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Department of Electronic Engineering
Lee, Seung Eun
Computer Architecture, SoC
University of California, Irvine, Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008.
KAIST, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Comptuer Science, 2000.
KAIST, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, 1998.
Chonnam Science High School, 1994.
- Platform Architect, SoC Platforms Architecture Lab., Intel Labs., Hillsboro OR, USA (Mar. 2009 - Aug. 2010).
- Research Intern, Oregon Microarchitecture Lab., Intel Labs., Hillsboro OR, USA (Jul. 2008 - Dec. 2008).
- Research Intern, Wireless Connectivity Group, Broadcom., Irvine CA, USA (Jun. 2007 - Sep. 2007).
- Research Intern, SoC Design Group, Morpho Technology, Irvine CA, USA (Jun. 2006 - Sep. 2006).
- Research Assistant, Advanced Computer Architecture Group, University of California, Irvine CA, USA (Sep. 2005 - Dec. 2008).
- Researcher, SoC Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Seongnam, KOREA (Feb. 2000 - Feb. 2009).
Research Areas
SoC, Computer Architecture, Computing Systems
SoC 플랫폼 연구실
컴퓨팅 시스템 연구실
반도체 설계 센터
Journal Papers
◾ PIMCoSim: Hardware/Software Co-Simulator for Exploring Processing-in-Memory Architectures, ELECTRONICS, vol.13 No.23, 2024이승은
◾ Hardware-Based WebAssembly Accelerator for Embedded System, ELECTRONICS, vol.13 No.20, 2024이승은
◾ Grid-Based DBSCAN Clustering Accelerator for LiDAR's Point Cloud, ELECTRONICS, vol.13 No.17, 2024이승은
◾ Lightweight and Error-Tolerant Stereo Matching with a Stochastic Computing Processor, ELECTRONICS, vol.13 No.11, 2024이승은
◾ DL-Sort: A Hybrid Approach to Scalable Hardware-Accelerated Fully-Streaming Sorting, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS, vol.71 No.5 pp.2549~2553, 2024이승은
◾ Accelerating Strawberry Ripeness Classification Using a Convolution-Based Feature Extractor along with an Edge AI Processor, ELECTRONICS, vol.13 No.2, 2024이승은
◾ IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IDEC Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol.9 No.4 pp.1~1, 2023이승은
◾ Intelligent Monitoring System with Privacy Preservation Based on Edge AI, MICROMACHINES, vol.14 No.9, 2023이승은
◾ The Design of Optimized RISC Processor for Edge Artificial Intelligence Based on Custom Instruction Set Extension, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11 No.11 pp.49409~49421, 2023이승은
◾ Parallel Stochastic Computing Architecture for Computationally Intensive Applications, ELECTRONICS, vol.12 No.7, 2023이승은
◾ Photoplethysmography-Based Distance Estimation for True Wireless Stereo, MICROMACHINES, vol.14 No.2, 2023이승은
◾ Photoplethysmography-Based Distance Estimation for True Wireless Stereo, MICROMACHINES, vol.14 No.2, 2023이승은
◾ An Edge AI Device based Intelligent Transportation System, Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, vol.20 No.3 pp.166~173, 2022이승은
◾ An FPGA-Based ECU for Remote Reconfiguration in Automotive Systems, MICROMACHINES, vol.12 No.11, 2021이승은
◾ Simulation-Based Fault Analysis for Resilient System-On-Chip Design, Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, vol.19 No.3 pp.175~179, 2021이승은
◾ ASimOV: A Framework for Simulation and Optimization of an Embedded AI Accelerator, MICROMACHINES, vol.12 No.7, 2021이승은
