2016, Ph.D., Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
2011, B.S., Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
◾ Study on hydrogen reduction mechanism of MoO3 using Ti-Mo core-shell powder, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol.31 pp.3205~3211, 2024변종민
◾ HYDROGEN REDUCTION BEHAVIOR AND MICROSTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF WO3-NiO-CuO 3-NiO-CuO POWDER MIXTURE, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol.69 No.2 pp.443~446, 2024변종민
◾ Preparation of W-Ni-Cu Alloy Powder by Hydrogen Reduction of Metal Oxides, Korean Journal of Metals and Materials, vol.62 No.5 pp.334~339, 2024변종민
◾ Novel design of Mo-Si-B+La2O3 powder with multi-shell structure for ideal microstructure and enhanced mechanical property, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.120, 2024변종민
◾ Synthesis of polycrystalline Bi-doped SnSe by mechanical alloying and hydrogen reduction, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2024변종민
◾ Fabrication of porous sintered body using shape-controlled STS 316L powder by high-energy ball milling, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2024변종민
◾ Sintering property of micro/nano core-shell molybdenum powder synthesized by mechanochemical process, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.119, 2024변종민
◾ Fabrication and microstructure characterization of W-La2O3-Y2O3 composites by spark plasma sintering and hot isostatic pressing, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.119, 2024변종민
◾ Effect of Y2O3 nanoparticles on enhancing microstructure and mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened W alloy, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.119, 2024변종민
◾ Spray pyrolysis-based synthesis of pure molybdenum powder with nanoscale primary particles and its sintering characteristics, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.118, 2024변종민
◾ Pressureless sintering of W-Ni nanoparticles prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and hydrogen reduction, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.118, 2024변종민
◾ Machine learning approach for predicting the fracture toughness of Nb-Si based alloys, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.117, 2023변종민
◾ Influence of the initial powder characteristic on the densified tungsten microstructure by spark plasma sintering and hot isostatic pressisng, Powder Metallurgy, vol.66 No.5 pp.644~649, 2023변종민
◾ Synthesis and reaction path of Ti-Al-C MAX phases by reaction with Ti-Al intermetallic compounds and TiC, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol.106 No.12 pp.7230~7239, 2023변종민
◾ Large-scale synthesis of CuS nanoparticles for photothermal materials using high-concentration Cu complex ion precursor, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, vol.106 No.12 pp.7278~7287, 2023변종민
◾ Machine Learning-based Data Analysis for Designing High-strength Nb-based Superalloys, Journal of Powder Materials, vol.30 No.3 pp.217~222, 2023변종민
◾ Schottky Contacts to ZnO-Nanocoated SnSe Powders by Atomic Layer Deposition, ACS Omega, vol.7 pp.41606~41613, 2022변종민
◾ Effect of high-energy ball milling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni-based ODS alloys fabricated using gas-atomized powder, Journal of Materials Science, vol.57 No.38 pp.18195~18204, 2022변종민
◾ SIMPLE SYNTHESIS OF BLACK TiO2 NANOFIBERS VIA CALCINATION IN INERT ATMOSPHERE, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol.67 No.4 pp.1481~1486, 2022변종민
◾ 초음파 분무 열분해법으로 제조한 텅스텐 분말의 상압소결과 미세조직, 한국분말재료학회지, vol.29 No.3 pp.247~251, 2022변종민
◾ Homogeneous dispersion of yttrium oxide particles in nickel-based superalloy by high pressure homogenizing and ball milling method, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2021변종민
◾ High temperature oxidation behavior of molybdenum borides by silicon pack cementation process, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.100, 2021변종민
◾ Consolidation and properties of tungsten by spark plasma sintering and hot isostatic pressing, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.99, 2021변종민
◾ Fabrication of W-Y2O3 composites by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and spark plasma sintering, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2021변종민
