◾ 수열원 열펌프 적용 건물에서 수열시스템 통합 설계 프로그램과 ECO2 프로그램의 에너지 성능 예측 결과 비교, Journal of Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy, vol.20 No.4 pp.12~26, 2024박창용
◾ Functional morphology change of TPMS structures for design and additive manufacturing of compact heat exchangers, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, vol.76 No.103778, 2023박창용
◾ A Study on Power Consumption Variation According to Design Parameters of Heat Source-side Piping in a Hydrothermal Heat Pump System, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, vol.35 No.6 pp.265~274, 2023박창용
◾ The Effect of a Geothermal Heat Pump and Photovoltaics Application on the Building Energy Efficiency and ZEB Certification Rating for a Non-Residential Building, Journal of Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy, vol.19 No.1 pp.1~13, 2023박창용
◾ A Study on Contact Thermal Resistance of a Mold Heating Assembly Using Finite Element Analysis and Infrared Image, Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B, vol.46 No.8 pp.453~462, 2022박창용
◾ A Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Glass Lens Mold Heating Block according to Design of a Heat Radiating Block, J. Korean Soc. Precision Eng, vol.39 No.7 pp.493~500, 2022박창용
◾ Hydrothermal energy potential near the three major metropolitan cities in Korea, JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.36 No.2 pp.1041~1050, 2022박창용
◾ 동적 에너지 시뮬레이션을 이용한 수열원, 지열원 및 공기열원 히트펌프 시스템의 성능 비교분석, Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, vol.41 No.4 pp.1~12, 2021박창용
◾ Comprehensive feasibility investigation of river source heat pump systems in terms of life cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.188, 2021박창용
◾ An Experimental Study on Desktop PC Cooling System with Heat Pipes and Air-side Fin Natural Convection, The Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.29 No.3 pp.243~250, 2020박창용
◾ Development of Pressure-Driven Flow Rate Control Valve with Hyper-Elastic Material, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.29 No.3 pp.251~258, 2020박창용
◾ A Numerical Study on the Performance of a Power Plant ACC(Air-Cooled Condenser) with Non-Uniform Air Velocity Distribution and Heat Transfer Enhancement, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, vol.31 No.9 pp.391~403, 2019박창용
◾ An experimental study on single phase convection heat transfer and pressure drop in two brazed plate heat exchangers with different chevron shapes and hydraulic diameters, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, vol.31 No.5 pp.2559~2571, 2017박창용
◾ A Numerical Study on the Performance Characteristics of a Power Plant Air-Cooled Condenser (ACC) Affected by Changes in Operating Conditions, J.Korean Society of Manufacturing Tech. Eng., vol.26 No.2 pp.243~250, 2017박창용
◾ Review: General Issues and Correlations for Predicting Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients in Micro-Scale Channels, International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, vol.23 No.4 pp.1~24, 2015박창용
◾ An Experimental Study on the Automation of Semi-Hot-Air Coffee Roasting Process, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.24 No.6 pp.687~695, 2015박창용
◾ Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers with Single-Phase Flow, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Eng., vol.26 No.11 pp.522~528, 2014박창용
◾ Replication characteristics of micropatterns according to mold temperature in ultrasonic imprinting, Trans. Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. A, vol.38 No.1 pp.51~57, 2014박창용
◾ An Experimental Study on Thermal Conductivity Change of Water-Al2O3 Nanofluid with the Elapse of Time, Stirring, and Adding Dispersing Agent, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.22 No.3 pp.537~543, 2013박창용
◾ An Experimental Study on the Performance of Brazed Plater Heat Exchangers, Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, vol.22 No.3 pp.551~557, 2013박창용
◾ Experimental Study on the Performance of an Electric Component Liquid Cooling System with Variation of the Waterblock Internal Shape, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, vol.25 No.6 pp.331~337, 2013박창용
