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Department of Food Science and Biotechnology
Choi, Seung Jun
Food Chemistry (Food Nanomaterials)
02 970 6739
BS, Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University
MS, Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University
PhD, Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University
2012. 7. - present: Assistant professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
2010. 3. - 2012. 6.: Senior researcher, Center for Food Safety and Toxicology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
2007. 10. - 2010. 12.: Post-doctoral research associate, Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
Selected Publications
Thermal deactivation kinetics of Pseudomonas fluorescens lipase entrapped in AOT/isooctane reverse micelles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(39):9421-9427.

Enhancing operational stability and exhibition of enzyme activity by removing water in the immobilized lipase-catalyzed production of erythorbyl laurate. Biotechnology Progress, 2013, 29(4):882-889.

Structure and digestibility of debranched and hydrothermally treated water yam starch. Starch, 2013, 65(7-8):679-685.

Optimization of conditions for 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyl oxoammonium ion/sodium hypochlorite-catalyzed selective oxidation of the primary alcohol in 1-monolaurin. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2013, 22(3):621-629.

Development of the simple and sensitive method for lipoxygenase assay in AOT/isooctane reversed micelles. Food Chemistry, 2013, 138(2-3):733-738.

Aspergillus oryzae strains isolated from traditional Korean nuruk: Fermentation properties and influence on rice wine quality. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2013, 22(2):425-432.