◾ A Multi-Core Controller for an Embedded AI System Supporting Parallel Recognition, MICROMACHINES, vol.12 No.8, 2021이승은
◾ The Design of a 2D Graphics Accelerator for Embedded Systems, ELECTRONICS, vol.10 No.4, 2021이승은
◾ Lossless Decompression Accelerator for Embedded Processor with GUI, MICROMACHINES, vol.12 No.2, 2021이승은
◾ Energy Efficient and Low-Cost Server Architecture for Hadoop Storage Appliance, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.14 No.12 pp.4648~4663, 2020이승은
◾ Performance Analyzer for Embedded AI Processor, 인터넷정보학회논문지, vol.21 No.5 pp.149~157, 2020이승은
◾ Intellino: Processor for Embedded Artificial Intelligence, ELECTRONICS, vol.9 No.7, 2020이승은
◾ Design of Low-Power SoC for Wearable Healthcare Device, JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS, vol.29 No.6, 2020이승은
◾ High-Speed CAN-FD Controller for In-Vehicle Network, 전자공학회논문지, vol.56 No.12 pp.109~116, 2019이승은
◾ Design of a DMA Controller for Augmented Reality in Embedded System, Journal of the Korea Institute Of Information and Communication Engineering (JKIICE), vol.23 No.7 pp.822~828, 2019이승은
◾ Design of hardware accelerator for Lempel-Ziv 4 (LZ4) compression, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, vol.14 No.11 , 2017이승은
◾ Deadlock-free XY-YX router for on-chip interconnection network, IEICE Electronics Express, vol.10 No.20 pp.0~0, 2013이승은
◾ Design of an SDRAM Controller for AMBA AHB-Lite, 한국산업정보학회논문지, vol.18 No.5 pp.33~37, 2013이승은
◾ Reducing cache and TLB power by exploiting memory region and privilege level semantics, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.59 pp.279~295, 2013이승은
◾ Accelerating Histograms of Oriented Gradients descriptor extraction for pedestrian recognition, COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol.39 pp.1043~1048, 2013이승은
◾ Reusing existing resources for testing a multi-processor system-on-chip, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, vol.100 No.3 pp.355~370, 2013이승은
◾ Adaptive error correction in Orthogonal Latin Square Codes for low-power, resilient on-chip interconnection network, MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY, vol.53 pp.509~511, 2013이승은
◾ Pipelined CPU Design With FPGA in Teaching Computer Architecture, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, vol.55 No.3 pp.341~348, 2012이승은
◾ Atom 프로세서 기반의 모바일 플랫폼을 위한 인식 하드웨어 가속기, 대한전자공학회지, vol.38 No.5 pp.37~40, 2011이승은
◾ CoQoS: Coordinating QoS-aware shared resources in NoC-based SoCs, JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, vol.71 pp.700~713, 2011이승은
◾ Low-Power, Resilient Interconnection with Orthogonal Latin Squares, IEEE DESIGN TEST OF COMPUTERS, vol.28 No.2 pp.30~38, 2011이승은
◾ Area and power-efficient innovative congestion-aware Network-on-Chip architecture, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.57 pp.24~38, 2011이승은
◾ Boomerang: Reducing Power Consumption of Response Packets in NoCs with Minimal Performance Impact, IEEE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE LETTERS, vol.9 No.2 pp.49~52, 2010이승은
◾ Ray tracing on a networked processor array, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, vol.97 pp.1193~1205, 2010이승은
Conference Papers
