAND-based Block Devices, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.56 pp.651~656, 2010신일훈
◾ SWL: A Search- While-Load Demand Paging Scheme with NAND Flash Memory, SIGPLAN Notices - 직접입력, vol.42 No.7, 2007신일훈
Conference Papers
◾ 박민현, 이경아, 신일훈, 서버 데이터 수명에 영향을 주는 요인 분석, 한국반도체학술대회, 하이원리조트, 2019신일훈
◾ 신일훈, Dynamic Active Log Pool for Improving Worst-case Performance of Memory Cards, IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 파리, 2017신일훈
◾ 자동차시트의 압력 감지기를 통한, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014신일훈
◾ 공간 지역성을 고려한 요구 기반 플래시 메모리 변환계층을 포함하는 낸드 플래시 메모리 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013신일훈
◾ 낸드 기반 블록 장치에서 안전 파일 삭제를 지원하는 페이지 사상 방법 및 이를 기록하는 기록매체, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013신일훈
◾ Early dirty buffer flush to reduce miss penalty in solid-state drives, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.신일훈
◾ Applying fast shallow write to short-lived data in solid state drives, 산학협력단, 2018.05.~2019.04.신일훈
◾ Thermal Radiation Analysis System 모델 변환 프로그램 개발, 한국항공우주연구원, 2017.04.~2017.10.신일훈
◾ 멀티쓰레드 FTL 및 능동 수명을 활용한 스토리지 성능 및 안정성 향상, 한국연구재단, 2016.11.~2019.10.신일훈
◾ SSD 최악 성능 개선을 위한 멀티 쓰레드 FTL, 한국연구재단, 2013.06.~2016.05.신일훈
◾ 안드로이드 RCP 디바이스 드라이버 개발, 주식회사 파이칩스, 2012.11.~2013.02.신일훈
◾ 낸드 친화적인 입출력 패턴 생성을 통한 SSD 성능 향상, 한국연구재단, 2010.05.~2013.04.신일훈
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