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Department of AI Management
Changmin Chun
Capital Market Law, Financial regulation, Corporate Law, Private International Law
- University of Hamburg, Faculty of Law – Hamburg, Germany
Doctor iuris, July 2008 – 29 June 2011
· Dissertation Title: Cross-border Transactions of Intermediated Securities: A Comparative Analysis in Substantive Law and Private International Law (summa cum laude).
· This dissertation was published by Springer Verlag as a monograph in June 2012, and received “Besondere Anerkennung” from the DAI-Hochschulpreis 2011 on 2 March 2012
- McGill University, Faculty of Law - Montreal, Canada
Master of Laws (LL.M.) August 2006 – February 2008
· Thesis Title: Intermediated Securities and Systems in Substantive Law and in Private International Law.
- University of Minnesota, Law School - Minnesota, the U.S.A.
Master of Laws (LL.M.) August 2002 – May 2003 (Course Intensive for U.S. Law).
- College of Law at Gyeongsang National University - Jinju, Korea
Bachelor of Laws, August 1996.
Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology, Dept. of GTM – Seoul, Korea
August 2019 – Present
Associate Professor

Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation – Basel, Switzerland
June 2018 – Present
Member of the Board of Directors

Korea Capital Market Institute – Seoul, Korea
November 2011 – August 2019
Research Fellow, Head of Financial Law Research Center

Korea Securities Depository – Seoul, Korea
November 1996 – February 2005
Manager (Global Operations Dept. etc)

Korea Private International Law Association – Seoul, Korea
March 2014 – Present
Secretary General, Director

Korea Financial Law Association – Seoul, Korea
March 2015 – Present
Research Director

Korea International Trade Law Association – Seoul, Korea March 2012 – Present

Social Finance Academy – Seoul, Korea
July 2015 – Present
Secretary General

Capital Markets Investigation and Deliberation Committee – Seoul, Korea
Jan. 2017 – Jan. 2019
Member of the Committee organized by Financial Supervisory Commission

Legislation Committee of the Electronic Securities Law – Seoul Korea
Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2017
Member of the Committee established by Ministry of Justice

Revision Committee of the Private International Law Act – Seoul Korea
Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2015
Executive Secretary of the Committee established by Ministry of Justice
Journal Papers
Journal Publication

· “Entry Regulation of Securities Businesses in Korea: Historical Review and Legal Challenges”, Financial Law Review, April 2018.
· “Crowd Sales with No Investor Protection?” Rethinking Crowd Sales from the Perspective of Securities Regulation” Economic Law Review, December 2017.
· “One Year Market Performance after the Introduction of Securities-based Crowdfunding System and Legal Challenges”, Financial Law Review, July 2017.
· “A Review on U.S. Regulation Crowdfunding” Financial Law Review, December, 2015.
· Commentary on Financial Services and Capital Market Act (Seoul: Parkyoungsa, 2015), writing KSD Related Sections.
· “Introductory Review of the Korean Version of Individual Savings Accounts” Financial Law Review, March, 2015.
· “Direction to Establishing Legal Structure of Overseas Securities Deposit” Korean Private International Law Journal, December 2014.
· “Issues Involving Cross-Border Securities Collateral Transactions” Financial Law Review, April 2014.
· “The Jurisdiction and Law Applicable to Intermediated Securities” Korean Private International Law Journal, June 2013.
· “Listings of Foreign Shares and Investor Protection” Civil Case Review, to be issued in February 2013.
· “Cross-Border Securities Settlements and the Way to Establish a RSI” KSD Journal No. 83, 2012 (w/ Suk Hyun).
· “The New Legal Regime for the Swiss Intermediated System” (2012) 13:1 Korean Journal of Securities Law 215 .
· “The New Dematerialised Book-Entry Transfer System in Japan” (2011) 31 Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht 117.
· “Law Applicable to Cross-border Securities Transactions” Korean Private International Law Journal, December 2004.
“The Appraisal Rights of Dissenters”, KSD Journal No. 39, 2001 (w/ Seongung Lee).

Publication at the KCMI

· Trends of Global ICO Regulation and Its Implication, 18-06, June 2018.
· Global Virtual Currency Regulation and Its Implication, KCMI Issue Report 18-03, March 2018.
· Entrepreneurial Capital Markets in Korea: Current Status and Future Directions, KCMI Representative Report 15-01 (w/ Yongrin Park, Jongmin Kim, Jaewoo Nam & Jeongmoh Jang), March 2017.
· U.S. Regulation for Securities-Based Crowdfunding and Implications, KCMI Research Report 15-08, December 2015.
· Korean Derivative Market: Diagnosis and Road Ahead, KCMI Representative Report 15-01 (w/ Gilnam Nam & Hyoseop Lee), April 2015.
· Global Trends in Financial Reform and Direction to Korea’s Regulatory Reform, KCMI Representative Report 15-02 (w/ Bosung Shin, Jaehyun Gwon, Jongmin Kim & Hyoseop Lee), April 2015.
· Korean Individual Investment and Savings Scheme: The Blueprint, KCMI Study Report 15-01 (w/ Jaechil Kim & Wongu Hong) , April 2015.
· U.S Secondary Markets of Non-Public Shares, KCMI Research Report 15-02 (w/ Yongrin Park & Jaewoo Nam), February 2015.
· Direction to Formation of Regulatory Structure of Securities-Based Crowdfunding, KCMI Policy Report 13-01, December 2013.
· The Current Landscape of Overseas PEFs: A Close Look at Buy-Outs and Their Implications, KCMI Research Report 12-03 (w/ Yongrin Park & Yoomi Ahn).

