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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Yeon Hwang
Inorganic Material
· Seoul National University, Dept. Ceramic Materials, BS, 1983
· Seoul National University, Dept. Inorganic Materials, MS, 1985
· Seoul National University, Dept. Inorganic Materials, PhD, 1992
· Korea Institute of Science Technology, Fine Ceramics Lab., 1986.3.~1990.8.
· NIRIM, 12 Group, 1990.9.~1991.9.
· NIRIM, Advanced Beam Analysis Station, 1995.10.~1996.10.
· Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, 1993.5.~1999.7.
· NRIM, Advanced Materials Laboratory, 2001.12.~2002.2.
· North Carolina State University, Dept. Chemical Eng., 2004.1.~2005.2.
· Oregon State University, Dept. Biology, Chemical & Environmental Eng., 2013.1.~2014.1.
Research Areas
- Porous ceramics
- Inorganic polymer materials
- Ceramic Phase Diagram
- Semiconductor Materials
- Non-crystalline Materials
Selected Publications
- Y. Hwang, H.S. Lee, H.S. Chung, T.S. Kim, S.J. Oh and S.J. Kwon, "The Effect of Silicon Addition on the Mechanical Alloying of FeB Powder," J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 35, S236-S240 (1999)

- T.S. Kim, Y.G. Hong, C.O. Kim, H.S. Chung and Y. Hwang, "The Effects of Annealing Temperature on the Magnetic Properties of Fe75.5Zr8.3N16.2/SiO2 Multilayer Thin Films," J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 35, S484-S487 (1999)

- Y. Hwang, H.S. Lee and W.C. Lee, "Preparation of Low Density Ceramic Support from Coal Fly Ash," Geosystem Eng., 4(4), 117-122 (2001)

- Y. Hwang, R. Souda, S. Hishita and S. Otani, "Ta Segregation at the TiC(001) Surface Studied by Time-Of-Flight Impact-Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy," Nucl. Instr. Methods in Phys. Research B, 184(4), 555-558 (2001)

- T.S. Kim, Y.Y. Yoon, D.S. Kil, Y. Hwang, H.S. Chung, I.H. Kim and Y.K. Ahn, "Effects of surrounding ion on Eu3+ luminescence in glass," Mater. Lett., 47(4-5) 290-296 (2001)
- Y. Hwang and J.K. Lee, "Preparation of TiB2 Powder by Mechanical Alloying," Materials Letters, 54(1), 1-7 (2002)

- J.K. Lee, J.G. Park and Y. Hwang, "Effect of starting phase on microstructure and fracture toughness of hot-pressed silicon carbide," Mater. Lett., 57, 203-208 (2002)

- S.B. Cho, S.B. Kim, K.J. Cho, Y.J. Kim, T.H. Lee, Y. Hwang, "Control of Bioactivity for Silica Gel by Simple Surface Modification with Calcium Ion," Key Engineering Materials, 240-242, 93-96 (2003)

- Y. Hwang and R. Souda, "Growth and Atomic Structure Analysis of BaTiO3 Hetero-epitaxial Layers on the MgO(100) Surface," Thin Solid Films, 458(1-2), 26-31 (2004)

- B. G. Prevo, Y. Hwang and O. D. Velev, "Convective Assembly of Antireflective Silica Coatings with Controlled Thickness and Refractive Index," Chemistry of Materials, 17, 3642-3651 (2005)

- Y. Hwang, "Microwave absorbing properties of NiZn-ferrite synthesized from waste iron oxide catalyst," Mater. Lett., 60(27), 3277-3280 (2006)

- Y. Hwang, Jong-Sung Park, Young Jin Choi, Yong Jae Suh, Hyo-Sook Lee, Dae Sik Kang, and Jong Kook Lee, "Prevention of Coalescence During Annealing of FePt Nanoparticles Assembled by Convective Coating," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 10(5), 3516-3520 (2010)

- Y. Hwang, Dae Sik Kang and Mi Hye Park, "Solution Combustion Synthesis and Surface Properties of LaFeO3 Powders," J. Ceram. Process. Res., 11(3), 397-400 (2010)

- Yong-In Kim, Si-Hwa Sung, Seung-Mi Lee1, Wonsik Lee, Sang-Hyeok Lee, Bum-Sun Lim, Chang-Yong Hyun, Yeon Hwang, Jai-Won Byeon, “Sintering Behavior of 3%Yttria-Stabilized CAD CAM Dental Zirconia with Different Types of Commercial Powder,” J. Ceram. Process. Res., 13, s31-s36 (2012)

- Y. Hwang, D.H. Riu, J.H. An, D.I. Chun, and Y.S. Kim, “Effect of SiO2 Layer Intermediation on the Direct Carbothermal Synthesis of SiC Powders,” J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 13, 6136-9 (2013)

- Y. Hwang, Byoung Gon Kim, Kwang-Hyun Bae, Hyung Seok Kim, "Mechanism and performance of a dry particle separator using an elastic drum," International Journal of Mineral Processing, 125, 34–38 (2013)