◾ Numerical Study on the Performance of a Fin-and-Tube Condenser with Non-Uniform Air Distribution and Different Tube Types, 설비공학 논문집, vol.24 No.12 pp.858~866, 2012박창용
◾ Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop of FC-72 in microchannels, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, vol.39 pp.45~54, 2012박창용
◾ Thermodynamic Efficiencies of Organic Rankine Cycles with a Feed Liquid Heater or Regenerator, 설비공학 논문집, vol.23 No.10 pp.662~669, 2011박창용
◾ A Numerical Study on R410A Charge Amount in an Air Cooled Mini-Channel Condenser, 설비공학 논문집, vol.22 No.10 pp.710~718, 2010박창용
◾ 김태성, 홍정택, 조용, 박창용, Research on the application of underground water source heat pump to a building, Proceedings of 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Society of Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy, 한국수자원공사 K-water 연구원, 2024박창용
◾ 홍정택, 홍지현, 김정은, 라유진, 안민섭, 박창용, A study of R-1234yf heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics inside a tube with additively manufactured triangular fins, Transactions of 2024 Spring Conference of Thermal Engineering Division in Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 라마다프라자 제주, 2024박창용
◾ 홍정택, 정선빈, 홍지현, 김영복, 정동연, 박근, 박창용, Analytical Study on Cooling Conditions in Large Diameter Glass Molding Process, Proceedings of KSMTE 2023 Fall Conference, 라마다프라자 제주호텔, 제주도, 2023박창용
◾ 김정은, 윤지성, 홍정택, 오서현, 박근, 박창용, A Study on the Pressure Drop Characteristics in Single-Phase Flow Based on Geometric Variables Inside Heat Exchangers for Battery Cooling in Electric Vehicle, Proceedings of SAREK 2023 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 서울, 2023박창용
◾ 홍정택, 김동균, 이수경, 안지웅, 박창용, Effect of Hydrothermal Heat Pump Performance on the Office Building Energy Independence Rate Estimation by ECO2 Program, Proceedings of 2023 KSGHE Fall Conference, 조선대학교, 광주광역시, 2023박창용
◾ 홍정택, 정선빈, 홍지현, 문건호, 김영복, 정동연, 박근, 박창용, Thermal distribution in the cooling process of lens molding : an analytical study, Proceedings of KSMTE 2023 Fall Conference, 세인트존스 호텔, 강원도 강릉, 2023박창용
◾ 문건호, 김정은, 윤지성, 오서현, 박근, 박창용, A Study on the Performance of Gyroid Structure Heat Exchanger for Battery Cooling in Electric Vehicle, Proceedings of SAREK 2023 Summer Conference, 용평리조트, 강원도 평창, 2023박창용
◾ 박창용, A Review on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to the HVAC Technology, Proceedings of SAREK 2023 Summer Conference, 용평리조트, 강원도 평창, 2023박창용
◾ 서보민, 김채원, 안제만, 이윤성, 문건호, 김영복, 박근, 박창용, An numerical study on the heat transfer characteristics according to the shape of aspherical lens forming mold, Proceedings of the KSMTE 2022 Fall Conference, 라마다프라자 제주, 2022박창용
◾ 문건호, 서보민, 김형우, 남건호, 홍지현, 박창용, A Numerical Study on the Effect of Fin Arrangement Method on the Internal Flow in Tube, Proceedings of the SAREK 2022 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 역삼동, 서울, 2022박창용
◾ 정현준, 문건호, 박창용, 윤린, A Study on the Performance Comparison of the existing heating and coolling system and the Hydrothermal Energy HeatPump System, Proceedings of the SAREK 2022 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 역삼동, 서울, 2022박창용
◾ 박민국, 송형준, 윤동현, 이규빈, 박창용, A simulation study on a heat pump system analysis for air-conditioning and battery temperature control in an electric vehicle, Proceedings of the SAREK 2022 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 역삼동, 서울, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 문건호, 김동재, 김재중, 윤석민, 오서현, 김정우, 박근, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Pressure Drop Characteristics of Heat Exchanger for Automobile in TPMS Structure, Proceedings of KSME 2022 Conference, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2022박창용
◾ 박근, 오서현, 이준원, 양희진, 박창용, 김정우, Design for Additive Manufacturing of Compact TPMS Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of the KSPE 2022 Fall Conference, 대구 EXCO, 2022박창용
