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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Program of Materials Science & Engineering
Doh-Hyung Riu
Inorganic Materials
· Seoul National University, Bachelor, Inorganic Materisls Science and Engineering, 1991
· Seoul National University, Master, Inorganic Materisls Science and Engineering, 1993
· Seoul National University, Ph.D, Inorganic Materisls Science and Engineering, 1997
· Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) 2013. 10. ~ present
· Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech), 2009. 9. 1. ~ 2013. 9. 30.
· Director, Ceramic Business Incubation Center,
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, 2006. 9. ~ 2009. 1.
· Team Leader, Nano Materials Team, KICET, 2005. 9 ~ 2009. 1.
· Senior Researcher,KICET, 2000. 7 ~ 2005. 9.
· Post Doc. Niihara Lab, ISIR, Osaka University, Japan, 1997. 9. ~ 2000. 7.
· Research Assistant, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, 1995~1996.
Research Areas
· Development of silicon carbide fiber from polycarbosilane (Since 2002 ~ )
· Transparent conducting oxide materials through nano aerosl spray pyrolysis. (since 2003~)
1. Thermodynamics for materials science
2. Fince ceramics
3. Applications of Nanomaterials
Selected Publications
1. Junsung Hong,Kwang-Yeon Cho,Dong-Geun Shin,Jeong-Il Kim,Sung-Tag Ohand Doh-Hyung Riu, Low-temperature chemical vapour curing using iodine for fabrication of continuous silicon carbide fibres from low-molecular-weight polycarbosilane,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2 (8), 2781 - 2793.

1. Jin-Chul Bae, Kwang-Youn Cho, Dea-Ho Yoon, Seung-Soo Baek, Jong-Kyoo Park, Jung-Il Kim, Dong-Won Im, Doh-Hyung Riu, Highly efficient densification of carbon fiber-reinforced SiC-matrix composites by melting infiltration and pyrolysis using polycarbosilane, Ceramics International, Volume 39, Issue 5, July 2013, Pages 5623-5629
2. Hwang, Yeon; Riu, Doh-Hyung; An, Ju-Hyun, Effect of SiO2 Layer Intermediation on Direct Carbothermal Synthesis of SiC Nanopowders,JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 13(9) 6136-6139 2013.
3. Kim, Tae-Eon; Bae, Jin Chul; Cho, Kwang Youn, Riu, Doh-Hyung, Thermal Conductivity Behaviour of Silicon Carbide Fiber/Phenolic Resin Composites by the Introduction of Graphene Nanoplatelets, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 25(10) 5625-5630 2013.
4. Kim, Jeongho; Kang, Heon; Huh, Seung Hun, Riu, Doh-Hyung, Scalable energetic-impact deposition of a mixture composed of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 62(6)980-982 2013.
5. Riu, Doh-Hyung; Jeong, Young-Keun; Suk, Myung-Jin, Sung-Tag Oh, Characteristics of a Fe-Co Alloy-Dispersed Al2O3 Nanocomposite Powder Synthesized by a Solution Chemistry Route,KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS 51 (2)101-104 2013.

1.Suk In Noh, Hyo-Jin Ahn, Doh-Hyung Riu, Photovoltaic property dependence of dye-sensitized solar cells on sheet resistance of FTO substrate deposited via spray pyrolysis, Ceramics International, Volume 38, Issue 5, July 2012, Pages 3735-3739.
2. Lee, Jong-Hyun; Kim, Ju-Hyung; Kang, Hong-Jeon,Riu, Doh-Hyung, Enhancement of Cu Wire Bondability by Increasing the Surface Roughness of Capillary,KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS 50(12)913-920 2012.
3. Doh-Hyung Riu, Sung-Tag Oh, Calcination and hydrogen reduction behavior of Fe–Ni and Fe–Co powders from metal nitrates, Current Applied Physics, Volume 12, Supplement 2, September 2012, Pages S188-S191
4. Shin, Dong-Geun; Cho, Kwang-Youn; Riu, Doh-Hyung, A Porous SiC Mat for a Gas Radiation Application by Melt-Blown o0f the Polycarbosilane,ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 24(9)4225-4231 2012.
