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Program of Architecture
Roh, Young-Sook
Architectural Structures
Journal Papers
◾ Shear strength model of FRP-reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement, structures, vol.64, 2024노영숙
◾ An Analytical Study for Safety check of Steel Pipe Scaffolding-Analysis of Wind Load and Load Combinations-, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.39 No.9 pp.195~203, 2023노영숙
◾ Design Optimization of Additive Manufactured Edgeless Simple Cubic Lattice Structures under Compression, Materials, vol.16 No.7 pp.1~26, 2023노영숙
◾ Structural Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Corroded by Accelerated Corrosion, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, vol.34 No.5 pp.497~504, 2022노영숙
◾ An Experimental Study on the Reinforcement Effect of Carbon Fiber Sheet according to Concrete Strength, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industial, vol.23 No.4 pp.474~482, 2022노영숙
◾ The Anchorage Performance of Aging Concrete and Post-installed Anchors, Jounal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.4 pp.199~206, 2022노영숙
◾ Acceptance Model of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Technologies in Construction Firms: Applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Combination with the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) Framework, Buildings, vol.12 No.2, 2022노영숙
◾ Mechanical properties of additive manufactured variable-density Kelvin lattice structures: a novel design method for Kelvin unit cells, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, vol.7 No.1 pp.34~45, 2022노영숙
◾ Design Optimization of Lattice Structures under Compression: Study of Unit Cell Types and Cell Arrangements, Materials, vol.15 No.97, 2021노영숙
◾ Chloride Diffusion by Build Orientation of Cementitious Material-Based Binder Jetting 3D Printing Mortar, Materials, vol.14 No.23, 2021노영숙
◾ Proposal for enhancing the compressive strength of alkali-activated materials-based binder jetting 3D printed outputs, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.303 pp.1~10, 2021노영숙
◾ 건설자재 미세먼지 제거율 평가를 위한 선형 회귀 분석법 제안, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, vol.25 No.5 pp.86~93, 2021노영숙
◾ Mechanical Properties of Metallic Additive Manufactured Lattice Structures according to Relative Density, Journal of Korea Academy Industrial Cooperation Society, vol.22 No.6 pp.19~26, 2021노영숙
◾ 중공슬래브 고정장치의 인발실험을 통한 부력저항성능 평가, J. Korean Soc. Adv. Comp. Struc., vol.11 No.5 pp.46~52, 2020노영숙
◾ 진공함침을 적용한 바인더젯 3D 프린팅 출력물의 성능 평가, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집, vol.24 No.2 pp.103~110, 2020노영숙
◾ Evaluation of the Floor Impact Sound Insulation Performance of a Voided Slab System Applied to a High-Rise Commercial Residential-Complex Building, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, vol.13 No.1, 2019노영숙
◾ Fracture Parameters of Cement Mortar with Different Structural Dimensions Under the Direct Tension Test, Materials, vol.12 No.11, 2019노영숙
◾ Assessment of Fire-Damaged Mortar using Color image Analysis, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 2019노영숙
◾ Evaluation of Shear Behavior of One- and Two-Directional Hollow-core Slabs, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, vol.30 No.6 pp.565~572, 2018노영숙