◾ 김정우, 안찬희, 서보민, 문건호, 오서현, 박창용, 박근, Study on Functional TPMS Porous Structure Based Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of the KSPE 2022 Fall Conference, 대구 EXCO, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 문건호, 오진수, 김경민, 박창용, A Study on the Effect of Installing Fuel Cells on Campus Carbon Emissions, Proceedings of the KSGHE 2022 Fall Conference, 안양대학교, 경기도, 2022박창용
◾ 문건호, 정유준, 정현준, 이호성, 윤린, 박창용, A Study on the Electricity Consumption of Component and Economic Feasibility in Office Building for using Hydrothermal Energy, Proceedings of the KSGHE 2022 Fall Conference, 안양대학교, 경기도, 2022박창용
◾ Hyn Jun Jung, Geon Ho Moon, Chang Yong Park, Rin Yun, Development of Integrated Design Platform for Hydrothermal Energy, Proceedings of the KSNRE 2022 International Conference, RAMADA PLAZA JEJU, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 최미주, 문건호, 박근, 박창용, An experimental study on the temperature distribution according to the shape, Proceedings of the KSMTE 2022 Spring Conference, 강릉 세인트존스 호텔, 2022박창용
◾ 문건호, 최민수, 강병현, 이상철, 김시희, 윤린, 박창용, A Study on Pump Power Consumption Using a Hyfrothermal Energy Evaluation Program for Building Application, Proceedings of the KSFE 2022 Summer Conference, 휘닉스 평창, 강원도, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 최주영, 심민성, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics with the Average Quality in Plate Heat Exchanger, Proceedings of the SAREK 2022 Summer Conference, 휘닉스 평창, 강원도, 2022박창용
◾ 문건호, 서보민, 강동현, 정승범, 박창용, A Study on the internal flow characteristics in a Tube with Fin Structures by an additive manufacturing method, Proceedings of the SAREK 2022 Spring Conference, 휘닉스 평창, 강원도, 2022박창용
◾ 문건호, 서보민, 강동현, 정승범, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Pressure Drop in a Tube with Different Internal Structures Manufactured by a 3D Printing Method, Proceedings of KSME Thermal engineering devision Spring Conference, 소노벨 경주, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 심민성, 최주영, 박창용, Experimental Study on pressure drop characteristics with change of average quality and difference in quality in plate heat exchanger, Proceedings of KSME Thermal engineering devision Spring Conference, 소노벨 경주, 2022박창용
◾ 서보민, 김성준, 김보경, 오승록, 박근, 박창용, A study on the temperature distribution and thermal deformation of molds according to the shape of the cooling channel, Transactions of Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers Fall Conference, KAL 호텔, 제주, 2021박창용
◾ 오승록, 서보민, 문건호, 신민우, 박창용, An experimental study on two-phase flow distribution in a vertical header, Transactions of SAREK 2021 Winter Conference, 세종대학교, 서울, 2021박창용
◾ 서보민, 진형민, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Measurement of Heat Transfer Coefficient of Plate Heat Exchangers Using the Modified Wilson Plot Method, Transactions of SAREK 2021 Winter Conference, 세종대학교, 서울, 2021박창용
◾ 서보민, 오승록, 김보경, 김성준, 최미주, 박창용, A study on the measurement and analysis of the contact thermal resistance and temperature distribution of the heating unit, Transactions of SAREK 2021 Winter Conference, 세종대학교, 서울, 2021박창용
◾ 박창용, 오승록, 문건호, Program Structure and GUI to Estimate the Validity of Hydrothermal Energy, Transections of KSGHE Fall Conference, 부산대학교, 부산, 2021박창용
◾ 서보민, 오승록, 권용훈, 이건희, 정동연, 최치훈, 이건희, 박근, 박창용, A study on the Contact Thermal Resistance between Mold Heating and Cooling Blocks, Proceedings of 2021 KSME Thermal division Fall Conference, 제주 KAL 호텔, 2021박창용
◾ 오승록, 윤린, 박창용, A Study on the Ground Water Thermal Energy Potential Estimation, The Proceedings of KSME 2020 Conference, 온라인 학회 ( 강원랜드 컨벤션 센터 예정), 2020박창용
◾ 오승록, 서보민, 이재응, 박창용, An experimental investigation of two-phase flow distribution in micro-channel heat exchanger header, The Proceedings of KSME 2020 Conference, 온라인 학회 ( 강원랜드 컨벤션 센터 예정), 2020박창용
◾ 조재영, 김정우, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Prediction of Heat Transfer Coefficient Based on Visualized Pool Boiling Images at a Tube Outside Surface, The Proceedings of SAREK 2020 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 2020박창용