5. Cho, Yeong-Cheol; Kong, Young-Min; Riu, Doh-Hyung, Solid State Sintering of Calcium Phosphate Ceramic Composites and Their Cellular Response, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS 50(9) 691-695 2012.
6. Cho, Chan-Woo; Lee, Jong-Heun; Riu, Doh-Hyung,Fast Responsive Gas Sensor of Vertically Aligned Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Nanorod Thin Film, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 51(4)2012.

1. Chang-Yeoul Kim, Doh-Hyung Riu, Texture control of fluorine-doped tin oxide thin film, Thin Solid Films, Volume 519, Issue 10, 1 March 2011, Pages 3081-3085.
Journal Papers
◾ In-situ generation of graphene network in silicon carbide fibers: Role of iodine and carbon monoxide, Carbon, vol.158 pp.110~120, 2020류도형
◾ Improvement of Transparent Conducting Performance on Oxygen Activated Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Electrodes Formed by Horizontal Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Deposition, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES, vol.9 No.51 pp.44584~44592, 2017류도형
◾ 초고온복합소재용 프리세라믹폴리머 합성 및 응용기술, Composites Research, vol.30 No.2 pp.102~107, 2017류도형
◾ Formation of ZSM-5 on Silicon Cardibe Fibers for Catalytic Support, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, vol.6 No.43353 pp.211~217, 2016류도형
◾ Electrochemical Properties of Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Nanoparticles Using Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, Korean Journal of Materials Research, vol.26 No.5 pp.258~265, 2016류도형
◾ Iodine diffusion during iodine-vapor curing and its effects on the morphology of polycarbosilane/silicon carbide fibers, journal of applied polymer science, vol.132 No.47 , 2015류도형
◾ Room temperature reaction of polycarbosilane with iodine under different atmospheres for polymer-derived silicon carbide fibres, RSC ADVANCES, vol.5 No.102 pp.83847~83856, 2015류도형
◾ Preparation of drug loaded polyurethane thin layer on the silicone tube by electrospinning technique for stent application, Materials Science Forum, vol.804 pp.131~134, 2015류도형
◾ TiO2-SiO2 Nanocomposite Fibers Prepared by Electrospinning of Ti-PCS Mixed Solution, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, vol.53 No.3 pp.276~281, 2015류도형
◾ Porous SiOC beads by freeze-drying polycarbosilane emulsions, MATERIALS LETTERS, vol.131 pp.174~177, 2014류도형
◾ Carbothermal synthesis of beta-SiC powders from silicon and SiO2-coated carbon powders, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, vol.105 pp.392~396, 2014류도형
◾ Low-temperature chemical vapour curing using iodine for fabrication of continuous silicon carbide fibres from low-molecular-weight polycarbosilane, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, vol.2 pp.2781~2793, 2014류도형
◾ Highly efficient densification of carbon fiber-reinforced SiC-matrix composites by melting infiltration and pyrolysis using polycarbosilane, Ceramics International, vol.39 No.5 pp.5623~5629, 2013류도형
◾ Direct Bonding of Cu/AlN using Cu-Cu2O Eutectic Liquid, 한국분말야금학회지, vol.20 No.2 pp.114~119, 2013류도형