◾ Jinyeol Kim, Raehyeong Kim, Jongwon Oh and Seung Eun Lee, Accelerating Embedded WebAssembly Based on FPGA, ISOCC 2024, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan , 2024이승은
◾ Jongwon Oh, Raehyeong Kim, Jinyeol Kim, and Seung Eun Lee , On-Device Eye Tracking System with Dual Lightweight AI Processor, ISOCC 2024, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan , 2024이승은
◾ 김래형, 김진열, 박정민, 정유리, *이승은 , 한국어-영어 기계 번역에 대한 Transformer 모델 경량화의 영향 분석, 2024 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 논문집, 제주, 2024이승은
◾ Kwanghyun Go, Joungmin Park, Jongwon Oh, and Seung Eun Lee, Non-destructive Damage Detection System for Internal Inspection of Gas-Pipes, 한국센서학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, 대전, 2024이승은
◾ Jinyeol Kim, Jongwon Oh, Joungmin Park and Seung Eun Lee*, CNN Preprocessing Based Embedded AI Strawberry Classifier, 한국반도체학술대회 논문집, 경주, 2024이승은
◾ Sangho Lee, Seongmo An, Raehyeong Kim, Jongwon Oh, and Seung Eun Lee*, Point Cloud Clustering System with DBSCAN Algorithm for Low-Resolution LiDAR, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vages, USA, 2024이승은
◾ Sangho Lee, Seongmo An, Raehyeong Kim, Jongwon Oh, and Seung Eun Lee, Point Cloud Clustering System with DBSCAN Algorithm for Low-Resolution LiDAR, IEEE ICCE 2024, Las Vages, USA, 2024이승은
◾ 김래형, 박정민, 정영우, 이승은, 임베디드 AI를 활용한 PPG센서 기반 TWS 착용 감지 시스템, 제6회 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 논문집, 서울, 2023이승은
◾ Seongmo An, Sangho Lee, Jinyeol Kim, Seung Eun Lee, An Approach for Lightweight and Error-Tolerant Binocular Stereo Matching with Stochastic Computing, ACM SRC@ MICRO 2023, Toronto, Canada, 2023이승은
◾ Jinyoung Shin, Joungmin Park, Jinyeol Kim, Yue Ri Jeong, Seung Eun Lee, JPS Accelerator based Global Path Planning Processor for Autonomous Mobile Robots, 2023 RoboARCH, Toronto, Canada, 2023이승은
◾ Joungmin Park, Seongmo An, Jinyeol Kim and Seung Eun Lee , Continuous Convolution Accelerator with Data Reuse based on Systolic Architecture, ISOCC2023, Jeju, Korea, 2023이승은
◾ Youngwoo Jeong, Won Sik Jeong, Jin Young Shin, and Seung Eun Lee, The Design of Embedded Fuzzy Logic Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robots, ISOCC2023, Jeju, Korea, 2023이승은
◾ Seongmo An, Jinyoung Shin, Sangho Lee, Seung Eun Lee, PIMCoSim: HW/SW Co-Simulator for Exploring Processing In Memory Architectures, ACM SRC @ PACT2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023이승은
◾ Hyun Woo Oh, Seongmo An, Won Sik Jeong, and Seung Eun Lee, RF2P: A Lightweight RISC Processor Optimized for Rapid Migration from IEEE-754 to Posit, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LOW POWER ELECTRONICS AND DESIGN, TU WIEN, VIENNA, AUSTRIA, 2023이승은
◾ 박정민, 김래형, *이승은, Matrix Computation Accelerator based on Systolic Array for Convolution Processing, 2023년 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 2023이승은
◾ 알탕게렐 체원더르지, 안성모, 김수희, 정영우, 이승은, 임베디드 인공지능 프로세서에 기반한 안면 인식 시스템, 한국정보통신학회 종합학술대회 논문집, 세종, 2023이승은
◾ Jin Young Shin, Sang Ho Lee, Kwang Hyun Go, and Seung Eun Lee, A Real-Time Error Correction System of Ultrasonic Sensor with Embedded AI Accelerator, 한국반도체학술대회 논문집, 하이원리조트, 2023이승은
◾ Jin Young Shin, Sang Ho Lee, Kwang Hyun Go, and Seung Eun Lee*, A Real-Time Error Correction System of Ultrasonic Sensor with Embedded AI Accelerator, 제30회 한국반도체학술대회논문집, 강원도 하이원리조트, 2023이승은