◾ 중공재 부상방지장치가 적용된 슬래브의 휨 성능 평가, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, vol.30 No.4 pp.403~410, 2018노영숙
◾ 고강도 철근 사용에 따른 순수 철근량에 대한 정착 및 이음 철근량 비교, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집, vol.22 No.1 pp.72~80, 2018노영숙
◾ Evaluation on the Vibration Performance for Void-deck Slab Combined with Deck Plate and Polystyrene Void Foam, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, vol.21 No.3 pp.86~92, 2017노영숙
◾ 응결시간제어용 배합과 수평분할을 고려한 고강도 매스콘크리트의 적용성 평가, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집, vol.21 No.2 pp.103~113, 2017노영숙
◾ 굴 분말 및 패각을 이용한 모르타르의 특성 연구, J. Korean Soc. Adv. Comp. Struc., vol.7 No.4 pp.18~23, 2016노영숙
◾ Sensitivity of NOx Removal on Recycled TiO2 in Cement Mortar, 한국건설순환자원학회 논문집, vol.4 No.4 pp.388~395, 2016노영숙
◾ Fire Combustion Characteristics of Membrane Materials According to the Height and Heat Generation Rate, Journal of the Korea Instritute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, vol.20 No.6 pp.84~90, 2016노영숙
◾ A Study on the inclined balcony and double deck structure of Korean traditional housing, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, vol.16 No.12 pp.8408~8415, 2015노영숙
◾ Dynamic Analysis of Railway Structures using Multibody Contacts, Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.6 pp.293~299, 2015노영숙
◾ An Evaluation Technique of Surface Roughness of Corroded Reinforcing Bar-in-Coils, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, vol.16 No.10 pp.6551~6557, 2015노영숙
◾ Constitutive Model for a Confined Concrete Cylinder with an Unbonded External Steel Jacket, Architectural Research, vol.17 No.1 pp.41~48, 2015노영숙
◾ A Study on the Sound Insulation for Void-deck Slab Combined with Deck Plate and Polystyrene Void Foam, Journal of the Korean Society of Safety, vol.30 No.1 pp.60~65, 2015노영숙
◾ 보이드데크 슬래브의 극한 휨 및 전단거동 해석, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.6 pp.11~17, 2014노영숙
◾ 공동주택에 적용 가능한 한옥 평면기술에 관한 연구, 한국산학기술학회논문지, vol.15 No.10 pp.6366~6371, 2014노영숙
◾ Properties of normal-strength concrete and mortar with multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Magazine of Concrete Research, vol.65 pp.951~961, 2013노영숙
◾ Structural Behaviors on the Connection Joint of Wall & Slab using Welded Wire Fabric, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.28 No.4 pp.3~10, 2012노영숙
◾ Guided wave propagation induced by piezoelectric actuator in bolted thin steel members, KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.16 No.3 pp.398~406, 2012노영숙
◾ A Study on the Vertical and Horizontal Moving System for High-rise Buildings, 상품학연구, vol.30 No.1 pp.109~117, 2012노영숙
◾ 기존 학교건물의 횡하중 보강 방안 연구 - X형 V형 역V형 브레이스, 정보기술융합연구, vol.3 No.2 pp.17~27, 2011노영숙
◾ 고강도 콘크리트 휨 부재의 균열안정화 상태에서의 부착특성에 관한 실험적 연구, 대한건축학회논문집 구조계, vol.27 No.9 pp.37~44, 2011노영숙
◾ Corrosion Level Measurement Technique for RC Wall Reinforcement Using Non-Destructive Test Methods, 비파괴검사학회지, vol.31 No.1 pp.24~31, 2011노영숙
◾ 건축 디자인 향상을 위한 비정형 외피 생성의 프렉탈 해석기법 적용에 관한 연구, 상품학연구, vol.28 No.5 pp.13~21, 2010노영숙
◾ Experimental Study on Seismic Retrofitting Methods for School Building using Aramid Strip, 한국안전학회지, vol.25 No.3 pp.100~106, 2010노영숙
◾ 와플 형상을 가지는 프리캐스트 프리스트레스트 콘크리트 슬래브의 구조성능, 대한건축학회 논문집(구조계), vol.26 No.1 pp.3~10, 2010노영숙
◾ A Study on the Surface Roughness of Corroded Reinforcing Rebar, 구조물진단학회지, vol.14 No.1 pp.78~83, 2010노영숙
Conference Papers