◾ Scalable Energetic-impact Deposition of a Mixture Composed of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Silver Nanoparticles, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, vol.62 No.6 pp.980~982, 2013류도형
◾ Characteristics of a Fe-Co Alloy-Dispersed Al2O3 Nanocomposite Powder Synthesized by a Solution Chemistry Route, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS, vol.51 No.2 pp.101~104, 2013류도형
◾ Enhancement of Cu Wire Bondability by Increasing the Surface Roughness of Capillary, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS, vol.50 No.12 pp.913~920, 2012류도형
◾ Solid State Sintering of Calcium Phosphate Ceramic Composites and Their Cellular Response, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS, vol.50 No.9 pp.691~695, 2012류도형
◾ A Porous SiC Mat for a Gas Radiation Application by Melt-Blown of the Polycarbosilane, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol.24 No.9 pp.4225~4231, 2012류도형
◾ Calcination and hydrogen reduction behavior of Fe-Ni and Fe-Co powders from metal nitrates, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS, vol.12 SPECIAL No.SI pp.188~191, 2012류도형
◾ Photovoltaic property dependence of dye-sensitized solar cells on sheet resistance of FTO substrate deposited via spray pyrolysis, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, vol.38 No.5 pp.3735~3739, 2012류도형
◾ Fast Responsive Gas Sensor of Vertically Aligned Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Nanorod Thin Film, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIC, vol.51 No.4 , 2012류도형
◾ processes and applications of silicon carbide nanocomposite fibers, IOP Conf. Series: Materials and Engineering, 2011류도형
◾ Texture control of fluorine-doped tin oxide thin film, THIN SOLID FILMS, vol.519 No.10 pp.3081~3085, 2011류도형
◾ Fabrication and Characterization of Nano-sized Fe-50 wt% Co Powder from Fe- and Co-nitrate, 한국재료학회지, vol.20 No.10 pp.508~512, 2010류도형
Conference Papers
◾ 문찬석, 류도형, 이윤주, 신동근, Phase evolution and microstructure characteristics of polymer-derived single source Hf-O-C-N ceramics, 2024 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 서울, COEX, 2024류도형
◾ 문찬석, 이윤주, 류도형, Fabrication of core-shell SiC-HfC fiber by coating organometallic polymer precursor for HfC on polycarbosilane, 2024년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주, 신화호텔, 2024류도형
◾ 황건호, 문찬석, 배건완, 류도형, Sintering of electron beam-cured polycarbosilane fiber under tensile stress, 2024년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주, 신화호텔, 2024류도형
◾ 배건완, 황건호, 문찬석, 류도형, Hydrogen heat treatment time and temperature for uniform SiC fiber microstructure, 2024년 한국복합재료학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주, 신화호텔, 2024류도형
◾ 김진례, 류도형, Pd2Si dealloying of Pd2Si-SiOC fiber for the fabrication of Pd-SiOC fiber, 2024 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 부산 BEXCO, 2024류도형
◾ 문찬석, 류도형, 황건호, 배성군, 신동근, 수소열처리에 따른 SiC-HfC 나노복합세라믹섬유의 결정화 거동, 2024 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 부산 BEXCO, 2024류도형
◾ 김우준, 배건완, 류도형, 김진례, SiC Fiber Synthesis Process from Electron Beam Cured PCS: Heat Treatment in a Vacuum Atmosphere for Radical Removal, 2024 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 부산 BEXCO, 2024류도형