◾ Soohee Kim, Joungmin Park, Youngwoo Jeong, and Seung Eun Lee*,, Embedded Monitoring System for Preventing Lonely Death based on Edge AI, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, 2023이승은
◾ Yue Ri Jeong, Kwonneung Cho, Youngwoo Jeong, Sun Beom Kwon and Seung Eun Lee* , A Real-Time Reconfigurable AI Processor Based on FPGA, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, 2023이승은
◾ 김수희, 박정민, 정영우, 이승은, Embedded Monitoring System for Preventing Lonely Death based on Edge AI, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vages, USA, 2023이승은
◾ Yue Ri Jeong, Kwonneung Cho, Youngwoo Jeong, Sun Beom Kwon and Seung Eun Lee, A Real-Time Reconfigurable AI Processor Based on FPGA, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vages, NV, USA, 2023이승은
◾ Joungmin Park, Seong Mo An, Youngwoo Jeong, Seung Eun Lee*, Library Management System based on Embedded AI Accelerator, 제5회 반도체공학회 종합학술대회 논문집, 서울, 2022이승은
◾ Hyun Woo Oh, Won Sik Jeong, and Seung Eun Lee*, Evaluation of Posit Arithmetic on Machine Learning based on Approximate Exponential Functions, ISOCC 2022, Gangneung-si, 2022이승은
◾ Jeongeun Kim, Yue Ri Jeong, Kwonneung Cho, Won Sik Jeong, and Seung Eun Lee*, Reconfigurable Stochastic Computing Architecture for Computationally Intensive Applications, ISOCC 2022, Gangneung-si, 2022이승은
◾ Jeongeun Kim, Youngwoo Jeong, Suyeon Jang and Seung Eun Lee, An Architecture for Resilient Federated Learning Through Parallel Recognition, PACT 2022, 시카고, 2022이승은
◾ 김수희 ・ 정영우 ・ 정유리 ・ 이승은, 영상보안 구조 기반의 지능형 독거노인 모니터링 시스템, 제51회 한국정보통신학회 춘계종합학술대회 논문집, 부산, 2022이승은
◾ Kwang Hyun Go, Yue Ri Jeong and Seung Eun Lee, A Low-Cost Voice Recognition System with Embedded AI Accelerator, 제29회 한국반도체학술대회, 하이원리조트, 2022이승은
◾ Won Sik Jeong , Kwonneung Cho and Seung Eun Lee, Design of A Real-Time Object Recognition System Using An Embedded AI Processor, 제29회 한국반도체학술대회 논문집, 하이원리조트, 2022이승은
◾ Young Woo Jeong, Hyun Woo Oh, Su Yeon Jang, and Seung Eun Lee, Intelligent Transportation System based on an Edge AI, The 14th International Conference on Future Information & Communication Engineering, Jeju, 2022이승은
◾ Young Woo Jeong, Kwang Hyun Ko, and Seung Eun Lee, Robot-on-Chip: Computing on a Single Chip for an Autonomous Robot, 40th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2022), Las Vegas, 2022이승은
◾ Kwonneung Cho, Hyun Woo Oh, Jeongeun Kim, Young Woo Jeong, and Seung Eun Lee* , A Local Interconnect Network Controller for Resource-Constrained Automotive Devices, 40th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2022), Las Vegas, 2022이승은
◾ 한창엽, 이승은, Photoplethysmography Signal Processing System for Sensor-User Distance Measurement, 2021년 반도체공학회 종합학술대회, 서울, 2021이승은
◾ 조권능, 최도영, 정영우, 이승은, 독립운용이 가능한 내장형 인공지능 프로세서 설계, 2021년 춘계종합학술대회, 여수, 2021이승은
◾ Kwon Neung Cho, Hyun Woo Oh, and Seung Eun LEE, Vision-based Parking Occupation Detecting with Embedded AI Processor, International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, 2021이승은
◾ Kwang Hyun Go, Chang Yeop Han, Kwon Neung Cho, and Seung Eun LEE, Crime Prevention System: Crashing Window Sound Detection Using AI Processor, International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, 2021이승은
◾ 정영우, 고광현, 오현우, 조권능, 이승은, 임베디드 인공지능 시스템을 이용한 지능형 교통 시스템을 위한 차량 번호판 인식, 2020년 반도체공학회 종합학술대회, 서울, 2020이승은