◾ 노민주, 박종훈, 오승록, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Flow Visualization in a Plate Heat Exchanger with Adiabatic Two-Phase Horizontal Flow Conditions, The Proceedings of SAREK 2020 Winter Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 2020박창용
◾ 박근, 이지호, 김태수, 박창용, Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube Based Surface Heating Element, Proceedings of 2020 KSPE Conference, 온라인, 2020박창용
◾ 문지훈, 노민주, 박종훈, 오승록, 박창용, A Study on HFE-7100 Flow Visualization in a Plate Heat Exchanger under Adiabatic Two-Phase Flow Condition, Transactions of SAREK 2020 Summer Conference, 휘닉스 평창, 2020박창용
◾ 강진호, 김덕규, 문지훈, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the R32 Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger, Transactions of 2019 SAREK Winter Conference, 서울 고려대학교 하나스퀘어, 2019박창용
◾ 오승록, 신찬식, 박창용, An Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics and Flow Visualization in Mini Multi-ported Rectangular Channels, Transactions of 2019 SAREK Winter Conference, 서울 고려대학교 하나스퀘어, 2019박창용
◾ 전승호, 김정우, 박창용, Experimental Study on Heat Flow Characteristics of Miniaturized Passive Condensation Cooling Tank with Condensation Cooling in Tube, Transactions of 2019 SAREK Winter Conference, 서울 고려대학교 하나스퀘어, 2019박창용
◾ 황주원, 김덕규, 박창용, An Experimental Study on Pressure Drop and Flow Visualization in a Plate Heat Exchanger with Change of Flow Rates, Transactions of 2019 SAREK Summer Conference, 강원도 평창 용평리조트, 2019박창용
◾ 오승록, 윤린, 박창용, A Case Survey for the Hydrothermal Energy Potential Estimation and Application of Ground Water Heat Sources, Transactions of 2019 SAREK Summer Conference, 강원도 평창 용평리조트, 2019박창용
◾ 오승록, 신찬식, 박창용, Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Mini-Channels with Flow Boiling, Transactions of KSME Fall Conference, 부산 BEXCO, 2019박창용
◾ 조재용, 이인선, 이기범, 박민지, 장춘수, 박창용, Development of an Automatic Load Control System for a Pressuring Pump, Transactions of KSME Fall Conference, 부산 BEXCO, 2019박창용
◾ 김동규, 강성미, 차회명, 박창용, Making Pilates Footboard to improve exercise, Fall Conference Proceedings of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, 제주도, 제주, 2017박창용
◾ 손영한, 박준모, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Performance Variation of a Plate Heat Exchanger with the Change of Inlet Conditions, Winter Conference Proceedings of The Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Kore, 서울, 과학기술회관, 2017박창용
◾ 안지훈, 손영한, 박창용, An Experimental Study on Pressure Drop and Flow Visualization in Rectangular Mini-Channels with Liquid-Vapor Flow, Fall Conference Proceedings of The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 제주 ICC, 2017박창용
◾ 박준모, 손영한, 박창용, An Experimental Study on Flow boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient of R22 and R410A in a Plate Heat Exchanger, Summer Conference Proceedings of Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 강원도, 용평, 2017박창용
◾ 이원석, 김정우, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Water Temperature Distribution in a Thermal Storage Tank Charged by an Electric Heater, Summer Conference Proceedings of Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 강원도, 용평, 2017박창용
◾ 손영한, 박준모, 박창용, An Enperimental Study on R-410A Pressure Drop in a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger with Two-Phase Flow, Proceedings of KSME Thermal Engineering Dision 2017 Spring Conference, 부산, 벡스코, 2017박창용
◾ 김창훈, 이민주, 박창, A Study on the Characteristics of the Heat Transfer and Pressure drop in Electronics Cooling Section with Phase Change Flow, Proceedings of Winter Conference of SAREK, 한국과학기술회관, 서울, 2016박창용
◾ 권지수, 전현준, 박창용, A Study on the Pressure Drop and Flow Patterns in Multi-ported Microchannels, Proceedings of Winter Conference of SAREK, 한국과학기술회관, 서울, 2016박창용
◾ 김만배, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics with the Change of Vapor Quality in a Plate Heat Exchanger as an Evaporator, Proceedings of Summer Conference of SAREK, 용평, 강원도, 2016박창용
◾ Chang Yong Park, Man Bae Kim, NUMERICAL STUDY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A FIN-TUBE CONDENSER WITH NON-UNIFORM AIR DISTRIBUTION, Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 대만, 2016박창용