◾ 김진례, 류도형*, Thermodynamic-kinetic analysis of the thermal decomposition process of polycarbosilane fibers, 2023 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 서울, COEX, 2023류도형
◾ Geon-Ho Hwang, Ji-Yoon Lee, Geon-Wan Bae,Yun-Muk Lim, Dami-Yun, Hui Su Kim and Doh-Hyung Riu*, Optimizing SiC Fiber Synthesis from Electron Beam Cured PCS: Insights from Oxygen Partial Pressure Analysis, 2023 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 서울, COEX, 2023류도형
◾ Chan-Seok Moon, Jin-Rye Kim, Woo Jun Kim, Seong-Gun Bae, Dong-Geun Shin*, Doh-Hyung Riu*, Crystallization of HfC among Hf doped polycarbosilane and its effect on the grain growth of SiC, 2023 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 서울, COEX, 2023류도형
◾ Jiyun-Lee, Jin-Rye Kim, Gun-ho Hwang, Young-Sik Cho, Chan seok-Moon, Geon-wan Bae, Woo-jun kim, Seong-Gun Bae, Dong-Geun Shin, Yun-Muk Lim, Dami-Yun, Hui-Su Kim, Dong-won Im and Doh-Hyung Riu*, The C/Si ratio of the SiC fiber according to the temperature and time of the hydrogen heat treatment of the E-beam-cured polycarbosilane, 2023 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 서울, COEX, 2023류도형
◾ Jin-Rye Kim, Chan-Seok Moon, Yu-ri Lee, Seong-Gun Bae, Dong-Geun Shin*, Doh-Hyung Riu*, Fabrication and Characterization of Hafnium/Silicon Carbide Nanocomposite Fiber Sintered Above 2000℃, HT-CMC 11 E-abstract Book, 제주, 라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ Doh-Hyung Riu, Knowledge Obtained from In-situ Oxygen Partial Pressure Monitoring During Pyrolysis and Sintering of E-beam Cured Polycarbosilane Fiber, HT-CMC 11 Program Book, 제주라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ 김진례, 류도형*, 탄화규소섬유제조 열처리공정에서의 다양한 산소 혼입 경로, 2023 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ 이유리, 문찬석, 신동근, 이윤주, 배성군, 류도형*, Hydrogen pyrolysis effect on near stochiometric Al doped SiC-HfC fibers and its behavior of sintering in nitrogen atmosphere, 2023 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ 황건호, 류도형*, 김진례, 이지윤, Sintering of partially crystalized SiC fiber having various C/Si ratio, 2023 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ 이지윤, 류도형*, 김진례, 황건호, Sensitivity of E- beam cured polycarbosilane to temperature and atmospheric gas during hydrogen heat treatment for excess carbon removal, 2023 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다호텔, 2023류도형
◾ 정가인, 김진례, 이유리, 권우현, 임윤묵, 신동근, 조광연, 김정일, 김명주, 김재성, 최우철, 류도형, Epi-layer of polycarbosilane-derived SiC fiber at high temperature pyrolysis, 2022 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 서울 COEX, 2022류도형
◾ 권우현, 류도형, 김진례, 정가인, 윤누가, 임윤묵, 신동근, 조광연, 김정일, 김명주, 최우철, Early stage of crystallization in an e-beam cured polycarbosilane derived SiC fiber containing oxygen: TEM study and compositional analysis using Auger and EDS, 2022 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지엄 초록집, 목포 신안비치 호텔, 2022류도형
◾ 정가인, 권우현, 김진례, 김정일, 신동근, 조광연, 임윤묵, 류도형, Development of Hybrid-Heat-Treatment(HTT) process for obtaining stoichiometric SiC fiber from the pyrolysis and sistering of e-beam cured polycarbosilane fiber under H2 and Ar in two furnace, 2022 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지엄 초록집, 목포 신안비치 호텔, 2022류도형