◾ 김수나, 리아나, 노영숙, Behavior and effects of RC beams reinforced with carbon fiber reinforced plastic(CFRP) sheet, 2024 kci fall conference, 속초 델피노리조트, 2024노영숙
◾ 사틀르코바 리아나, 싼자수렌 오간토야, 노영숙, Experimental study for Integrating Plastic flakes into Concrete Formulations, 2024 kci spring conference, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024노영숙
◾ 김수나, 김영진, 이웅종, 노영숙, Legan and standard analysis for the utiliztation of digital technology in construction supervision, Korea Concrete Institute 23 fall conference, 제주도, 2023노영숙
◾ 사틀르코바 리아나, 심재환, 방서빈, 정준홍, 노영숙, Experimental study for implementation of plastic waste recycling products in concrete mixtures, Architecture Institute of Korea 2023 fall conference, 강원도 정선, 2023노영숙
◾ 리아나 사틀르코바, 박형진, 노영숙, A Study on the FRP Adhesion Effect of Beams According to the Shape of Attachment Surface, Korean Concrete Institute 2023 Spring Conference, 부산, 2023노영숙
◾ 안승주, 리아나, 노영숙, A Study on the Surface Roughness Effect of Aggregates Using Waste Plastics, Korean Concrete Institute 2023 Spring Conference, 부산, 2023노영숙
◾ 김수나, 노영숙, A Study for Structural safety check of Steel pipe scaffolding, Architectura Institute of Korea 2023 spring conference, 부산, 2023노영숙
◾ 김정연, 박미소, 조승호, 노영숙, Anchorage Performance with Post-installed Anchors According to the Aging Simulation of Concrete, KOREA CONCRETE INSTITUTE 2022 SPRING CONFERENCE, 제주, 2022노영숙
◾ 박미소, 김정연, 조승호, 노영숙, An Experimental Study on the Effect of Concrete Durability on the Reinforcement Effect of Carbon Fiber Sheet, Spring annual conference 2022, 더케이호텔, 2022노영숙
◾ 나승욱, 허석재, 노영숙, Application of artificial intelligence-based technologies to the construction sites, The Korea Institute of Building Construction, 나주, 2022노영숙
◾ Ji-woo Lee, Do-hwan Kim, Young-sook Roh, A study on the optimal utilization conditions by verifying the effectiveness of fine dust reduction of TiO2, Proceedings fo the 7th world congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental engineering, Lisbon (virtual conference), 2022노영숙
◾ 김정연, 이지우, 박미소, 노영숙, Characteristics of compressive strength according to the content of cement substitute powder, Korea Academia-Industial cooperation society, 대한민국, 2021노영숙
◾ 박미소, 하정수, 조승호, 노영숙, An Experimental Study on the Reinforcement Effect of Concrete Strength and Carbon Fiber Bonding Area, Korea Concrete Institute, 대한민국, 2021노영숙
◾ 김정연, 노영숙, Characteristics Of Compressive Strength According To The Content Of Fine Aggregate Replacement Beads, The proceeding of ANBRE21, online zoom presentation, 2021노영숙
◾ 김민성, 김민성, 정종희, 노영숙, A Study on the Applicability of ECS for Existing Building Displacement Control, How to use convergence technology in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, 대천 한화리조트, 2020노영숙
◾ 이현식, 노영숙, Design of the construction joint for unreinforced concrete slab, How to use convergence technology in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, 대천 한화리조트, 2020노영숙
◾ 이지우, 박미소, 노영숙, A Study on the Atmospheric Purification of Cement Block Using Silicazole Binder, 2020 Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection Autumn Conference, 한국과학기술회관, 2020노영숙
◾ 조승호, 이지우, 이동하, 노영숙, 박광민, 하정수, Compressive strength properites of high strength concrete by attached cement paste of recycled fine aggregate, 2020 fall conference of KCI, 대구 EXCO 컨벤션 센터, 2020노영숙
