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Department of AI Management
AI Management Department
Introduction of the AI Management Department
With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the post-corona era, the business environment has changed dramatically. Traditional management has been incapable of solving the latest problems that managers encounter. To survive in today’s fierce, competitive business environment, businesses should be gainfully utilizing the power of AI (artificial intelligence).

The AI Management Department aims to nurture advanced AI managers who can analyze business data based on AI technology and reorganize business models by using disruptive innovations. We provide a curriculum focused on core management, business intelligence technologies, and AI-related business law and regulations.

Our graduates advance into various fields that require AI-based business competencies such as marketing, finance/fintech, business planning, data science, research institutes, educational institutions, and technology startups.
Contact Info: Business Administration Dept. GTM Major Office
Tel: 02-970-7284
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea Tel :+82-2-970-6793 Fax : +82-2-970-6800
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