◾ Hyun Woo Oh, Kwon Neung Cho, and Seung Eun LEE,, Design of 32-bit Processor for Embedded Systems, IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Yeosu, Korea, 2020이승은
◾ Young Hyun Yoon, Su Yeon Jang, Chang Yeop Han, Gwan Beom Hwang, Kwon Neung Cho and Seung Eun Lee, A Low Power AI Processor for face expression recognition based on k NN and RBF, 2020 IDEC Congress CDC, 대전, 2020이승은
◾ Gwan Beom Hwang, Young Hyun Yoon, Chang Yeop Han, Do Young Choi, Hyun Woo Oh and Seung Eun Lee, Low Power SoC with Digital Filter Accelerator for Embedded System, 2020 IDEC COngress CDC, 대전, 2020이승은
◾ Yoon Young Hyun, Su Yeon Jang, and Seung Eun LEE,, Stochastic Computing based AI System for Mobile Devices, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, 2020이승은
◾ Young Hyun Yoon, Su Yeon Jang, Do Young Choi, and Seung Eun Lee*, Flexible Embedded AI System with High-speed Neuromorphic Controller, ISOCC 2019 - International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2019이승은
◾ 최도영, 윤영현, 오정환, 이승은, 차량 내부 고속 통신을 위한 CAN FD 컨트롤러 설계, 2019년 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 2019이승은
◾ Young Hyun Yoon, Jung Hwan Oh, Ji Kwang Kim, Hyung Bin Ihm, Shin Hye Jeon, Tae Heon Kim and Seung Eun Lee, Remote In-System Reconfiguration for Automotive Device, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, 2019이승은
◾ Ji Kwang Kim, Jung Hwan Oh, Jun Hyeok Yang, and Seung Eun Lee, 2D Line Draw Hardware Accelerator for Tiny Embedded Processor in Consumer Electronics, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, 2019이승은
◾ Jung Hwan Oh, Young Hyun Yoon, Ji Kwang Kim, Hyung Bin Ihm, Shin Hye Jeon, Tae Heon Kim and Seung Eun Lee, An FPGA-based Electronic Control Unit for Automotive Systems, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, 2019이승은
◾ 오정환, 윤영현, 임형빈, 전신혜, 이승은, A low power and high speed serial communication controller on FPGA for automobile electronic device control, 2018 IEIE Summer Conference, 제주, 2018이승은
◾ Ji Kwang Kim1 , Jung Hwan Oh1 , Oh Seong Gwon1 , Jung Woong Yang2 , and Seung Eun Lee1, Real-time PPG Monitoring System for Mobile Healthcare Devices, 2017 IEEE 21st 21st International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Kuala Lumpur, 2017이승은
◾ Jung Hwan Oh, Jong Uk Wi and Seung Eun Lee, Design of CAN - CAN FD Bridge for In-Vehicle Network, International SoC Design Conference 2017 (ISOCC 2017), Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ Ji Kwang Kim, Jung Hwan Oh and Seung Eun Lee, Design of Read-out IC for Wearable Computing, ISOCC 2017 Chip Desing Contest, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ Jung Hwan Oh, Sang Muk Lee and Seung Eun Lee, A 128-bit AES Block Cipher Core with Three Operation Modes, ISOCC 2017 Chip Desing Contest, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ Jung Woo Shin, Jung Hwan Oh, Jong Uk Wi, and Seung Eun Lee, Design of a CAN FD controller for In-Vehicle Infotainment System, ISOCC 2017 Chip Desing Contest, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ Oh Seong Gwon, Jung Hwan Oh, Jae won Lee, and Seung Eun Lee, Design of A Low-power Processor for Internet of Things, ISOCC 2017 Chip Desing Contest, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ Sang Muk Lee, Jung Hwan Oh and Seung Eun Lee, A Hardware Accelerator for Lempel-Ziv 4 (LZ4) Compression, ISOCC 2017 Chip Desing Contest, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul, Korea, 2017이승은