◾ 정가인, 김진례, 류도형, Inward diffusion of palladium and growth of palladium silicide with the oxidation of Pd2Si/SiOC fiber, 2022 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022류도형
◾ 권우현, 류도형, 정가인, 김정일, 신동근, 조광연, 임윤묵, Sintering of electron-beam cured polycarbosilane fiber under Ar and H2 atmosphere with different heating rates, 2022년 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2022류도형
◾ 정가인, 김진례, 조영식, 진우석, 류도형, Pd2Si의 dealloying을 통한 core/rim 구조의 Pd-SiO2/Pd2Si-SiOC 섬유의 제조, 2021 엔지니어링세라믹스 심포지엄 초록집, 강릉 세인트존스호텔, 2021류도형
◾ 권우현, 조영식, *류도형, Sintering Behavior and Electrical Properties of Recycled SnO2 Powder Doped with Sb2O5, 2021 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다 호텔, 오리엔탈 호텔, 2021류도형
◾ 정가인, 김진례, 조영식, 진우석, *류도형, Catalytic Properties of Pd-doped PCS Fibers Prepared Through Electrospinning of Pd-PCS Solutions, 2021년 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다 프라자 호텔, 오리엔탈 호텔, 2021류도형
◾ 김진례, 정가인, *류도형, Uniform Pd-PCS coating on CVD SiC mat for radiation burner by dip coating combined with centrifugation, 2021 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다 프라자 호텔, 오리엔탈 호텔, 2021류도형
◾ 조영식, 김진례, 권우현, 정가인, 최우철, 임윤묵, 천자형, 신동근, 조광윤, 배성군, *류도형, Pyrolysis of Oxygen Contaminated E-beam Cured Polycarbosilane Fiber Under Hydrogen Atmosphere, 2021 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 제주 라마다 호텔, 오리엔탈 호텔, 2021류도형
◾ 김진례, 조영식, *류도형, Identification of synthesis mechanism of Pd-PCS nanocomposite with respect to manufacturing methods, 2021 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 창원컨벤션센터, 2021류도형
◾ 김진례, 조영식, 진우석, *류도형, Fabrication of Pd-PCS coating on CVD SiC mat for stable and active catalyst with high specific surface area, 2021 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 창원컨벤션센터, 2021류도형
◾ CHO Young-sik, KIM Jin-rye, JIN Woo-seok, *RIU Doh-hyung, Palladium nanoparticle assemblies inside polycarbosilane/palladium acetylacetonate composites, 2021 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 창원컨벤션센터, 2021류도형
◾ CHO Young-sik, JIN Woo-seok, KIM Dong-hyuk, *RIU Doh-hyung, Oxygen uptake of electron beam cured polycarbosilane fiber during pyrolysis under Ar-5%H2 gas flow, 2021 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 프로그램북, 창원컨벤션센터, 2021류도형
◾ 김진례, 김민석, 류도형, PCS를사용하여코팅한 방사선매트용 Pd 촉매, 2020 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 대전컨벤션센터, 2020류도형
◾ 김진례, 김민석, *류도형, Comparative Study on Structural Changes of Polycarbosilane Fibers Cured by Thermal Oxidation and Electron Beam, 2020 한국세라믹학회 추계학술대회 프로그램북, 대전컨벤션센터, 2020류도형
◾ Jin-Rye Kim, Min-Seok Kim and Doh-Hyung Riu*, Identification of the Dispersion State of Nano Palladium Metals in Pd/PCS Composites, ISNNM 2020 program book, 제주 휘닉스 호텔, 2020류도형
◾ Min Seok Kim, Jin Rye Kim, Doh-Hyung Riu*, Kwan-hyeong Kim, Evidence of Liquid Phase Formation on the Grain Boundaries with Small Dihedral Angle through TEM Analysis, ISNNM 2020 program book, 제주 휘닉스 호텔, 2020류도형
