Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Feb.2009.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Feb.2003.
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- Professor, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (Apr. 2023~)
- Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (Apr.2018~)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (Mar.2012-Mar.2018)
Institute of Microelectronics, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore
- Scientist I, RF/Biomedical IC Gr., Integrated Circuits & Systems Lab. (Mar.2009-Feb.2012)
- Research Assistant, Wireless PHYCOM Lab.(Mar.2003-Feb.2009)
Research Areas
CMOS Analog/RF integrated circuit (IC) and system design for wireless communications and medical applications
Selected Publications
10. L. Tran and H.-K. Cha, "An ultra-low-power neural signal acquisition analog front-end IC", Elsevier Microelectronics Journal, vol.107, Jan. 2021
9. J.-Y. Son and H.-K. Cha, "An implantable neural stimulator IC with anodic current pulse modulation based active charge balancing", IEEE Access, vol.8, pp. 136449-136458, 2020
8. A. Abdi, H. S. Kim, and H.-K. Cha, "A high-voltage generation charge-pump IC using input voltage modulated regulation for neural implant devices", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol.66, no.3, Mar. 2019
7. A. Banuaji and H.-K. Cha, "A 15-V bidirectional ultrasound interface analog front-end IC for medical imaging using standard CMOS technology", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II,vol.61, no.8, Aug. 2014
6. H.-K. Cha, D. Zhao, J. H. Cheong, B. Guo, H. Yu, and M. Je, "A CMOS high-voltage transmitter IC for ultrasound medical imaging applications", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II,vol.60, no.6, Jun. 2013
5. H.-K. Cha, W.-T. Park, and M. Je, “A CMOS rectifier with cross-coupled latched comparator for wireless power transfer in biomedical applications”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 59, no. 7, Jul. 2012
4. H.-K. Cha, M.K. Raja, X. Yuan, and M. Je, “A CMOS MedRadio receiver RF front-end with complementary current-reuse LNA”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.59, no.7, pp. 1846-1854, Jul. 2011
3. H.-K. Cha, K. Kwon, J. Choi, H.-T. Kim, and K. Lee, “A CMOS wideband RF front-end with mismatch calibrated harmonic rejection mixer for terrestrial digital TV tuner applications”, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 58, no.8, pp. 2143-2151, Aug. 2010
2. H.-K. Cha, S.-S. Song, H.-T. Kim, and K. Lee, "A CMOS harmonic rejection mixer with mismatch calibration circuitry for digital TV tuner applications", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol.18, no.9, pp. 617-619, Sept. 2008
1. H.-K. Cha, I. Yun, J. Kim, B.-C. So, K. Chun, I. Nam, and K. Lee, "A 32-KB standard CMOS antifuse one-time programmable ROM embedded in a 16-b microcontroller", IEEE J. of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no.9, pp. 2115-2124, Sept. 2006
Journal Papers
◾ A Highly Reconfigurable Signal Acquisition Analog Front-end IC for Bidirectional Neural Interface SoCs, JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, vol.24 No.6 pp.532~539, 2024차혁규
◾ A Common Mode Artifact Tolerant Low-power Low-noise Neural Recording Chopper Amplifier, Journal of IEIE, vol.60 No.12 pp.14~21, 2023차혁규
◾ An Ultra Low-Power Low-Noise Neural Signal Acquisition Amplifier for ECoG Applications, IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol.9 No.4 pp.44~48, 2023차혁규