· “A Review of Key Issues of Virtual Currency Bills” KCMI Issue Analysis, No. 2018-06.
· “ICOs Without Investor Protection?: ICO from the Perspective of Securities Regulation” KCMI Issue Analysis, No. 2017-19.
· “US Securities-based Crowdfunding Market and Implications” KCMI Issue Analysis, No. 2017-06.
· “Review of the Issues for Improvement of the Crowdfunding Regulation” KCMI Capital Market Review 2016 Winter Edition.
· “Impact on Regulatory Environment under Brexit and Implication” KCMI Capital Market Review 2016 Fall Edition.

· “Cross-Border Solicitation of Securities through Crowdfunding and its Limitation under Korean Law” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2016-33.
· “Challenges Ahead for Securities-based Crowdfunding” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2016-05.
· “The Korean Version of ISA: An Overview and Challenges for Success” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2015-34. “Plan of Promoting Innovative Enterprises’ Capital Formation: Challenges after the Introduction of the Crowdfunding System” KCMI Capital Market Review 2015 Fall Edition.
· “Tax-free Savings and Investment Accounts in Canada and South Africa: An Overview and Implications” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2015-12.
· “Key Contents of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect” KCMI Chinese Financial Market Focus 2014 Fall Edition.,
· “Nippon Individual Savings Account System and Its Current Status” Capital Market Perspective Vol. 6 No. 2, 2014. “Ratio Legis of Security-based Crowdfunding Regulation” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2014-35.
· “Korean Securities Deposit Law, Quo Vadis?” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2014-3.
· “US CROWDFUND Act and Its Implication” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2013-14.
· “Key Issues of the EU AIFMD and Its Implications” KCMI EU Financial Market Focus, 2012-4, 2013.
· “Prime Broker's Right of Use in Korea” KCMI Capital Market Perspective Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012.
· “PEF Regulation in the AIFMD and Its Implications” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2012-45.
· “De Lege Ferenda of Rehypothecation Rules on Prime Finance in Korea” KCMI Weekly Opinion, No. 2012-22.
· Ways to Make the Crowdfunding Market More Efficient, commissioned by Korea Securities Depository (KSD), March 2018
· Reform of Regulation for Entry into the Financial Services Industry, commissioned by Financial Services Commission (FSC), December 2017.
· Ways to Make Monetary Penalties Effective As to the Breach of Reporting on Equity Ownership, commissioned by Financial Supervisory Commission (FSS), June 2017.
· Financial Regulation and Brexit: Impact and Implications, commissioned by Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), December 2016.
· Improvement of the Client Money Protection System, commissioned by Korea Securities Finance (KSFC), November 2016.
· Specialization Strategies for the Fund Industry (Back-office) of A Financial Hub in Busan, commissioned by KSD & Busan Economic Promotion Agency, December 2015.
· Korea’s PEF Market: Current State and Direction of Development, commissioned by PEF Manager Association, June 2015.
· Encouraging Alternative Investments by Institutional Investors in the Changing Economic and Financial Environment, commissioned by Ministry of Strategy and Finance, June 2015.
· 2014 KSI Project Policy Consulting I, Laos II, commissioned by Korea Development Institute (KDI), July 2015.
· Creating a Capital Market Ecosystem for the Creative Economy, commissioned by the Office of Secretary for Economic Policy at the Blue House, December 2014.
· Establishing Standards for Dividend Payments of the National Pension Fund, commissioned by National Pension Service (NPS), December 2014.
· Facilitating the Exercise of Voting Rights through KSD, commissioned by KSD, August 2014.
· Establishment of Central Counterparty (CCP) in Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, commissioned by Korea Exchange (KRX), February 2014.
· Designing of Information Platform for the AMBIF, commissioned by KOSCOM, February 2014.
· The US DRS System: Operations and its Adoption in Korea, commissioned by KSD, November 2013.
· Building Capital Markets for Social Enterprises under SIB Projects, commissioned by Ministry of Employment and Labor, October 2013.
· Regulatory Reform for Investment Funds under Individual Laws, commissioned by FSC, August 2013.

· Roles and Necessity of a Central Register related to Crowdfunding, commissioned by KOSCOM, July 2013.
· Overhaul of Institutional Infrastructure for Promoting the Offshore Sales of Domestic Funds, commissioned by Korea Financial Investment Association & KSD, December 2012.
· Improving the Status of KSD as a Central Securities Information Management Institution (CSIMI), commissioned by KSD, December 2012.
· Creating the Secondary Market for Unlisted VC-invested Firms, commissioned by Korea Venture Investment Corporation (KVIC), September 2012.
· Promoting M&As of Smaller Venture Firms in the Korean M&A Market, commissioned by KVIC, September 2012.
· Policy Priorities for Fostering the Growth of Small and Medium-Sized Securities Companies, commissioned by KOFIA, July 2012.
· Impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Capital Markets and Relevant Infrastructure, commissioned by KSD, November 2017.
· Ways to Strengthen the Global Competitiveness of Korean Capital Markets, commissioned by KSD, November 2015
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