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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Program of Electrical and Information Engineering
Jung Rae Ryoo
Precision Motion Control
1990 ~ 1996 KAIST Dept. of EE, Bachelor
1996 ~ 1998 KAIST Dept. of EECS, Master
1998 ~ 2004 KAIST Dept. of EECS, Ph.D
2004 ~ 2005 Senior Engineer, Sys. LSI Division, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
2005 ~ Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Research Areas
Precision Motion Control
- DSP-based digital motion control
- Optical disc drive servo control
- Mobile robot, inverted pendulum, and manipulator control
Selected Publications
T.-Y. Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Robust approach to repetitive controller design for uncertain feedback control systems,” IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 431-439, Feb. 2013.
S.-Y. Kim, K. Koo, J. R. Ryoo, and S. W. Kim, “Design for layer jump in optical disc drives using internal state manipulation,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1225-1231, Nov. 2012.
J. S. Lim, J. R. Ryoo, Y. I. Lee, and S. Y. Son, “Design of a fixed-order controller for the track-following control of optical disc drives,” IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 205-213, Jan. 2012.
T.-Y. Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “A linear matrix inequality approach to initial value compensation for mode switching control in hard disk drive servo systems,” IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol. 45, No. 9, pp. 3362-3364, Sep. 2009.
J. R. Ryoo and T.-Y. Doh, “Track jump scheme using internal state manipulation in optical disc drives,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 541-544, May. 2009.
T.-Y. Doh and J. R. Ryoo, "Improvement of the transient response by partially compensating initial values of digital controllers," Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 285-289, April 2013. (in Korean)
J. R. Ryoo and T.-Y. Doh, "Enhanced track jump stability in optical disc drives", Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 15, No.7, pp. 683-687, July 2009. (in Korean)
J. R. Ryoo, J.-H. Moon, and J. Cho, “Optical axis auto-adjustment of objective lens in optical disc drives,” Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 558-563, June 2008. (in Korean)

J. R. Ryoo, “Mechatronics”, Bogdoo Pub., ISBN 978-89-8000-783-7, 2012. (in Korean)
Journal Papers
◾ Iterative Learning Controller Design Using the Inverse Model of a Nominal Feedback Control System, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 2024류정래
◾ Add-on-type Robust Iterative Learning Controller Design Based on the Information of Feedback Control Systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, vol.21 No.5 pp.1682~1691, 2023류정래
◾ 실시간 고해상도 컬러 영상 워핑을 위한 FPGA 기반 하드웨어 설계, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.58 No.2 pp.55~64, 2021류정래
◾ Design of Repetitive Control Systems Using a Delayed Control Input and a State Error, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, vol.18 No.12 pp.3242~3246, 2020류정래
◾ 실시간 비디오 응용을 위한 CFA 보간과 컬러 영상 워핑 통합, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.57 No.11 pp.37~44, 2020류정래
◾ Image cache algorithm for real-time implementation of high-resolution color image warping, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.22 No.8 pp.643~649, 2016류정래