- Y. Hwang, Doh-Hyung Riu, Hong-Jeon Kang, Ju-hyun An, Woo Sub Jung, Dongil Chun, Youngseok Kim, “Carbothermal synthesis of β-SiC powders from silicon and SiO2-coated carbon powders,” Int. J. Mater. Res., 105(4), 392–396 (2014)
Journal Papers
◾ Mesoporous carbon synthesized from sewage sludge and its electrochemical properties, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, vol.22 No.2 pp.186~191, 2021황 연
◾ 폴리카보실란 에멀젼의 동결건조를 이용한 다공체 SiC 제조, Korean Journal of Materials Research, vol.26 No.6 pp.320~324, 2016황 연
◾ Porous SiOC beads by freeze-drying polycarbosilane emulsions, Mater. Lett., vol.131 pp.174~177, 2014황 연
◾ Carbothermal synthesis of beta-SiC powders from silicon and SiO2-coated carbon powders, Int. J. Mater. Res., vol.105 pp.392~396, 2014황 연
◾ Mechanism and performance of a dry particle separator using an elastic drum, International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol.125 pp.34~38, 2013황 연
◾ Effect of SiO2 Layer Intermediation on Direct Carbothermal Synthesis of SiC Nanopowders, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.13 No.9 pp.6136~6139, 2013황 연
◾ Control of Particle Alignment in an Aqueous Colloidal System by an AC Electric Field, J Korean Mater Res, vol.23 No.1 pp.13~17, 2013황 연
◾ Compressive Strength of Geopolymers while Varying the Raw Materials, Journal of Korean Ceramic Society, vol.49 No.6 pp.575~580, 2012황 연
◾ Compressive strength of geopolymers while varying the raw materials, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, vol.49 No.6 pp.575~580, 2012황 연
◾ Effect of additives on the compressive strength of geopolymerized fly ash, Korean Journal of Materials Research, vol.22 No.9 pp.494~498, 2012황 연
◾ Ceramic diesel particulate filter structure with inclined gas paths, Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, vol.49 No.3 pp.226~230, 2012황 연
◾ Double Convective Assembly Coatings of FePt Nanoparticles to Prevent Particle Coalescence during Annealing, 한국재료학회지, vol.21 No.3 pp.156~160, 2011황 연
◾ Unburned carbon removal effect on compressive strength development in a honeycomb briquette ash-based geopolymer, International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol.97 pp.20~25, 2010황 연
◾ Preparation and Sound Insulation Properties of Thermoplastic Elastomer Composites with CaCO3 Filler, 한국재료학회지, vol.20 No.9 pp.467~471, 2010황 연
◾ Unburned carbon removal effect on compressive strength development in a honeycomb briquette ash-based geopolymer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING, vol.97 No.43104 pp.20~25, 2010황 연
◾ Solution combustion synthesis and surface properties of LaFeO3 powders, JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH, vol.11 No.3 pp.397~400, 2010황 연
◾ Prevention of Coalescence During Annealing of FePt Nanoparticles Assembled by Convective Coating, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol.10 pp.3516~3520, 2010황 연
Conference Papers
◾ 안주현, 양희성, 양선규, 강홍전, 류도형, 전동일, 김영석, Synthesis and Sintering Properties of SiC Powders from Silica-Coated Carbon and Oxidized Silicon Powders, 한국세라믹학회 추계연구발표, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2011황 연
1. Y. Hwang, "NON-CRYSTALLINE MATERIALS," WOOSAN, 2006. 8. 8. (ISBN: 89-958427-0-9)
◾ 황연, 비정질 재료 제2판, 저서, 979-11-990804-0-9, 도서출판 우산, 2024황 연
◾ 황연, 벌집은 왜 육각형일까, 저서, 979-11-6862-280-7, 시그마북스, 2024황 연
◾ 황연, 자성재료의 기초 제2판, 저서, 979-11-959678-9-6, 도서출판 우산, 2023황 연
◾ 황연, 다공체 재료 제2판, 저서, 979-11-959678-8-9, 도서출판 우산, 2023황 연
◾ 황연 지음, 재료·분자 열역학 입문, 저서, 9791195967872, 도서출판 又山, 2022황 연
◾ 황연 지음, Plasma Materials Engineering, 저서, 979-11-959678-6-5, 又山, 2022황 연
◾ 황연, 고체 계면론, 저서, 979-11-959678-5-8, 도서출판우산, 2021황 연
◾ 황연 지음, 재료 열분석, 저서, 9791195967841, 又山, 2020황 연
◾ 황연 지음, 다공체 재료, 저서, 9791195967834, 又山, 2019황 연
◾ 황연 지음, 재료분자 열역학 입문, 9791195967810, 又山, 2017황 연
◾ 황연 저, Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Materials, 저서, 979-11-959678-0-3, 우산, 2016황 연
- Y. Hwang, “A MANUFACTURE METHOD FOR NUMEROUS HOLE BLOCK),” 10-0847808 (2008. 7. 16.)
◾ 다공체 재료, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2019.12.황 연
◾ 음압 고풍속 하수 건조체의 상용화 거리 이송 시 발생 물성병화 및 곡관부 마모 대책 연구, 서울특별시의회사무처, 2018.07.~2018.10.황 연
◾ 자성재료의 기초, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.12.황 연
◾ 저온열풍 및 음압풍속이 하수슬러지 건조에 미치는 영향 연구, 서울특별시의회, 2017.08.~2017.12.황 연
◾ 재료분자 열역학 입문, 산학협력단, 2017.07.~2017.12.황 연
◾ 수계 졸에서 교류 전계에 의한 나노입자 운동 제어, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2013.02.황 연
◾ 각종 첨가제가 지오폴리머 반응된 석탄회의 압축강도에 미치는 영향, 산학협력단, 2012.09.~2013.02.황 연
◾ 그린/스마트 융복합소재의 학부생 SCI급 논문연구 특성화 BEST 프로그램, 기획처, 2012.05.~2013.02.황 연
◾ 태양광용 웨이퍼 슬럿지를 이용한 상압소결용 탄화규소 분말 및 소결체 제조 공정 개발, 한국산업기술평가관리원, 2010.12.~2013.03.황 연
◾ 친환경 소재제품 분야 전문인력 양성을 위한 산학융합형 교육시스템 구축 (5차년도), 한국환경산업기술원, 2010.08.~2011.07.황 연
◾ 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2020황 연
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