◾ 이지우, 박미소, 조승호, 김정연, 김민성, 노영숙, Atmosphere Improvement Effect of Cement Block with TiO2 and Silicazole, Journal of the AIK 2020 Autumn Annual Conference, 온라인, 2020노영숙
◾ 김찬희, 조승호, 박광민, 노영숙, Parametric Study of Plastic Hinge Property of Reinforced Concrete in Nonlinear Static Analysis, Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute, 2019, 변산 대명리조트, 2019노영숙
◾ 이은진, 노영숙, 김찬희, 이지용, A Study on the Design of Space at Luminaires with the Function to Support pedestrian crossing and Attention Driving, KSDS Conference Proceeding, 서울여자대학교, 2019노영숙
◾ 이인규, 이준석, 노영숙, Fracture Energy and Size Effect for Mode I Failure on Cement Mortar, Proceedings of Korea Concrete Institute, 2019, 제주 신화월드, 2019노영숙
◾ 조승호, 최원경, 김찬희, 백인관, 노영숙, Seismic Performance Evaluation of Seismic Retrofit Method of School Buildings by Nonlinear Static Analysis, Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute, 2019, 제주 신화월드, 2019노영숙
◾ 최원경, 김찬희, 노영숙, Comparison of Energy Dissipation about Void slab, Spring Annual Conference of AIK, 2019, 고려대학교, 2019노영숙
◾ 이지용, 노영숙, 강인섭, 김찬희, 이은진, A study on fabrication criteria for the implementation of freeform sheet panel, 2018 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering, 일본, 오키나와, 2018노영숙
◾ 이혜정, 조승호, 손현실, 이동하, 김찬희, 노영숙, An Evaluation of Structural Capacity of Void Slabs with 45-degree Reinforcing Bars, Korea Concrete Institute, 창원 컨벤션 센터, 2018노영숙
◾ 손현실, 조승호, 이혜정, 최원경, 노영숙, Evaluation on Flexural Performance of Void Slabs with Steel Reducing Buoyancy, Korea Concrete Institute, 창원 컨벤션센터, 2018노영숙
◾ 이인규, 이준석, 노영숙, A correlation between Fracture Energy Mode I and Fracture Morphology in Direct Tension Test, Korea Concrete Institute, 창원 컨벤션 홀, 2018노영숙
◾ 최원경, 김유상, 이혜정, 손현실, 김찬희, 노영숙, A Study on the Vibration Reduction Performance of Hollow Slab using Perfurated Plate, Korean Society for Structural Maintenance and Management Engineering Conference 2018 Spring Conference, 제주도, 2018노영숙
◾ 이혜정, 조승호, 임명관, 이종식, 이동하, 노영숙, Evaluation of the Shear Performance and the Performance of the Reinforcement Bars According to the Effective Cross Section Size of Unidirectional Void Slab, Korean Society for Structural Maintenance and Management Engineering Conference 2018 Spring Conference, 제주도, 2018노영숙
◾ Ji-yong Lee, Young-sook Roh, In-sub Kang, A study of the necessity of criteria for fabication for the implementation of freeform aluminum sheet panel, 2017 International Symposium on Computational Design and Engineering, 베트남 호치민, 2017노영숙
◾ 이혜정, 손현실, 조승호, 노영숙, An Experimental Study on Shear Strength in Hollow Core Slabs, 한국콘크리트학회 2017년도 가을 학술대회 논문집 제 29권 제1호, 경상북도 안동, 2017노영숙
◾ 조승호, 김한식, 노영숙, 하정수, Physical Properties of Hardened Cement Paste by Moisture Supply, 콘크리트학회 2017년도 봄 학술대회 발표 논문집 제29권 제1호, 제주도, 2017노영숙
◾ 김태경, 이용국, 김성수, 노영숙, Oper House Design - Nari opera house, Journal of Architectural Institute of Korea, 제주도, 2017노영숙
◾ 손현실, 조승호, 노영숙, Shear Behavior Evaluation of Void Slab, Korea Concrete Institute, 델피노리조(설악), 2016노영숙
◾ 손현실, 노영숙, Developement of Self-illuminative Concrete Using Solar Energy, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 숭실대학교, 2016노영숙
◾ 임종진, 엄태성, 이상현, 김동관, 노영숙, Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Exterior Concrete-Filled U-Section Beam-to-Octagonal Tube Column Connection, 한국콘크리트학회 2016년 봄 학술대회 논문집, 여수엑스포 컨벤션센터, 2016노영숙
◾ 이인규, 노영숙, A study on the reaction modeling of wheel-rail-foundation, 2015 Autumn Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 여수, 2015노영숙