◾ Jae Wook Lee, Myeong Jun Jung, Seung Chul Shin, Ju-Yeon Han, Myeong Jun Ji, Seung Hee Ko, Jong Min Kim, Jeong Hwan Han, Young-In Lee, Doh-Hyung Riu, Sung-Tag Oh, Byung Joon Choi, Atomic interface engineering of thermoelectric matirials by atomic layer deposition, Abstract book ISIMP 2019, Pheonix Jeju Korea, 2019류도형
◾ Min Seok Kim, Geon Hyeong Park, Young Sik Cho, Jin Rye Kim, Ju-Yeon Han, Hyun-ji Kang, Sung-Tag Oh, Doh-Hyung Riu, Kwan-hyeong Kim, Precipitation of ZnFe2O4 spinel phase and its effect on the sintering and grain growth of SnO2, Abstract book ISIMP 2019, Phoenix Jeju Korea, 2019류도형
◾ 김민석, 이정욱, 김관형, 황건태, 최종진, 류도형, SPD공정장비에서 집진된 F-SnO2 분말의 소결 및 전기적 특성, 2019 한국세라믹학회 춘계 학숟대회 초록집, 라마다프라자호텔 제주, 2019류도형
◾ 조영식, 류도형, Early Stage of F-SnO2 Thin Film Mechanism by Spray Pyrolysis Deposition, 2019 한국세라믹학회 초록집, 라마드프라자 제주 , 2019류도형
◾ 김진례, 조영식, 김민석, 류도형, Fabrication of Nano Pd-PCS Colloid Solution for Uniform Dispersion of Metal Catalyst on SiC Fiber Surface, 한국세라믹학회 춘계총회 초록집, 라마다프라자호텔 제주, 2019류도형
◾ 류도형, 이정욱, 양선규, 조영식, 김학범, 김관형, 투명산화물박막기술에 기반한 하이브리드 세라믹히터, 2019 한국세라믹학회 춘계학술대회 초록집, 제주 라마다프라자호텔, 2019류도형
◾ 류도형, 이정욱, 박성환, 이성민, The Materials Technology Required for the Extended Application of Heatable Glasses, 2017 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, COEX, 2017류도형
◾ 동근, 이윤주, 이현명, 배성군, 조광연, 김영희, 권우택, 류도형, 제조기술Fabrication of Silicon Carbide Nanocomposite Ceramic Fiber Based on Preceramic Polymer Technology (invited ), 2017 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, COEX, 2017류도형
◾ 박소정, 배성군, 조광연, 신동근, 김영희, 류도형., High Temperature Pyrolysis Behavior of Polycarbosilane Addition of Boron Compound, 2017 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, GSCO (군산 새만금컨벤션센터), 2017류도형
◾ 김성구, 박소정, 류도형, 신동근, 이윤주, 김영희, 김재성, 최우철, 윤병일, 김정일, Changes in the Silicon Carbide Fiber according to the Heat Teatment Atmosphere, 2016 Fall meeting of the Korean Ceramic Society, COEX, 2016류도형
◾ 이정욱, 김보민, 하정민, 이성민, 박성환, 류도형, Heat Transfer Characterization of F-doped SnO2 Thin Film Fabricated by Spray Pyrolysis Deposition Method, 2016 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, COEX, 2016류도형
◾ 유병하, 이현아, 김성구, 박소정, 류도형, 신동근, 조광연, 김재성, 윤병일, 김정일, Property Change of Iodine Vapor Cured SiC Fiber through Effect of Moisture and Oxygen, 2016 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, Bexco, 2016류도형
◾ 류도형, 이현아, 유병하, 김성구, 이정욱, 홍준성, 조광연, 신동근, 김재성, 윤병일, 김정일, Behavior of Iodine in SiC Fiber on Curing, 2016 Spring Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, BEXCO, 2016류도형
◾ 신동근, 이상미, 이윤주, 김영희, 권우택, 김수룡, 김성구, 류도형, Heterogeneous Growth of ZSM-5 on the SiC Fiber for High Efficiency Catalyst Coating, 2015 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 류도형, 이정욱, 이성민, 김보민, 하정민, 박성환, Transparent Heater Applications of F-SnO2 Thin Films Fabricated by Nano Aerosol Spray Pyrolysis Deposition, 2015 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 김성구, 유병하, 이현아, 김정일, 윤병일, 김재성, 최우철, 이윤주, 김영희, 신동근, 류도형, Thermal Oxidation Curing of Oxygen Thermal Oxidation Curing of Oxygen, 2015 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 이정욱, 이성민, 류종훈, 류도형, 김보민, 하정민, 박성환, Effect of the SiO2top Cover Layer