◾ 공통 모드 아티팩트 제거 루프가 있는 저전력 재구성 가능한 뇌 신경 인터페이스 아날로그 프론트엔드 집적회로, Journal of the IEIE, vol.60 No.6 pp.28~34, 2023차혁규
◾ A Low-power Neural Signal Acquisition Analog Front-end IC for Closed-loop Neural Interfaces, Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, vol.22 No.5 pp.368~375, 2022차혁규
◾ A 15-V Output Highly-Efficient Charge Pump IC for Biomedical Applications, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol.11 No.1 pp.73~78, 2022차혁규
◾ An electrical stimulator IC with chopped pulse based active charge balancing for neural interface applications, JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, vol.21 No.5 pp.322~333, 2021차혁규
◾ Design of a low-power 10-Bit 250-kS/s SAR ADC for neural recording applications, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, vol.10 No.1 pp.67~73, 2021차혁규
◾ An ultra-low-power neural signal acquisition analog front-end IC, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, vol.107, 2021차혁규
◾ An Ultra Low-power ECoG Signal Recording Analog Front-end IC, Journal of IEIE, vol.57 No.8 pp.37~47, 2020차혁규
◾ An Implantable Neural Stimulator IC With Anodic Current Pulse Modulation Based Active Charge Balancing, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.136449~136458, 2020차혁규
◾ A regulated multiple-output high-voltage charge pump IC for implantable neural stimulators, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, vol.92, 2019차혁규
◾ A fully-integrated high-voltage generation IC for implantable medical devices, IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS), vol.5 No.4 pp.2~7, 2019차혁규
◾ A Charge Balanced Neural Stimulation Integrated Circuit with Chopped Anodic Pulse Control, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, vol.56 No.9 pp.19~25, 2019차혁규
◾ A High-Voltage Generation Charge-Pump IC Using Input Voltage Modulated Regulation for Neural Implant Devices, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.66 No.3 pp.342~346, 2019차혁규
◾ A compact wireless power transfer system at 915 MHz with supercapacitor for optogenetics applications, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL, vol.285 pp.386~394, 2019차혁규
◾ A Highly-Integrated Low-Noise MICS Band Receiver RF Front-End IC with AC-Coupled Current Mirror Amplifier, JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS, vol.28 No.1, 2019차혁규
◾ A Low-Noise Biopotential CMOS Amplifier IC Using Low-Power Two-Stage OTA for Neural Recording Applications, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol.27 No.5, 2018차혁규
◾ A reconfigurable ultrasonic analog front-end IC for medical imaging applications, IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems (JICAS), vol.4 No.2 pp.13~18, 2018차혁규
◾ RF energy harvesting: A review on designing methodologies and applications, Micro and Nano Systems Letters, 2017차혁규
◾ A bidirectional neural interface CMOS analog front-end IC with embedded isolation switch for implantable devices, Microelectronics Journal, vol.58 pp.70~75, 2016차혁규
◾ A Low-Voltage Low-Power Analog Front-End IC for Neural Recording Implant Devices, 전자공학회논문지, vol.53 No.10 pp.34~39, 2016차혁규
◾ CMOS ultrasonic analogue front-end with reconfigurable pulser/switch for medical imaging applications, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.51 No.20 pp.1564~1565, 2015차혁규
◾ 체내 이식 기기용 표준 CMOS 고전압 신경 자극 집적 회로, 전자공학회논문지, vol.52 No.5 pp.58~65, 2015차혁규
◾ A Reconfigurable Analog Front-end Integrated Circuit for Medical ultrasound imaging systems, 대한전자공학회논문지, vol.51 No.12 pp.66~71, 2014차혁규
◾ A 15-V Bidirectional Ultrasound Interface Analog Front-End IC for Medical Imaging Using Standard CMOS Technology, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.61 No.8 pp.604~608, 2014차혁규