◾ 손현실, 노영숙, A Comparison of the Temperature Distribution Experimental of Corroded Reinforcement Rebar and Interpretation by using ABAQUS, 2015 Spring conference of Korea Concrete Institure, 김대중컨벤션센터, 2015노영숙
◾ Young-Sook Roh, Lan Chung, Seung-Ho Cho, In-kwan Paik, Inkyu Rhee, Flexural behavior of a void flat slab, ACF2014 The 6th International conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Seoul, Korea, 2014노영숙
◾ Y.S. Roh, L. Chung, S-H. Cho, I-K. Paik, I. Rhee, Flexural Behaviro of a Void Flat Slab, The 6th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation, Seoul, Korea, 2014노영숙
◾ 조승호, 백인관, 정란, 노영숙, 이인오, 윤성호, 보이드데크 슬래브의 바닥충격음 차단성능 평가, 한국콘크리트학회 2014 봄 학술대회 논문집, 제주 휘닉스아일랜드, 2014노영숙
◾ 박정준, 고유 진동주기 약산법과 해석 프로그램을 통한 구조물 고유 진동주기에 대한 연구, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2010년도 가을 학술발표 논문집, 경원대학교, 2010노영숙
◾ 노영숙, Building Structures, 역서, 978-89-953168-5-6, Archigram, 2013노영숙
◾ 한국콘크리트학회, 콘크리트건축물 구조설계 예제집, 저서, 9788982258428, 한국건축구조기술사회, 2011노영숙
◾ 조적조벽 내진보강구조, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017노영숙
◾ 노후화된 기존 건축물의 최적 내진보강을 위한 부착 및 정착성능 기준 제안, 한국연구재단, 2020.03.~2024.02.노영숙
◾ 서울시 건축기술 미래수요 발굴 및 기술 선진화 방안 연구, 재단법인 서울특별시 서울기술연구원, 2019.07.~2019.08.노영숙
◾ 대학교육 백서(2015.11.~2019.10.) 편찬 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.06.~2019.10.노영숙
◾ 중공형상 및 보강 배근에 따른 중공슬래브의 구조성능, 한국연구재단, 2019.06.~2020.05.노영숙
◾ 학교건축물 내진보강 및 평가방안 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.노영숙
◾ 창조혁신형 디자인고급인력양성사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2019.03.~2019.12.노영숙
◾ 멀티코어 비좌굴브레이스 내진보강시스템의 내진성능 평가, (주)와이앤케이에코, 2019.01.~2020.05.노영숙
◾ 중공재 부상방지장치가 적용된 슬래브의 휨성능 평가, 산학협력단, 2018.06.~2019.02.노영숙
◾ 일방향성 중공체와 이방향성 중공체가 배치된 슬래브의 전단거동 평가, 산학협력단, 2018.06.~2019.02.노영숙
◾ 고강도 철근 사용에 따른 순수철근량에 대한 정착 및 이음철근량 비교, 산학협력단, 2017.08.~2018.07.노영숙
◾ 각형 강관을 활용한 중공슬래브 공법의 요소기술개발 및 구조성능검증, 중소기업기술정보진흥원, 2017.06.~2018.05.노영숙
◾ 비탈형 거푸집에 대한 연구, 가온구조기술사사무소, 2016.11.~2017.03.노영숙
◾ 정부재정사업 : 산학협력선도대학육성사업, 교육부, 2016.03.~2016.03.노영숙
◾ 디자인-기술 융합전문대학원 육성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2016.03.~2019.02.노영숙
◾ 코일철근의 사용성 및 표면 녹에 관한 연구, 동윤건축사사무소, 2016.01.~2016.07.노영숙
◾ 한옥의 경사처마와 이중바닥구조에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.11.~2016.03.노영숙
◾ 중공슬래브의 전단내력 평가 및 전단보강방법 개발, 한국연구재단, 2015.11.~2018.10.노영숙
◾ 다중물체 접촉법을 이용한 철도구조물 동적해석, 산학협력단, 2015.06.~2016.12.노영숙
◾ 코일철근의 표면 거칠기 물리량 평가 기술, 산학협력단, 2015.06.~2015.12.노영숙
◾ 중공슬래브의 구조성능, (주)에스엠구조안전진단, 2015.05.~2015.10.노영숙
◾ 강판보강된 구속 콘크리트의 해석모델, 산학협력단, 2014.11.~2015.04.노영숙
◾ 공동주택에 적용 가능한 한옥 평면기술, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2014.11.노영숙
◾ 보이드데크 슬래브의 휨 및 전단거동 해석, 산학협력단, 2014.07.~2014.12.노영숙
◾ 단과대학, 학과행정실 및 대학본부 행정지원인력 재배치 방안 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2014.09.노영숙
◾ 학과평가 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.06.~2012.08.노영숙
◾ 2단계 공학교육혁신센터지원사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2012.03.~2013.02.노영숙
◾ 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 산학협력 특성화 혁신센터 사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2010.07.~2012.02.노영숙
◾ 건물내 정보통신설비의 지진피해 보호장치 개발, (주)에코닝, 2009.10.~2010.06.노영숙
◾ 자체평가 평가 기준 및 지표개발 연구계획서, 서울산업대학교, 2009.09.~2010.02.노영숙
◾ 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 산학협력 특성화 혁신센터사업, 한국산업기술재단, 2008.06.~2009.06.노영숙
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