Optimizing conditions for TEMPO/NaOCl-mediated chemo-selective oxidation of primary alcohols in sweet potato residue. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6(3):690-698.
Journal Papers
◾ Impact of hydrophilic substances on Ostwald ripening in emulsions stabilized by varied hydrophilic group surfactants, NPJ SCIENCE OF FOOD, vol.8 No.1 pp.76~76, 2024최승준
◾ Fabrication and characterization of nanoparticles with lecithin liposomes and poloxamer micelles: Impact of conformational structures of poloxamers, FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.435 No.1 pp.137613~137613, 2024최승준
◾ Fabrication of Whey Protein Isolate-Pectin Nanoparticles by Thermal Treatment: Effect of Dynamic High-Pressure Treatment, FOODS, vol.12 No.23 pp.4217~4217, 2023최승준
◾ An Overview of Structured Lipid in Food Science: Synthesis Methods, Applications, and Future Prospects, JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol.2023 pp.1222373~122373, 2023최승준
◾ Development and Characterization of Inula britannica Extract-Loaded Liposomes: Potential as Anti-Inflammatory Functional Food Ingredients, ANTIOXIDANTS, vol.12 No.8 pp.1636~1636, 2023최승준
◾ Influence of the type and concentration of hydrocolloids on Ostwald ripening of emulsions stabilized with small molecular and non-ionic surfactants, FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.411 pp.135504~135504, 2023최승준
◾ Solubilization of ?-tocopherol and curcumin by polyoxyethylene alkyl ether surfactants: Effect of alkyl chain structure, FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.408 pp.135170~135170, 2023최승준
◾ Impacts of the Dynamic High-Pressure Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment of Whey Protein Aggregates on Their Physicochemical Properties and Emulsifying Activities, FOODS, vol.11 No.22 pp.3588~3588, 2022최승준
◾ Influence of interfacial characteristics and antioxidant polarity on the chemical stability of beta-carotene in emulsions prepared using non-ionic surfactant blends, FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.369 pp.130945~130945, 2022최승준
◾ Characterization of phase and diffusion behaviors of oil, surfactant, and co-surfactant ternary systems for lipid-based delivery carriers, FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol.359 pp.129875~129875, 2021최승준
◾ Modeling of in vitro digestion behavior of corn starches of different digestibility using modified log of slope (LOS) method, FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, vol.146 pp.110436~110436, 2021최승준
◾ Isothermal and temperature-cycling retrogradation of high-amylose corn starch: Impact of sonication on its structural and retrogradation properties, ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY, vol.76 pp.105650~105650, 2021최승준
◾ Influence of Blending of Nonionic Emulsifiers Having Various Hydrophilic Head Sizes on Lipid Oxidation: Investigation of Antioxidant Polarity-Interfacial Characteristics Relationship, Antioxidants, vol.10 No.6, 2021최승준
◾ Prevention of Ostwald ripening in orange oil emulsions: Impact of surfactant type and Ostwald ripening inhibitor type, LWT-Food Science and Technology, vol.134, 2020최승준
◾ Improving the Stability of Lycopene from Chemical Degradation in Model Beverage Emulsions: Impact of Hydrophilic Group Size of Emulsifier and Antioxidant Polarity, Foods, vol.9 No.8, 2020최승준
◾ Inhibition of Droplet Growth in Model Beverage Emulsions Stabilized Using Poly (ethylene glycol) Alkyl Ether Surfactants Having Various Hydrophilic Head Sizes: Impact of Ester Gum, Applied Sciences, vol.10 No.16, 2020최승준
◾ Amylosucrase-modified waxy potato starches recrystallized with amylose: The role of amylopectin chain length in formation of low-digestible fractions, Food Chemistry, vol.318, 2020최승준
◾ Structure and in vitro digestion of amylosucrase-modified waxy corn starch as affected by iterative retrogradation, International Journal of Food Properties, vol.23 pp.1176~1186, 2020최승준
◾ Microfluidic assembly of mono-dispersed liposome and its surface modification for enhancing the colloidal stability, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol.586, 2020최승준
◾ Nanoemulsions as delivery systems for lipophilic nutraceuticals: strategies for improving their formulation, stability, functionality and bioavailability, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol.29 No.2 pp.149~168, 2020최승준
◾ Versatile biotechnological applications of amylosucrase, a novel glucosyltransferase (vol 29, pg 1, 2020), Food Science and Biotechnology, 2020최승준
Conference Papers
◾ Jeong In Park, Chi Rac Hong, Sung-Chul Hong, Seung Jun Choi, Ostwald ripening in model food emulsions stabilized with emulsifiers having various molecular structures, IUFoST 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Rimini, Italy, 2024최승준