◾ A single-input dual-output 13.56 MHz CMOS AC-DC converter with comparator-driven rectifiers for implantable devices, MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL, vol.45 No.3 pp.277~281, 2014차혁규
◾ 초음파 의료 영상시스템용 고집적 아날로그 Front-End 집적 회로, 전자공학회논문지, vol.50 No.12 pp.49~55, 2013차혁규
◾ A CMOS High-Voltage Transmitter IC for Ultrasound Medical Imaging Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.60 pp.316~320, 2013차혁규
◾ A 30-V transmitter front-end IC for ultrasound medical imaging applications, Microelectronics Journal, vol.44 pp.185~189, 2013차혁규
◾ A 13.56 MHz CMOS Multi-Stage Rectifier for Wireless Power Transfer in Biomedical Applications, 전자공학회논문지, vol.50 No.3 pp.35~41, 2013차혁규
◾ A 1-V 1.2-mW CMOS medradio receiver for biomedical applications, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol.54 No.12 pp.2821~2825, 2012차혁규
◾ A CMOS Rectifier With a Cross-Coupled Latched Comparator for Wireless Power Transfer in Biomedical Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.59 No.7 pp.409~413, 2012차혁규
◾ A CMOS MedRadio Receiver RF Front-End With a Complementary Current-Reuse LNA, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol.59 No.7 pp.1846~1854, 2011차혁규
◾ A 700-mu W Wireless Sensor Node SoC for Continuous Real-Time Health Monitoring, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, vol.45 No.11 pp.2292~2299, 2010차혁규
◾ A CMOS Wideband RF Front-End With Mismatch Calibrated Harmonic Rejection Mixer for Terrestrial Digital TV Tuner Applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol.58 pp.2143~2151, 2010차혁규
◾ A CMOS sub-GHz wideband low-noise amplifier for digital TV tuner applications, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol.E93-C No.1 pp.142~144, 2010차혁규
◾ A CMOS RF programmable gain amplifier using current mirror method for digital TV tuner applications, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol.E93-C No.5 pp.706~708, 2010차혁규
◾ A CMOS harmonic rejection mixer with mismatch calibration circuitry for digital TV tuner applications, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, vol.18 pp.617~619, 2008차혁규
◾ A 2.4-GHz low-power low-IF receiver and direct-conversion transmitter in 0.18-mu m CMOS for IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN applications, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, vol.55 pp.682~689, 2007차혁규
Conference Papers
◾ 박보성, 홍순성, 차혁규, A wide input range neural recording amplifier with immunity to stimulation artifacts, IEIE Autumn Annual Conference Proceedings, 강원도 정선, 2024차혁규
◾ 전대영, 유효준, 차혁규, Low-noise analog front-end IC with improved folded-cascode OTA, IEIE Autumn Annual Conference Proceedings, 강원도 정선, 2024차혁규
◾ 박보성, 홍순성, 차혁규, A Low-Power, Low-Noise Neural Recording Amplifier with Immunity to Stimulation Artifacts, Summer Annual Conference of IEIE, Proceedings, 제주도, 2024차혁규
◾ 홍순성, 차혁규, LFP band ultra-low-power, low-noise chopper amplifier with large input impedance and immunity to common-mode interference up to 1Vpp, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 경기도 광주시 곤지암리조트, 2022차혁규
◾ 유효준, 차혁규, Low-Power Neural Interface Analog Front-End using Current Mirror OTA-based PGA and Narrowband Buffer Bandwidth Control, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 경기도 광주시 곤지암리조트, 2022차혁규
◾ Hyojun Yoo, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A biopotential amplifier IC with active common-mode cancellation for closed-loop neural interfaces, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2022) proceedings, 강원도 강릉시, 2022차혁규