◾ 회전형 원자층 증착기의 회전 속도에 따른 SnSe 분말 상 ZnO 박막 증착, 한국분말재료학회지, vol.28 No.3 pp.239~245, 2021변종민
◾ Thermoelectric performance of n-type polycrystalline SnSe with surface depletion by pressureless sintering, Applied Surface Science, vol.544, 2021변종민
◾ 차세대 2차원 소재, MXenes의 연구 동향, 한국분말재료학회지, vol.28 No.2 pp.150~163, 2021변종민
◾ 자기펄스성형이 적용된 Ti-Mn-Cu 합금의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성, 한국분말재료학회지, vol.28 No.1 pp.20~24, 2021변종민
◾ Hydrogen reduction behavior of W/Y2O3 powder synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, vol.95, 2021변종민
◾ Oxidation Behavior of Pack-Cemented Refractory High-Entropy Alloy, JOM, vol.72 No.12 pp.4594~4603, 2020변종민
◾ Fabrication and properties of densified tungsten by magnetic pulse compaction and spark plasma sintering, Korean Journal of Materials Research, vol.30 No.6 pp.321~325, 2020변종민
◾ Research Trends of High-entropy Alloys, JOURAL OF KOREAN POWER METALLURGY INSTIT (J. Korean Powder Metall. Inst.), vol.26 No.6 pp.515~527, 2019변종민
◾ 란타넘 산화물의 분산을 통해 향상된 파괴인성을 갖는 몰리브데넘 합금의 제조, Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, vol.26 No.3 pp.208~213, 2019변종민
◾ Volume and size effects of intermetallic compounds on the high-temperature oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B alloys, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS HARD MATERIALS, vol.81 pp.94~99, 2019변종민
◾ Effect of titanium addition on mechanical properties of Mo-Si-B alloys, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS HARD MATERIALS, vol.80 pp.238~242, 2019
변종민◾ Research Trends of the Mo-Si-B Alloys as Next Generation Ultra-high-temperature Alloys, Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, vol.26 No.2 pp.156~165, 2019변종민
◾ Ni5Y 합금상이 형성된 Ni계 산화물 분산강화 아토마이징 분말의 밀링 거동 분석, Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, vol.26 No.2 pp.101~106, 2019변종민
◾ Formation of a gold nanoparticle layer for the electrodes of ionic polymer-metal composites by electroless deposition process, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, vol.470 pp.8~12, 2019
변종민◾ Improvement of high temperature mechanical properties of Ni-based oxide dispersion strengthened alloys by preferential formation of Y-Ti-O complex oxide, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, vol.740 pp.363~367, 2019
변종민◾ Experimental Verification of the Decomposition of Y2O3 in Fe-Based ODS Alloys During Mechanical Alloying Process, Metals and Materials International, vol.24 No.6 pp.1309~1314, 2018
변종민◾ Fabrication of Molybdenum Silicide-based Composites with Uniformly Dispersed Silicon Carbide, Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, vol.25 No.5 pp.402~407, 2018
변종민◾ Photocatalytic activity of rutile TiO2 powders coupled with anatase TiO2 nanoparticles using surfactant, Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, vol.25 No.3 pp.257~262, 2018
◾ 김시연, 김우철, 채산, 이승용, 변종민, Synthesis of (Nb,Ti)2C MXene and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 이의선, 최지원, 김영민, 김지영, 변종민, 오승탁, 탄화 및 열탄소 환원의 단계적 시너지 반응을 이용한 나노크기 ZrC-HfC 복합분말의 합성, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 김우철, 김정현, 김시연, 이영인, 변종민, Spark plasma sintering of Mo-Si-B alloy using MoO3 powder with uniformly dispersed rare-earth oxide nanoparticles through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 박지영, 이의선, 정민섭, 변종민, 황병철, 오승탁, 최병준, The synthesis of Nb@TiO2 composite for oxide dispersion strengthened alloy via atomic layer deposition, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 배승한, 최현영, 양상현, 이승용, 변종민, Synthesis and spark plasma sintering of oxide dispersion strengthened W-Ce0.8Y0.2O2 powder, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 채산, 최현영, 양상현, 배승한, 변종민, Sintering behavior of CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy with dispersed Y2O3, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 최지원, 이의선, 김영민, 변종민, 오승탁, 동결주조 공정으로 제조한 텅스텐 다공체의 기공구조에 미치는 camphene 및 tert-butyl alcohol 동결제의 영향, 2024 Fall Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 광주광역시 서구 김대중컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 김우철, 김정현, 김시연, 이영인, 변종민, Fabrication of Mo-Si-B alloy through spark plasma sintering using Mo powder with uniformly dispersed La2O3 nanoparticles through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, 2024 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 강원특별자치도 평창군 알펜시아 컨벤션센터, 2024변종민