◾ Geomagnetic Sensor Compensation and Sensor Fusion for Quadrotor Heading Direction Control, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.53 No.7 pp.95~102, 2016류정래
◾ Image Cache for FPGA-based Real-time Image Warping, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.53 No.6 pp.91~100, 2016류정래
◾ Position Alignment of Laser Beam Spots in Optical Disc Drives using Cross-Correlation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.62 No.2 pp.144~149, 2016류정래
◾ Control of an Omni-directional Electric Board using Driver Weight Shift, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.53 No.4 pp.149~156, 2016류정래
◾ Design of a disturbance observer based control system to ensure robust stability of quarter-car suspensions, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.22 No.12 pp.995~1001, 2016류정래
◾ Computationally efficient colour image warping for real-time video applications, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.51 No.14 pp.1067~1068, 2015류정래
◾ An Implementation of Real-time Image Warping Using FPGA, IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, vol.9 No.6 pp.335~344, 2014류정래
◾ Steering System in a Self-Balancing Electric Scooter, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.20 No.9 pp.942~949, 2014류정래
◾ Calibration of an optical pick-up performance evaluator, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.20 No.5 pp.578~283, 2014류정래
◾ Control of an Omni-directional Mobile Robot Based on Camera Image, Journal of Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems, vol.24 No.1 pp.84~89, 2014류정래
◾ Robust Iterative Learning Controller Design using the Performance Weighting Function of Feedback Control Systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS, vol.12 No.1 pp.63~70, 2014류정래
◾ Static friction compensation for enhancing motor control precision, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.20 No.2 pp.180~185, 2014류정래
◾ Improvement of the Transient Response by Partially Compensating Initial Values of Digital Controllers, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, vol.19 No.4 pp.285~289, 2013류정래
◾ Robust approach to repetitive controller design for uncertain feedback control systems, IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, vol.7 No.3 pp.431~439, 2013류정래
◾ Design for Layer Jump in Optical Disc Drives Using Internal State Manipulation, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.58 No.4 pp.1225~1231, 2012류정래
◾ Design of a Fixed-Order Controller for the Track-Following Control of Optical Disc Drives, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, vol.20 No.1 pp.205~213, 2012류정래
Conference Papers
◾ 원지성, 장성수, 노지호, 김강인, 류정래, Head Tracking Robot using Head Mount Display, 2016 한국멀티미디어학회 추계학술발표대회논문집, 부경대학교 대연캠퍼스, 2016류정래
◾ 이유진, 류정래, High-resolution Color Image Warping System using Image Cache Algorithm, Proceeding of Conference on Information and Control Systems 2016, 대명리조트(충북 단양), 2016류정래
◾ 이유진, 류정, Processing Speed Improvement of Full-HD Color Image Warping System for Real-time Implementation, Proceeding of 2016 31st ICROS Annual Conference(ICROS2016), 서울 코엑스, 2016류정래
◾ 이유진, 류정래, Real-time Color Image Warping using a FPGA, Proceeings of Information and Control Symposium 2015, 대명 델피노리조트(강원도 고성군), 2015류정래
◾ 류정래,김봉규,박현근, CFA Image Warping for Real-time Vision Systems, 제10회 한국로봇종합학술대회 논문, 대전컨벤션센터, 2015류정래