◾ 김만배, 김범영, 송솔, 박창용, Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Circuit Cooling Heat Sink, Proceedings of 2016 Fall conference of KSME, 여수, 2016박창용
◾ 엄혜원, 이범용, 박창용, Experimental study on phase-change flow phenomena in micro-channels, 2015 Winter Conference Transactions of SAREK, 서울, 2015박창용
◾ 김범영, 송솔, 박창용, Experimental Study on the Liquid Circuit Cooling System using for Flow Boiling Heat Transfer, 2015 Winter Conference Transactions of SAREK, 서울, 2015박창용
◾ 김범영, 송솔, 박창용, Experimental Study on the Liquid Circuit Cooling System with FC-72, 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 제주, 제주도, 2015박창용
◾ 이범용, 엄혜원, 박창용, Experimental study on two-phase flow pressure drop in micro-channels, 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집, 제주, 제주도, 2015박창용
◾ 박창용, A Direction of the HFC Refrigerants Control in the Clean Air Conservation Act, 2015 Summer Conference Transactions of SAREK, 용평, 강원도, 2015박창용
◾ 김만배, 박창용, Heat Transfer Measurement by the Wilson Plot Method and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers with Single-Phase Flow, 2015 Spring Conference Transactions of KSME, 부산, 2015박창용
◾ 곽주학, 이근환, 박창용, Experimental study on liquid and two - phase flow pressure drop characteristis for HFE - 7100 at multi - ported micro - scale channels, 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집, 서울, 2014박창용
◾ 한태송, 이재빈, 박창용, 허남수, 송기오, 하승우, 전현익, Determination of Inner Shape of Nuclear Metallic Thermal Insulation Using the Thermal Resistance Method, 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 춘계학술대회 논문집, 전라남도, 광주, 2014박창용
◾ 김만배, 강지희, 류한, 박홍근, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance Compared with Brazed and Gasket Plate Heat Exchangers, 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집, 강원도 용평, 2014박창용
◾ 김만배, 곽정기, 이태연, 박창용, Performance Measurement Experiment and Numerical Analysis of Brazed Heat Exchanger, 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 열공학 학술대회 논문, 제주도 제, 2014박창용
◾ 이재빈, 한태송, 박창용, 허남수, 송기오, 전현익,조선영, Effect of Shape of Internal Foils on Heat Transfer of Metallic Thermal Insulation, 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 신뢰성공학 학술대회 논문, 제주도, 제주, 2014박창용
◾ 곽정기, 이태연, 박창용, The Effect of Plate Numbers and Fluid Distribution on the Performance of Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, Transactions of 2013 SAREK Conference, 서울 과학기술회관, 2013박창용
◾ 최성경, 조성원, 박창용, Experimental study on liquid flow pressure drop characteristis for HFE-7100 at multi-ported micro-scale channels, Transactions of 2013 SAREK Conference, 서울 과학기술회관, 2013박창용
◾ 차영선, 황광필, 박창용, Thermodynamic efficiency of basic and 2-stage regeneration Kalina cycles for various ammonia mass fractions and operating conditions, Transactions of 2013 SAREK Conference, 서울 과학기술회관, 2013박창용
◾ 박동욱, 박창용, Change of Water-Al2O3 Thermal Conductivity with the Elapse of Time, Transactions of 2013 SAREK Conference, 강원도 용평, 2013박창용
◾ 박현민, 차한열, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics on Blazed Heat Exchangers, Transactions of 2013 SAREK Conference, 강원도 용평, 2013박창용
◾ 박현민, 민혜성, 차한열, 박창용, An Experimental Study on the Capacity and Pressure drop Characteristics on a Blazed Heat Exchanger, Conference Proceedings of SAREK, 한국과학기술회관, 강남구, 서울, 2012박창용
◾ 김제성, 함형창, 박창용, Experimental Study on the Effect of Nano Particle Concentration and Size on Thermal Conductivity of Al2O3-Water Nanofluid, Conference proceedings of SAREK, 용평조트, 2012박창용
◾ 조다영, 함형창, 박창용, Numerical Study on the Effect of Tube and Fin Types on Fin-Tube Condenser Performance, Conference Proceedings of SAREK, 용평리조, 2012박창용
◾ 함형창, 김수영, 남주완, 수냉식 히트싱크 성능에 관한 실험적 연구, 대한설비공학회 2011 동계학술발표대회 논문집, 2011박창용
◾ 김정민, 홍웅기, 기본 ORC와 재생과정을 적용한 ORC의 효율비교에 관한 열역학적 해석 연구, 대한설비공학회 2011 하계학술발표대회 논문집, 2011박창용
◾ 함형창, 윤은석, 전자부품 냉각용 위터블럭의 열전달 및 압력강하 특성에 관한 실험적 연구, 2011년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회 논문집, 부여, 2011박창용
◾ 조영학, 최종대, 지인혁, Al2O3 nanofluid pressure drop in microchannels, 대한설비공학회 2010 동계학술발표대회 논문집, 2010박창용
◾ 가정용 냉방시스템을 위한 mini-channel 응축기의 R410A 충전량 예측에 관한 수치적 연구, 대한설비공학회 2010 하계학술발표대회 논문집, 보광휘닉스파크, 2010박창용