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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 9361001 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9361002 Research for the Master's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9361007 Advanced Ferrous Alloys 3
Major Electives 9361020 Colloid Interface Science 3
Major Electives 9361021 Plasma in Materials Engineering 3
Major Electives 9361023 Theory of Sintering 3
Major Electives 9361026 Nanocomposites 3
Major Electives 9361028 Advanced Structural Materials 3
Major Electives 9361035 Microstructure and Mechanics of Sintered Ceramic Materials 3
Major Electives 9361036 Special topics on nano-ceramic materials 3
Major Electives 9361041 Energy storage/conversion materials 3
Major Electives 9361046 Non-Destructive Evaluation of Materials 3
Major Electives 9361051 Nanofabrication for semiconductor industry 3
Major Electives 9361054 Advanced materials and memory application 3
Major Electives 9361055 Advanced Synthesis Processes for Nanomaterials 3
Major Electives 9361060 Advanced Quantum structured materials 3
Major Electives 9361068 Advanced Metal Nano-Materials 3
Major Electives 9361070 Lightweight metallic materials 3
Major Electives 9361071 Advanced Electronic Packaging Materials 3
Major Electives 9361072 Advance Metallography 3
Major Required Courses 9361074 Thesis for Ph.D. degree Ⅰ 3
Major Required Courses 9361075 Thesis for Ph.D. degreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9361076 Special Topics in Magnetic Materials 3
Major Electives 9361077 Application of Powder Materials 3
Major Electives 9361079 Testing and Evaluation Method of Materials 3
Major Electives 9361080 Micro Joining Engineering 3
Major Electives 9361082 Advanced thermodynamics in materials science 3
Major Electives 9361084 Solid state Electrochemistry and Analysis 3
Major Electives 9361085 Nanomaterials for Fuel cells and Batteries 3
Major Electives 9361087 Special topics on dielectric thin film materials 3
Major Electives 9361089 Advanced applications of functional nanomaterials 3
Major Electives 9361092 Advanced Optoelectronics 3
Major Electives 9361094 Advanced Semiconductor Device Physics 3
Major Electives 9361095 Characterization and analysis techniques for advanced materials 3
Major Electives 9361097 Special topics on advanced semiconductor devices and materials 3
Major Electives 9361098 Advanced Semiconductor physics 3
Major Electives 9361099 Additive Manufacturing 3
Major Electives 9361100 Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy 3
Major Electives 9361101 Advanced Structural Metallic Materials 3
Major Electives 9361103 Introduction to Advanced Metal Materials Science and Engineering 3
Major Electives 9361104 Introduction to Advanced Ceramic Materials Science and Engineering 3
Major Electives 9361105 Bio-Inspired Materials and Devices 3
Major Electives 9361106 Special Topics on Flexible Electronics 3
Major Electives 9361108 Solution processes and Applications 3
Major Electives 9361109 Special Topics on Nanomaterials for Solar Cells 3
Major Electives 9361110 Advanced Organic Optoelectronics 3
Major Electives 9361111 "Special Topics on Spectroscopies for Optoelectronic Material" 3
Major Electives 9361112 Application of Heterostructured Materials 3
Major Electives 9361113 Materials Characterization of Microstructure and Properties 3 Y
Major Electives 9361114 Laser Materials Processing 3
Major Electives 9361115 Environmental Materials and Surface Engineering 3
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