BS. in 1998 (Seoul National Univ.)
MS. in 2000 (Seoul National Univ.)
Ph.D in 2005 (Seoul National Univ.)
◾ Leveraging Static and Dynamic Wear Leveling to Prolong the Lifespan of Solid-State Drives, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.14 No.18, 2024신일훈
◾ Early Dirty Buffer Flush with Second Chance for SSDs, MICROMACHINES, vol.14 No.4 pp.796~811, 2023
신일훈◾ Dynamic Early Dirty Buffer Flush to Reduce Miss Penalty in Solid-State Drives, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.143124~143133, 2020신일훈
◾ Performance analysis of buffer management policy considering internal parallelism of solid state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.15 No.15 pp.1~8, 2018신일훈
◾ Applying fast shallow write to short-lived data in solid state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.15 No.13 pp.1~9, 2018신일훈
◾ Improving internal parallelism of solid state drives with selective multi-plane operation, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.54 No.2, 2018신일훈
◾ Dynamic Active Log Pool for Improving Worst-case Performance of Memory Cards, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.63 No.3 pp.318~324, 2017신일훈
◾ Performance evaluation of multi-threaded flash translation layer, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.12 No.19 pp.8937~8940, 2017신일훈
◾ Multi-thread flash translation layer for multi-core solid state drives, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.11 No.2 pp.1187~1191, 2016신일훈
◾ Clustering data according to update frequency to reduce garbage-collection overhead in solid-state drives, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.13 No.1 pp.1~8, 2016신일훈
◾ Supporting Irrecoverable File Deletion, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol.10 No.22 pp.43290~43293, 2015신일훈
◾ Enhancing internal parallelism of solid-state drives while balancing write loads across dies, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, vol.51 No.24 pp.1978~1980, 2015신일훈
◾ Knock Pattern Based Door Lock with Smart Phone Application, life science journal, vol.11 No.7 , 2014신일훈
◾ Distributing Garbage Collection Costs over Multiple Requests to Improve the Worst-Case Performance of Hybrid Mapping Schemes, IEICE Transactions on Information Systems, vol.E97D No.11 pp.2844~2851, 2014신일훈
◾ Active log pool for fully associative sector translation, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.11 No.1 , 2014신일훈
◾ Double Hot/Cold Clustering for Solid State Drives, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.279 No.1 pp.141~146, 2014신일훈
◾ Implementing Secure File Deletion in NAND-based Block Devices with Internal Buffers, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.58 No.4 pp.1219~1224, 2012신일훈
◾ A File System Framework Independent of Operating Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol.288 pp.218~225, 2012신일훈
◾ Hot/Cold Clustering for Page Mapping in NAND Flash Memory, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.57 No.4 pp.1728~1731, 2011신일훈
◾ Implementing Greedy Replacement Scheme using Multiple List for Page Mapping Scheme, 한국정보기술학회논문지, vol.9 No.6 pp.17~23, 2011신일훈
◾ Reducing Computational Overhead of Flash Translation Layer with Hashed Page Tables, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.56 No.4 pp.2344~2349, 2010신일훈
◾ Light Weight Sector Mapping Scheme for NAND-based Block Devices, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, vol.56 pp.651~656, 2010신일훈
◾ SWL: A Search- While-Load Demand Paging Scheme with NAND Flash Memory, SIGPLAN Notices - 직접입력, vol.42 No.7, 2007신일훈
◾ Early dirty buffer flush to reduce miss penalty in solid-state drives, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.신일훈
◾ Applying fast shallow write to short-lived data in solid state drives, 산학협력단, 2018.05.~2019.04.신일훈
◾ Thermal Radiation Analysis System 모델 변환 프로그램 개발, 한국항공우주연구원, 2017.04.~2017.10.신일훈
◾ 멀티쓰레드 FTL 및 능동 수명을 활용한 스토리지 성능 및 안정성 향상, 한국연구재단, 2016.11.~2019.10.신일훈
◾ SSD 최악 성능 개선을 위한 멀티 쓰레드 FTL, 한국연구재단, 2013.06.~2016.05.신일훈
◾ 안드로이드 RCP 디바이스 드라이버 개발, 주식회사 파이칩스, 2012.11.~2013.02.신일훈
◾ 낸드 친화적인 입출력 패턴 생성을 통한 SSD 성능 향상, 한국연구재단, 2010.05.~2013.04.신일훈