◾ Soonseong Hong, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A power-efficient low-noise neural recording amplifier IC with high tolerance to stimulation artifacts, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2022) proceedings, 강원도 강릉, 2022차혁규
◾ 이유진, 최동훈, 차혁규, Floating-body가 적용 된 저잡음 뇌신경 신호 처리 증폭기 집적회로, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 인천 송도 (하이브리드 온라인 참석), 2021차혁규
◾ 최동훈, 차혁규, 자극 아티팩트에 내성이 있는 신경 신호 기록을 위한 저전력, 저잡음 초퍼 증폭기, 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 2021 논문집, 인천 송도 (하이브리드 온라인 참석), 2021차혁규
◾ 최동훈, 차혁규, A Low-Power Low-Noise Neural Signal Acquisition Amplifier with Tolerance to Large Stimulation Artifacts, International SoC Conference (ISOCC) proceedings, 제주도 (하이브리드 온라인 참석), 2021차혁규
◾ Luat Tran(짠꽁루앗), 차혁규, A low-noise neural recording analog front-end IC for implantable devices, 제 28회 한국반도체학술대회 프로시딩, 온라인, 2021차혁규
◾ 송명규, Geri Paksi, 차혁규, A 12.8-V output fully-integrated high-voltage charge pump IC for implantable devices, 제27회 한국반도체학술대회 프로시딩, 강원도 하이원 리조트, 2020차혁규
◾ 손진영, 차혁규, A 340nW 11-bit 100-kS/s SAR ADC with even/odd comparator for biomedical implant devices, 제27회 한국반도체학술대회 프로시딩, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2020차혁규
◾ 손진영, 차혁규, A charge balanced neural stimulator using chopped anodic pulse control, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2019, 제주도, 2019차혁규
◾ 손진영, 차혁규, An anodic current pulse modulation active charge balancer for implantable electrical stimulator, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2019, 제주도, 2019차혁규
◾ Luat Tran, 차혁규, A power-efficient low-noise neural recording analog front-end IC for implantable medical devices, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2019, 제주도, 2019차혁규
◾ 손진영, 차혁규, An implantable electrical stimulator using anodic current modulation active charge balancer, 2019 SoC 학술대회, 한밭대학교, 2019차혁규
◾ 김형석, 송명규, 차혁규, A low-power low-noise CMOS analog front-end IC for neural recording systems, 한국반도체학술대회 프로시딩, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2018차혁규
◾ 김호현, 박현욱, 김형석, 차혁규, An Ultra Low-Power Highly-Integrated Analog Front-End IC for ECoG Recording, 대한전자공학회 2017년도 추계학술대회, 인천 송도, 2017차혁규
◾ Vo Nhut Tuan, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A standard CMOS neural stimulator IC with high voltage compliant output current driver, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2017, 서울, 2017차혁규
◾ Fatia Uftiani, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A low-power low-noise ultrasonic receiver front-end IC for medical imaging systems, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2017, 서울, 2017차혁규
◾ Hyung Seok Kim, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A low-noise neural amplifier IC using two-stage OTA for biomedical applications, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) 2017, 서울, 2017차혁규
◾ Hyung Seok Kim, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A micropower biopotential amplifier IC employing cascoded complementary input OTA for bidirectional neural system-on-chips, International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC)2017, 부산, 2017차혁규
◾ Legiang Tran, 차혁규, 박우태, 의료기기를 위한 RF 에너지 수확장치와 슈퍼 커패시터 저장장치, 19회 한국MEMS 학술대회 논문집, 제주도, 2017차혁규
◾ Aditya Banuaji, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A highly-integrated low-voltage transimpedance preamplifier for medical ultrasound imaging systems, International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2017, 태국, 2017차혁규