◾ 홍시락, 한희진, 이경아, 최승준, 정영훈, 최재영, 홍성철, Unraveling the genetic blueprint of bacterial nanocellulose synthesis in Komagataeibacter sp. SFCB22-18, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 홍시락, 이경아, 진한희, 서정길, 박권삼, 최승준, 최재영, 홍성철, Modeling of phospholipase stereo-specificity using machine learning and structural analysis, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 홍시락, 이소영, 이희범, 김민관, 임승용, 최승준, 최재영, 홍성철, Optimization of liposome production using microfluidics with sustainable food-grade materials, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 박정인, 권민지, 최승준, Ostwald ripening phenomena in model food emulsions stabilized by emulsifiers with diverse molecular structures, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 박정인, 이지효, 이유림, 최승준, Influence of pluronic variation on the physicochemical characteristics of lecithin liposome/pluronic particles, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 홍시락, 이소영, 박지호, 유현석, 이나영, 최승준, 홍성철, Microfluidic fabrication of dual-loading liposomes with curcumin and catechin for enhanced bioavailability in food processing, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 권민지, 김지현, 이유림, 최승준, Ostwald ripening of model emulsions stabilized by low molecular weight emulsifiers: effects of viscosity control in aqueous phases by gum addition, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 홍시락, 이경아, 한희진, 이소영, 김영태, 최승준, 최재영, 홍성철, Machine learning-based prediction of lipase stero-specificity and structural analysis, 2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting 초록집, 대구, 2024최승준
◾ 홍성철, 이은하, 홍시락, 임승룡, 최승준, 최재영, Stereo-specificity prediction of lipases using a machine learning-aided prediction model and structural analysis, 3rd Food Chemistry Conference 2023 Poster Progamme, 독일, 드레스덴, 2023최승준
◾ 이지효, 박정인, 최승준, Preparation and characterization of lecithin/poloxamer nanoparticles, 2023 한국식품과학회 국제학술대회 초록집, 대한민국, 제주, 2023최승준
◾ 홍시락, 이은하, 임승용, 서정길, 최재용, 백현동, 최승준, 홍성철, Liposomal encapsulation enhances anti-inflammatory effects of Inula Britannica extract: Potential functional food ingredient for inflammation-related disorders, 2023 한국식품과학회 국제학술대회 초록집, 대한민국, 제주, 2023최승준
◾ 박정인, 김지현, 이지효, 최승준, Ostwald ripening of nonionic surfactant-stabilized emulsions: impact of water-soluble compounds, 2023 한국식품과학회 국제학술대회 초록집, 대한민국, 제주, 2023최승준
◾ Jihyo Lee, Eunhee Yoo, Soheon Im, Seung Jun Choi, Formation of whey protein isolate aggregates by thermal treatment: effect of high-pressure treatment, 2022 IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology 초록집, 싱가폴, 2022최승준
◾ Soheon Im, Jihyo Lee, Seung Jun Choi, Formation of WPI/pectin particles by thermal treatment: Influence of high-pressure treatment, 2022 IUFoST World Congress of Food Science and Technology 초록집, 싱가폴, 2022최승준
◾ 이지효, 유은희, 장판식, 최승준, Preparation of core/shell nanoparticles for enzyme encapsulation and their charaterization, 2022 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 대한민국, 부산, 2022최승준
◾ 임소현, 박준우, 박우진, 장판식, 최승준, Impact of the viscosity of aqueous phase on Ostwald ripening of emulsions stabilized with nonionic surfactants having different hydrophilic head structures, 2022 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 대한민국, 부산, 2022최승준
◾ 최승준, Development of technology for reducing agri-environmental waste using novel enzyme-loaded nanocarriers, 2022 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstract, 대한민국, 부산, 2022최승준
◾ Eunhee Yoo, Jiyun Lee, Seung Jun Choi, Impact of antioxidant polarity on lipid oxidation of emulsions stabilized with blends of nonionic surfactants having various hydrophilic head sizes, 2021 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 대전, 대한민국, 2021최승준
◾ Sohyeon Im, Jimoon Park, and Seung Jun Choi, Influence of interfacial characteristics and antioxidant polarity on the chemical stability of beta-carotene in emulsions prepared using non-ionic surfactant blends, 2021 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 대전, 대한민국, 2021최승준
◾ 임소현, 김민경, 김규범, 이혜빈, 최승준, Ostwald ripening 속도에 유화제와 기름 조성이 미치는 영향 평가, 2021 (사)한국산업식품공학회 춘계 정기총회 및 학술대회 초록집, 온라인과 오프라인 하이브리드형, 2021최승준
◾ 이지윤, 강민경, 손인하, 최승준, 친수성의 크기가 다양한 유화제로 안정화된 에멀션에서 산화방지제의 극성이 지방질 산화에 미치는 영향, 2020 한국산업식품공학회 추계 학술대회 초록집, 온라인, 2020최승준
◾ 박지문, 김규범, 최승준, 비이온성 계면활성제를 이용한 에멀션에서 계면먁의 특성과 산화방지제의 극성이 베타카로틴의 화학적 안정성에 미치는 영향, 2020 한국산업식품공학회 추계 학술대회 초록집, 온라인, 2020최승준
◾ Jimoon Park, Jinhyuk Kim, Seung Jun Choi, Influence of the characteristics of droplet interface on the stability of lycopene in model emulsions, 2020 KoSFST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 광주, 2020최승준
◾ Eunhee Yoo, Jiyun Lee, Seung Jun Choi, Controlling Ostwald ripening of orange oil-in-water emulsions by adding two different types of hydrophobic compounds: Impact of interfacial characteristics, 2020 KoSFST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 광주, 2020최승준
◾ Seung Jun Choi, Physical and chemical stabilities of nanoemulsions: Impact of the interfacial layer, 2020 KoSFST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, 광주, 2020최승준
◾ Jimoon Park, Jinwook Park, Seung Jun Choi, Modification of oil composition of orange oil emulsion to inhibit its Ostwald ripening, 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, Incheon, 2019최승준
◾ Jiyun Lee, Yurim Jang, Seung Jun Choi, Influence of incorporation of ester gum within orange oil emulsion on its Ostwald ripening, 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting Abstracts, Incheon, 2019최승준
◾ 저자: 노봉수,장판식,백형희,김석중,이광근,유상호,이재환,이기원,최승준,변상균, 식품화학, 저서, 9788971407301, 수학사, 2020최승준
◾ 저자: 노봉수,김석중,김영석,이광근,이재환,최승준,이혜영,조인희, (실무를 위한) 식품분석학, 저서, 9788971407349, 수학사, 2020최승준
◾ 새싹작물 유용성분 강화를 통한 대사질환 개선 소재화 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.06.~2022.02.최승준
◾ 유화제의 분자구조가 emulsion의 Ostwald ripening 속도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.최승준
◾ Influence of oxidants on the stability of tocopherol in model nanoemulsions: Role of interfacial membrane organized by nonionic emulsifiers, 산학협력단, 2018.06.~2018.12.최승준
◾ Lipid hydroperoxide decomposition in model emulsions stabilized with emulsifiers having various sizes of hydrophilic heads, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.08.최승준
◾ 유화제와 분산안정제의 분자구조 특성이 난용성 물질의 식품 소재화를 위한 나노화에 미치는 영향 평가, 한국연구재단, 2016.11.~2019.10.최승준
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