◾ 이유진,도태용,류정래, Yaw Attitude Compensation in a Quadrotor using Complementary Filter and Geomagnetic sensor Tilt Compensation, 2015 제30회 제어로봇시스템학회 학술대회 논문집, 대전컨벤션센터, 2015류정래
◾ 최용준, 류정래, 박현근, FPGA implementation of an LUT-based Image Warping System using Image Data Cache, 제9회 한국로봇종합학술대회 논문집, 롯데부여리조트, 2014류정래
◾ 최용준, 김봉규, 류정래, 박현근, FPGA Structure for a GigE Vision-Based Smart Camera, ICROS 2014 논문집, 대구 엑스코, 2014류정래
◾ 도태용, 유정래, A Method to Represent a Repetitive Control System in the State Space, ICROS 2014 논문집, 대구 엑스코, 2014류정래
◾ 김봉규, 최윤용, 도태용, 류정래, Control of a Quadrotor using 3D Remote Controller, ICROS 2014 논문집, 대구 엑스코, 2014류정래
◾ 최용준, 김봉규, 도태용, 류정래, Intention Reading for operation of a Motorized Skateboard with Mecanum Wheels, 2013 ICROS 대전 충청지부 학술대회 논문집, 대전 한밭대학교, 2013류정래
◾ Tae-Yong Doh and Jung Rae Ryoo, How to represent a Repetitive Control System in the State Space, Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium on Robotics, KINTEX, Seoul, Korea, 2013류정래
◾ Jung Rae Ryoo, Eun Sang Lee, and Hyun Keun Park, Real-time Implementation of an LUT-based Image Warping System, Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium on Robotics, KINTEX, Seoul, Korea, 2013류정래
◾ 김봉규, 류정래, Control of an omni-directional Wheel Mobile Robot Based on Camera Image, 한국지능시스템학회 2013년도 추계학술대회 학술발표 논문집, 서울과학기술대학교, 2013류정래
◾ 최용준, 류정래, An Implementation of an Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot's Steering System using FSR, ICROS 2013 논문집, 창원컨벤션센터, 2013류정래
◾ 도태용, 유정래, Modeling and Stability Analysis of Repetitive Control Systems in the State Space, ICROS 2012 논문집, 코엑스 서울, 2012류정래
◾ 최창규, 전기전자기초실험, 저서, 978-89-97570-74-4, 홍릉과학출판사, 2013류정래
◾ 류정래 저, 메카트로닉스, 저서, 978-89-8000-783-7, 복두출판사, 2012류정래
◾ 고해상도, 초광각 영상획득을 위한 계산 영상 시스템, 한국연구재단, 2018.06.~2019.02.류정래
◾ 지상관제 시스템과 무인이동체간 Free Space Optics Communication을 위한 정밀 트래킹 전략 및 알고리즘에 관한 연구, 한국전자통신연구원, 2018.05.~2018.11.류정래
◾ 산업융합연계향로봇창의인재양성, 산업통상자원부, 2017.03.01.~2017.12.31.류정래
◾ 다축 스텝 모터 제어에 관한 연구, (주)더블유에스엠티, 2015.06.~2016.05.류정래
◾ 운전자 체중 이동을 이용한 전방향 전동 보드의 제어, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2016.04.류정래
◾ FPGA 기반 실시간 영상 워핑을 위한 영상 캐시, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2016.06.류정래
◾ 산업융합연계형로봇창의인재양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2014.06.~2019.02.류정래
◾ 실시간 영상 워핑 기술 개발, 위드로봇(주), 2014.05.~2015.06.류정래
◾ FPGA를 이용한 실시간 영상 워핑 구현, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.류정래
◾ 역진자형 전동 스쿠터의 조향 시스템, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.류정래
◾ 기가비트이더넷 인터페이스 기술개발, 위드로봇주식회사, 2013.05.~2014.04.류정래
◾ 카메라 영상기반 전방향 이동 로봇의 제어, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.류정래
◾ 모터 제어 정밀도 향상을 위한 정지마찰력 보상, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2013.08.류정래
◾ 메카트로닉스, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.류정래
◾ USB3.0 기반 카메라 인터페이스 보드 개발, 위드로봇주식회사, 2012.03.~2012.12.류정래
◾ 임베디드 비전 보드 개발, 위드로봇주식회사, 2011.08.~2012.07.류정래
◾ Digital Matrix 방식의 광픽업 PD 자동조정기 기술 개발, 우수정밀, 2011.06.~2012.05.류정래
◾ 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 산학협력 특성화 혁신센터 사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2011.05.~2012.02.류정래
◾ 대학 IT전공역량강화사업(NEXT), 정보통신산업진흥원, 2011.01.~2011.12.류정래
◾ 디지털 매트릭스 방식의 광픽업 평가기 개발, 우수정밀, 2010.10.~2011.12.류정래
◾ 2010년 분야별 기술사업성 평가 실무매뉴얼(전자통신), 중소기업진흥공단, 2010.06.~2010.11.류정래
◾ 광픽업 평가기 측정회로 Calibrator 개발, 우수정밀, 2010.05.~2011.04.류정래
◾ 대학 IT전공역량강화사업, 정보통신산업진흥원, 2010.01.~2010.12.류정래
◾ 카메라 영상기반 전방향 이동로봇의 제, 우수논문상, 사단법인 한국지능시스템학회, 2013류정래
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