◾ 이재원, 김지광, 오정환, 신정우, 이승은, 모바일 기기를 위한 JPEG 하드웨어 인코딩 가속기 설계, 2017 하계 종합학술대회, 해운대그랜드호텔, 2017이승은
◾ 신정우, 오정환, 이상묵, 고재진, 이상엽, 이승은, In-Vehicle CAN FD Network Controller for Smart Wearable Devices, 35th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, 2017이승은
◾ Sang Muk Lee, Jung Hwan Oh, Ji Hoon Jang, Seong Mo Lee, Ji Kwang Kim, and Seung Eun Lee*, Live Demonstration: An FPGA based Hardware Compression Accelerator for Hadoop System, 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Jung Woo Shin, Jung Hwan Oh, Sang Muk Lee, and Seung Eun Lee*, CAN FD Controller for in-Vehicle Network, 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Oh Seong Gwon, Ji Kwang Kim, Jung Woo Shin, and Seung Eun Lee, AHB Based Digital Filter for Low Power Mobile Healthcare System, 2016 IEEE Asia Paci#c Conference on Circuits and Systems, JeJu, 2016이승은
◾ Jung Woo Shin, Jung Hwan Oh, Sang Muk Lee, Ji Hoon Jang and Seung Eun Lee*, Accelerating JPEG Image Compression for Audio Video Bridging, 2016 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Jung Hwan Oh, Ji Hoon Jang, Jung Woo Shin and Seung Eun Lee*, A LZ4 Compression Acceleration Engine, 2016 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Jung Hwan Oh, Seong Mo Lee, Ji Hoon Jang, Sang Muk Lee, and Seung Eun Lee*, A DMA Controller for Loss-less Image Processing, 2016 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Ji Kwang Kim, Oh Seong Gwon, and Seung Eun Lee*, Design of An Area-Efficient Hardware Filter for Embedded System, 2016 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ Jung Woo Shin, Jung Hwan Oh, Sang Muk Lee, and Seung Eun LEE, CAN FD Controller for In-Vehicle System, 2016 International SoC Design Conference, Jeju, 2016이승은
◾ 김지광, 권오성, 신정우, 이승은, 고정소수점 IIR 대역통과 필터설계와 소수부 비트 수에 따른 주파수응답 분석,, 2016년 SoC 헉술대, 서울, 2016이승은
◾ Sang Muk Lee, Eun Nu Ri Ko, Young Seob Jeong and Seung Eun Lee, Design of a Deadlock-Free XY-YX Router for Network-on-Chip, Information Technology New Generations, Las Vegas, 2016이승은
◾ Ji Hoon Jang, Seong Mo Lee, Oh Seong Gwon and Seung Eun Lee, An FPGA Based Compression Accelerator for Forex Trading System, Information Technology New Generations, Las Vegas, 2016이승은
◾ Sang Muk Lee, Eun Nu Ri Ko, Seung Eun Lee, A Hardware Scheduler for Multicore Block Cipher Processor, International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion, Crete, 2016이승은
◾ 이성모, 이승은, 내고장형 시스템반도체 설계를 위한 분석적인 고장 진단 방법, 2015년 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 (IEIE), 오크밸리, 2015이승은
◾ Seong Mo Lee and Seung Eun Lee, Static Fault Analysis for Resilient System-on-Chip Design, 12th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2015), Gyeongju, 2015이승은
◾ Seong Mo Lee, Sang Don Kim, Ji Hoon Jang, Sang Muk Lee and Seung Eun Lee, Design of an EMG Recognition System for Human-Smartphone Interface, 12th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2015), Gyeongju, Korea, 2015이승은
◾ Ji Hoon Jang and Seung Eun Lee, LZ4 Compression Engine, 12th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2015), Gyeongju, 2015이승은
◾ Sang Don Kim, Sang Muk Lee, Ji Hoon Jang and Seun Eun Lee, VGA Controller for Zero Client SoC, 12th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2015), Gyeongju, 2015이승은