on the Electro-thermal Characteristics Made by the Spray Pyrolysis Deposition Method, 2015 Fall Meeting of Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 류종훈, 이정욱, 이성민, 이인섭, 김보민, 박성환, 류도형, Relationship among Fluorine Concentration, Band Gap and Work Function of Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Thin Films, 2015 Fall Meeting of the Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 이현아, 류도형, 유병하, 김성구, 이정욱, 홍준성, 조광연, 신동근, 김재성, 윤병일, 김정일, Coloration of Iodine Vapour Cured Polycarbosilane Fiber, 2015 Fall meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 유병하, 김성구, 이현아, 홍준성, 류도형, 조광연, 신동근, 김재성, 윤병일, 김정일, Fabrication of SiC Fiber through One Pot Process with Iodine and Boron Compound Powder Bed, 2015 Fall Meeting of The Korean Ceramic Society, 송도컨벤시아, 2015류도형
◾ 유병하, 이현아, 김성구, 류도형, Manufacture of SiC Fiber through Thermal Oxidation Curing Enhanced by Iodine, 2015 Spring Meeting of the Korean Ceramic Society, 알펜시아리조트, 2015류도형
◾ 류종훈, 이성민, 이인섭, 이정욱, 류도형, 박성환, Mechanism of F-doped SnO2 Associated Aerosol SPD (Spray Pyrolysis Deposition) Method, 2015 Spring Meeting of the Korean Ceramic Society, 알펜시아리조트, 2015류도형
◾ 강미숙, 박선미, 오승탁, Characterization of Cu/SiC Composite Powders Derived from Cu-nitrate and Polycarbosilane, Meeting Guide and Abstracts 1st International Conference on Powder Metallurgy in Asia, Lotte Hotel Jeju, Korea, 2011류도형
◾ 오승탁, 강미숙, 황석현, Cu/SiC 복합분말의 제조 및 특성, 2011한국재재료학회 추계학술발표대회 및 제 21회 신소재심포지엄 초록집, 신라대학교, 2011류도형
◾ Sung-Tag Oh, Calcination and Hydrogen Reduction Behavior of Fe-Ni and Fe-Co Powders from Metal Nitrates, Proceedings of HyMap 2011, Grand Hotel, Haeundae, 2011류도형
◾ 조준영, 강홍전, 장미래, 열 탄소 환원 공정에 의한 SiC 입자 성장에서 b-SiC 분말 Seed가 미치는 영향, 2011 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지움, 무주리조트 Hotel Tirol, 2011류도형
◾ 홍준성, 조용륜, 강미숙, 임효령, Ar-CO 혼합가스 분위기에서 소결한 SiC 섬유의 미세구조, 2011 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지엄, 무주리조트 Hotel Tirol, 2011류도형
◾ 강홍전, 조준영, 장미래, 열탄소환원 공정에 의한 탄화규소분말의 입도제어, 2011 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지움, 무주리조트 Hotel Tirol, 2011류도형
◾ 조광연, 홍준성, 조용륜, 임효령, 강미숙, From Polymer to ceramic: The story of silicon carbide fiber making, 2011 엔지니어링 세라믹스 심포지엄, 무주리조트 Hotel Tirol, 2011류도형
◾ Y. H. Kim, J. S Cho, E. B. Park, Y. H. Kim, J. S., Development of Silicon carbide Fibers in Korea:One-pot Process ofr Aluminum Doping of Poly carbosilane in the Presence of solid Acid Catalyst and low Temperature Halide Gas Curing process (invited), 35th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, Ocean Center, 2011류도형
◾ 박지연, 김원주, 조광연, 우상국, 한인섭, 윤당혁, 이기성, In-situ 계면제어에 의한 세라믹 fiber 및 고신뢰성 복합소재 제조기술 개발, 2010 KECD SYMPOSIUM, 경주 코오롱호텔, 2010류도형
◾ 박은비,신동근,류도형,조광연,이종흔, Preparation of polycrystalline SiC fiber from (Al,B) co-doped polycarbosilane, 2010년 한국세라믹학회 춘계총회 초록집, 창원 컨벤션센터, 2010류도형
◾ 반도체 가스센서 및 이의 제조방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017류도형
◾ 전기화학적 에칭을 이용한 투명 전극의 표면 개질방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016류도형
◾ 폴리카보실란 섬유의 습식 불융화 방법 및 이를 포함하는 탄화규소섬유의 제조방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015류도형