◾ 오수영,박상민,지명노,김나현,차혁규, A Bidirectional Analog Signal Processing IC for Medical Ultrasound Imaging Systems, IEIE Fall Conference 2016, 대구 EXCO, 2016차혁규
◾ Hyung Seok Kim, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A Low-Power Capacitive-Feedback CMOS Neural Recording Amplifier for Biomedical Applications, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2016), 제주도, 2016차혁규
◾ Hyung Seok Kim, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, A Low-Power, Low-Noise Neural Recording Amplifier for Implantable Biomedical Devices, International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2016), 제주도, 2016차혁규
◾ LegiangTran, 차혁규, 박우태, 여러 단계의 전압 multiplier를 사용한 RF energy harvesting, 18회 한국 MEMS 학술대회, 제주, 2016차혁규
◾ Alfian Abdi, 김형석, 차혁규, A low-power CMOS neural amplifier IC for implantable medical devices, 23rd Korean Conference on Semiconductors, 강원도, 2016차혁규
◾ LeGiang Tran, 차혁규, 박우태, Radio frequency energy harvesting for biomedical application, 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 제주도, 한, 2015차혁규
◾ M. Je, J.H. Cheong, C.K. Ho, S.S.Y. Ng, R.F. Xue, H.-K. Cha, X. Liu, W.-T. Park, L.S. Lim, C. He, K., Wireless sensor microsystems for emerging biomedical applications, IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, Sendai, Japan, 2015차혁규
◾ Xiwei Huang, Jia Hao Cheong, Hyouk-Kyu Cha, Hongbin Yu, Minkyu Je, Hao Yu, A High-frequency Transimpedance Amplifier for CMOS Integrated 2D CMUT Array towards 3D Ultrasound Imaging, IEEE EMBS, 일본, 2013차혁규
◾ J.Cheong, H.-K. Cha 외, A Wirelessly Powered and Interrogated Blood Flow Monitoring Microsystem Fully Integrated with a Prosthetic Vascular Graft for Early Failure Detection, Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference 2012, 일본 고베, 2012차혁규
◾ 최창규, Sensor, Measurements, and Instrumentation, 저서, 9788980004980, D.B.Info(복두출판사), 2014차혁규
◾ 최창규, Introductory laboratory for electrical and electronic engineering, 저서, 978-89-97570-74-4, 홍릉과학출판사, 2013차혁규
◾ 고집적 고전압 아날로그 프론트엔드 집적회로 및 이를 이용하는 초음파 영상시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016차혁규
◾ 재구성 가능한 아날로그 프론트엔드 집적회로 및 이를 이용하는 초음파 영상시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016차혁규
◾ 차세대시스템반도체설계전문인력양성사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2021.03.~2023.02.차혁규
◾ Chopped anodic 펄스 제어를 이용한 charge balanced 뇌신경 자극 집적회로, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.차혁규
◾ 다채널 ECoG 신호 처리를 위한 최소 침습 뇌신경 조절 집적회로 플랫폼의 연구 개발, 한국연구재단, 2018.03.~2022.02.차혁규
◾ 3無 무전원/무선/무독성 바이오 센서 및 통신 기술 개발, 산학협력단, 2018.02.~2021.01.차혁규
◾ 뇌신호 처리 및 무선 전송을 위한 뇌삽입용 bio-telemetry 플랫폼 구현, 정보통신기획평가원(구'정보통신기술진흥센터), 2018.01.~2020.12.차혁규
◾ 클라우드VR을 위한 생체신호 기반 예측형 콘텐츠 생성 연구, 정보통신기획평가원(구'정보통신기술진흥센터), 2018.01.~2022.12.차혁규
◾ An ultra low-power low-noise neural recording analog front-end IC for implantable devices, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.차혁규
◾ 초저전력 저잡음 듀얼 채널 CMOS 뇌신경 신호 기록 아날로그 집적회로, 산학협력단, 2017.04.~2018.03.차혁규
◾ 산업융합연계향로봇창의인재양성, 산업통상자원부, 2017.03.01.~2017.12.31.차혁규
◾ 산업융합연계형로봇창의인재양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.03.~2019.02.차혁규
◾ 체내 이식용 의료 인공장치를 위한 양방향성의 Neutal Interfacs CMOS 아날로그 Front-End 직접 회로 및 초음파 무선 전력 전달 시스템의 연구 개발, 한국연구재단, 2015.05.~2018.04.차혁규
◾ 초음파 의료 영상 시스템을 위한 재구성 가능한 아날로그 집적회로, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2015.08.차혁규
◾ 체내 이식 기기용 표준 CMOS 고전압 신경 자극 집적 회로, 산학협력단, 2014.04.~2015.12.차혁규
◾ 초음파 의료 영상 시스템 응용분야를 위한 고집적 고전압 CMOS 아날로그 Front-End 집적회로 연구 개발, 한국연구재단, 2012.09.~2015.08.차혁규
◾ 표준CMOS 공정을 이용한 고전압 펄서의 설계, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2014.01.차혁규
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