◾ Sang Muk Lee, Sang Don Kim and Seung Eun Lee, Hybrid PCM Memory Controller, 12th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Gyeongju, 2015이승은
◾ 신정우, 권오성, 이건하, 고재진, 이상엽, 이승은, 웨어러블 디바이스를 위한 차량용 통신 네트워크, 2015년 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주, 2015이승은
◾ 이상묵, 한재용, 이승은, 개방형 하둡 스토리지 어플라이언스를 위한 관리도구 개발, 2015년 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주, 2015이승은
◾ 장지훈, 김영환, 전기만, 손재기, 이승은, 하둡 클러스터를 위한 마이크로서버 구조 연구, 2015년 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주, 2015이승은
◾ Sang Don Kim, Sang Muk Lee, and Seung Eun LEE, Secure Communication System for Wearable Devices Wireless Intra Body Communication, International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, 2015이승은
◾ Ji Hoon Jang, Sang Muk Lee, Sang Don Kim, Oh Seong Gwon, Eunnuri Ko, Seong Mo Lee, Jung Woo Shin. Se, Accelerating Forex Trading System Through Transaction Log Compression, SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), 2014 International, Ramada Plaza Jeju HotelJeju, 2014이승은
◾ Pedro Reviriego, Shih-Fu Liu, Juan Antonio Maestro, S. Lee, Nur A. Touba, Rudrajit Datta, Implementing Triple Adjacent Error Correction in Double Error Correction Orthogonal Latin Squares Codes, 16th IEEE Symp. Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, New York City, USA, 2013이승은
◾ P. Reviriego, S.-F. Liu, S. Lee and J. A. Maestro, Efficient Error Detection in Double Error Correction Orthogonal Latin Squares Codes, The Second Workshop on Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale(MEDIAN'13), Avignone, France, 2013이승은
◾ Zhen Fang, Li Zhao,Xiaowei Jiang,Shih-lien Lu,Ravi Iyer,Tong Li,Seung Eun Lee, Reducing L1 Caches Power By Exploiting Software Semantics, Proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Low power electronics and design, Redondo Beach, CA,USA, 2012이승은
◾ HDL 코딩 방법에 따른 FPGA에서의 성능 실험 및 평가, 제36회 한국정보처리학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 서울, 2011이승은
◾ 권용원, 손재기, 전기만, 조영창, 김상돈, 이승은, 이우진, 이원진, CUDA를 활용한 멀티에너지 X-ray 영상 웨이팅 알고리즘 구현, 2011 정보 및 제어 학술대회 논문집, 경주, 2011이승은
◾ Carlos A. Flores Fajardo, Zhen Fang, Ravi R. Iyer, German Fabila Garcia, Seung Eun LEE, Li Zhao, Buffer-Integrated-Cache: A Cost-Effective SRAM Architecture for Handheld and Embedded Platforms, Proc. of The 48th Design Automation Conference, Sand Diego, 2011이승은
◾ Z.Fang, L.Zhao, R.Iyer, C.Fajardo, G.Garcia, S.Lee, B.Li, S.King, X.Jiang, S.Makineni, Cost-effectively offering private buffers in SoCs and CMPs, Proc. of The 25th Int'l Conference on Supercomputing, Tucson, 2011이승은
◾ Jungsook Yang, Chuny Chun, N. Bagherzadeh, Seung Eun Lee, Load Balancing for Data-Parallel Applications on Network-on-Chip enabled Multi-Processor Platform, Proc of 19th Euromicor International Conference, Ayia Napa, 2011이승은
◾ 이승은 지음, Verilog HDL: Digital System Designs, 저서, 9788970939865, 光文閣, 2020이승은
◾ 통합 장치에 있는 에러율을 분석하는 방법, 특허 등록, 미국, 2017이승은
◾ 하둡 기반 하드웨어 압축 고속화 장치 및 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017이승은
◾ 문자열 압축 및 해제를 위한 방법 및 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017이승은
◾ SoC에서의오류율 분석방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015이승은
◾ SoC에서의 게이트 레벨 오류 모델링 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015이승은