· Development of silicon carbide fiber from polycarbosilane (Since 2002 ~ )
· Transparent conducting oxide materials through nano aerosl spray pyrolysis. (since 2003~)
◾ 미래사회·산업수요에 대응하기 위한 대학혁신 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.02.류도형
◾ 에어로졸 분무 증착공정의 후단에서 포집되는 폐분말의 재활용을 위한 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.류도형
◾ 음압 고풍속 하수 건조체의 상용화 거리 이송 시 발생 물성병화 및 곡관부 마모 대책 연구, 서울특별시의회사무처, 2018.07.~2018.10.류도형
◾ 내열온도 1000 IR 방사율 300W 이상인 탄화규소 섬유 버너미디어 제조 및 고에너지효율 연소시스템 적용기술 개발 사업, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2018.06.~2021.12.류도형
◾ 폴리실리콘 제조용 흑연척의 분리/재활용방법에 대한 기술적 타당성 검토, OCI주식회사, 2015.06.~2015.06.류도형
◾ 요오드가 도핑된 SiC 섬유의 결정화 거동 연구, 한국세라믹기술원, 2015.05.~2016.12.류도형
◾ 초고온 SiC 섬유용 고품질 폴리카보실란 합성 및 섬유제조 연구, 한국세라믹기술원, 2014.12.~2016.12.류도형
◾ 1300℃ 고온 엔진용 SiC 복합재 열구조물에 적용 가능한 고온 강도 2.0GPa급 SiC 섬유 및 제직물 제품의 실용화 기술개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2014.11.~2016.08.류도형
◾ in-situ 계면 제어 기술기반 1,100℃ 내열/내산화 특성을 가지는 1,500수 SiC 섬유 연속제조공정 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2013.06.~2014.08.류도형
◾ 불소도핑된 산화주석 투명전도막의 불소분포와 일함수, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.06.류도형
◾ 그린/스마트 융복합소재의 학부생 SCI급 논문연구 특성화 BEST 프로그램, 기획처, 2012.05.~2013.02.류도형
◾ FTO 투명전도막의 열처리조건에 따른 전기광학적물성변화, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.06.류도형
◾ 초고순도 SiC 분말 기술 개발<3차년도>, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2012.04.~2013.03.류도형
◾ 태양광용 웨이퍼 슬럿지를 이용한 상압소결용 탄화규소 분말 및 소결체 제조 공정 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2012.04.~2013.03.류도형
◾ 용액성장법을 이용한 SiC 단결정 성장 연구, 지식경제부, 2012.01.~2012.05.류도형
◾ in-situ 계면 제어 기술기반 1,100℃ 내열/내산화 특성을 가지는 1,500수 sic 섬유 연속제조공정 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2011.06.~2013.05.류도형
◾ 초고순도 SiC 분말 기술 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2010.09.~2014.03.류도형
◾ 완전결정화 세섬 Sic 섬유의 안정화 및 소결거동 연구, 한국세라믹기술원, 2010.06.~2011.05.류도형
◾ 차세대 Cu-wire 본딩용 세라믹 캐필러리 제조기술 개발, (주)페코, 2010.04.~2011.03.류도형
◾ HBM package용 RBSC-ceramic heater 기판, 우수상, 한국세라믹학회, 2024류도형
◾ Phase evolution and microstructure characteristics of polymer-derived single source Hf-O-C-N ceramics, KcerS 우수포스터상, 한국세라믹학회, 2024류도형
◾ Hf이 도핑된 폴리카르보실란 중 HfC의 결정화 및 SiC 결정 성장에 미치는 영향, KCerS 우수포스터상, 한국세라믹학회, 2023류도형
◾ Fabrication and Characterization of Hafnium/Silicon Carbide Nanocomposite Fiber Sintered Above 2000℃, Best Poster Award, The Korean Ceramic Society, 2023류도형
◾ 과잉 탄소 제거를 위한 수소열처리 과정에서 E-beam cured polycarbosilane의 온도 분위기가스에 대한 민감성, KCers 우수포스터상, 한국세라믹학회, 2023류도형
◾ Development of Hybrid-Heat-Treatment(HTT) process for obtaining stoichiometric SiC fiber from the pyrolysis and sistering of e-beam cured polycarbosilane fiber under H2 and Ar in two furnace, KECD 우수논문발표상, 한국세라믹학회 엔지니어링세라믹스부회, 2022류도형
◾ Inward diffusion of palladium and growth of palladium silicide with the oxidation of Pd2Si/SiOC fiber, 양송포스터상 우수상, 한국세라믹학회, 2022류도형
◾ Pd2Si의 deallyoing을 통한 core/rim 구조 Pd2Si-SiOC/Pd-SiO2섬유의 제조, KECD 우수논문발표상, Korea Ceramic Society, 2021류도형
◾ 우수발표논문상, 사단업인 한국분말야금학회, 2011류도형
◾ 우수포스터상, 사단업인 한국세라믹학회, 2011류도형
◾ 양송포스터상, 사단업인 한국세라믹학회, 2010류도형
◾ 우수포스터상, 사단업인 한국세라믹학회, 2010류도형
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