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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Automotive Engineering
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 9371001 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9371002 Research for the Master's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9371003 Advanced Vehicle Control Systems 3
Major Electives 9371004 Advanced Internal Combustion Engine Design 3
Major Electives 9371005 Advanced Internal Combustion Engine 3
Major Electives 9371007 Advanced Combustion Engineering 3
Major Electives 9371008 Finite Element Method 3
Major Electives 9371009 Advanced Automotive Measurement Engineering 3
Major Electives 9371010 Advanced Automotive Turbo-machinery 3
Major Electives 9371011 Advanced Automotive Materials 3
Major Electives 9371012 Advanced Automotive Electronic Control System 3
Major Electives 9371013 Special Topics in Control Engineering 3
Major Electives 9371015 Advanced Vehicle MEMS 3
Major Electives 9371016 Advanced Automotive Aerodynamics 3
Major Electives 9371017 Advanced Vehicle Dynamics 3
Major Electives 9371018 Automotive Fatigue Design 3
Major Electives 9371019 Optimal Design 3
Major Electives 9371020 Advanced Eco-friendly Fuel Cell System 3
Major Electives 9371021 Special Manufacturing Process 3
Major Electives 9371022 Hybrid Power Transmission System 3
Major Required Courses 9371023 Research for the Doctor's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9371024 Research for the Doctor's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9371025 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 3
Major Electives 9371026 Sensor engineering 3
Major Electives 9371027 Ultra-precision Manufacturing Technology 3
Major Electives 9371028 Functional Small-scale Structures 3
Major Electives 9371029 Metal Forming Analysis 3
Major Electives 9371030 Advanced Automotive Vibration 3
Major Electives 9371031 Deep Learning 3
Major Electives 9371032 Deep Reinforcement Learning 3
Major Electives 9371033 Autonomous Driving 3
Major Electives 9371034 Advanced Thermal Management for Future Vehicles 3
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