◾ 네트워크 온 칩 기반 적응적 에러, 특허 등록, 미국, 2014이승은
◾ EISC 프로세서의 즉치 값 연산 방?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014이승은
◾ 네트워크 온 칩 성능 향상을 위한 XY-YX 라우팅 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ SoC에서의 오류 모델링 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 시스템반도체의 블록 데이터 추출 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 프로세서의 소프트에러 모델링을 위한 오류율 추출 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 시스템 반도체 소프트에러 모델링을 위한 오류율 추출 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 제로 클라이언트를 지원하는 가상 데스크탑 화면 전송 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 직교라틴방진(Orthogonal Latin Square)을 이용한 적응형 오류정정 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 직교라틴방진(Orthogonal Latin Square)을 이용한 오류정정 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 영상인식을 위한 그래디언트 히스토그램(Histogram of Gradient (HOG)) 추출 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 이차원 메쉬 토폴로지를 지원하는 네트워크 온 칩 회로 생성 및 성능 검증 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 교착상태가 없는 엑스와이-와이엑스(XY-YX) 메쉬 라우터 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 재충전 시간 조절을 통한 데이터 유지시간 분석용 동기 동적 랜덤 접근 기억장치(SDRAM) 컨트롤러 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 주파수변이변조(FSK)를 이용한 인체통신 회로, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 무선 글러브를 이용한 가상키보드 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 스마트폰 블루투스 통신을 이용한 동작 인식 제어, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, 2013이승은
◾ 네트워크 온 칩 기반 적응적 에러, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2012이승은
◾ 차세대시스템반도체설계전문인력양성사업, 산업통상자원부, 2021.03.~2023.02.이승은
◾ 뉴로모픽 기반 임베디드 인공지능 모듈 및 시스템 기술 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2019.07.~2021.12.이승은
◾ 고성능컴퓨팅(HPC)을 위한 멀티코어 하드웨어 가속기 핵심 기술 개발, 한국연구재단, 2019.06.~2022.02.이승은
◾ 저전력 독립운영이 가능한 내장형 인공지능 모듈 및 네비게이션 응용 서비스 기술 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2017.12.~2020.01.이승은
◾ 호흡치료기 디바이스용 경량 SW-SoC 솔루션 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2017.04.~2020.12.이승은
◾ 국산 CPU 코어 내장 수mW 급 저전력 모바일 헬스케어 SOC 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2015.12.~2016.11.이승은
◾ 다중코어 암호연산기의 데이터 처리를 위한 스케줄링 기법 연구, ETRI부설국가보안기술연구소, 2015.04.~2015.11.이승은
◾ 스마트키 기능을 포함하는 밴드형 웨어러블 디바이스 및 핵심기술 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2014.12.~2016.11.이승은
◾ 주력산업 고도화를 위한 SoC 결합형 임베디드SW 핵심기술 개발 및 산업생태계 개선, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2014.05.~2015.04.이승은
◾ SoC의 신뢰성 확보를 위한 오류율 분석 플랫폼 개발, 한국연구재단, 2014.05.~2017.04.이승은
◾ 폭증 스트림 데이터의 실시간 고가용 처리 서비스를 제공하는 다수 서버 분산 메모리의 통합 캐쉬 가상화 기술 기반 특화 응용 SW 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2013.12.~2015.11.이승은
◾ 단일 노드 48TB 이상을 지원하는 개방형 하둡 스토리지 어플라이언스(Hadoop Storage Appliance) 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2013.09.~2016.08.이승은
◾ 27 폭증 스트림 데이터의 실시간 고가용 처리 서비스를 제공하는 다수 서버 분산 메모리의 통합 캐쉬 가상화 기술 기반 특화 응용 SW 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2012.12.~2013.11.이승은
◾ FPGA 기반 멀티 에너지 고속 영상 처리 기술 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2012.04.~2013.02.이승은
◾ DSP/FPGA 기반 멀티 에너지 고속 영상 처리 기술 개발, 전자부품연구원, 2011.01.~2012.02.이승은
◾ 차량 내부 고속 통신을 위한 CAN FD 컨트롤러 설계, 우수학생논문상, 대한전자공학회, 2019이승은
◾ 교내연구우수교수상, 교내연구우수교수상(2013학년도), 산학협력단, 2014이승은
◾ 교내 우수연구교수상(2011학년도), 교내 우수연구교수상(2011학년도), 서울과학기술대학교, 2012이승은
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