◾ 김시연, 임채현, 채산, 이승용, 변종민, Synthesis of (Nb,Ti)2AlC MAX phase and (Nb,Ti)2C MXene, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 양상현, 김우철, 배승한, 이승용, 변종민, Fabrication and filtration efficiency analysis of porous sintered body using shape-controlled 316L stainless steel powder by high-energy ball milling, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 김우철, 김정현, 김시연, 최현영, 이영인, 변종민, Spark plasma sintering of Mo-Si-B alloy using Mo powder with uniformly dispersed La2O3 nanoparticles through ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 최현영, 채산, 배승한, 양상현, 변종민, Effect of rare earth oxide addition on the oxidation resistance of pack-cemented Nb alloys, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 김정준, 윤상민, 한덕현, 변종민, 김영균, Development of high-strength Nb-Si-Ti alloys through mechanical alloying, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 이원희, 박천웅, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, Study on behavior of intermediate oxide phase according to hydrogen reduction of MoO3, The 18th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2024변종민
◾ 하윤철, 박천웅, 이원희, 변종민, 김영도, Ti가 첨가된 나노 Mo-ODS 합금의 2-step 소결 적용 다원계 산화물 우선형성 및 소결 특성 연구, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 박천웅, 이원희, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, Mo 및 Mo-Ti 합금 core-shell 분말을 이용한 고밀도 소결체 제조 및 미세구조 균일화 연구, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 임채현, 김시연, 김우철, 최현영, 양상현, 변종민, 용융염법을 통한 Nb계 MAX상 저온 합성, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 이원희, 박천웅, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, Ti-Mo 합금 분말을 이용한 코어-쉘 분말 제조 및 소결 특성 연구, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 김우철, 김정현, 최현영, 김시연, 이영인, 변종민, La2O3 나노입자가 균일 분산된 Mo 분말을 사용한 Mo-Si-B 합금의 방전 플라즈마 소결, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 김시연, 임채현, 김우철, 채산, 변종민, Nb-Ti계 이중전이금속 MAX Phase 합성 및 MXene 제조, 2024 Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 인천광역시 연수구 송도컨벤시아, 2024변종민
◾ 임채현, 김시연, 채산, 배승한, 변종민, 용융염법을 통한 Nb계 MAX상 분말 합성, 2023년도 추계학술대회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 마은호, 김우철, 김시연, 최현영, 양상현, 변종민, 기계학습을 통한 Nb-Si 초내열 합금의 인장강도 예측, 2023년도 추계학술대회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 이원희, 박천웅, 김희연, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, Ti-Mo 코어쉘 분말에서의 MoO3의 환원 메커니즘 연구, 2023년도 추계학술대회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 박지영, 전지현, 은수민, 이의선, 정민섭, 마은호, 황병철, 오승탁, 변종민, 최병준, Nb-based refractory alloy coated with TiO2 thin film by atomic layer deposition for oxide dispersion strengthening, 2023년도 추계학술대회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 박천웅, 김희연, 이원희, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, 디스플레이 타겟 소재용 Mo 및 Mo-Ti 합금의 미세구조 균일화 연구, 2023년도 추계학술대회, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Heeyeon Kim, Chun Woong Park, Won Hee Lee, Yuncheol Ha, Jongmin Byun, Young Do Kim, A study on grain growth behavior of a molybdenum micro/nano core-shell powder according to micro/nano ratio, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy in Asia, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Yuncheol Ha, Chun Woong Park, Heeyeon Kim, Won Hee Lee, Jongmin byun, Young Do Kim, A study on the effect of Y2O3 addition in Mo based Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloy, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy in Asia, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Siyeon Kim, Chaehyun Lim, San Chae, Jongmin Byun, Synthesis of Nb-Based MXene Using Nb-Al Intermetallic Compounds, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy in Asia, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Woocheol Kim, Jeong Hyun Kim, Eunho Ma, Hyeonyoung Choi, Young-In Lee, Jongmin Byun, Sintering behavior and mechanical properties of Mo-Si-B alloys fabricated from MoSS powder with uniformly dispersed oxide nanoparticles through Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy in Asia, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Wonjune Choi, Chun Woong Park, Young Do Kim, Jongmin Byun, Enhanced fracture toughness of Mo-Si-B-La2O3 alloys for high-temperature structural materials, The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Woocheol Kim , Jeong Hyun Kim , Eunho Ma , Hyenyoung Choi , Young-In Lee, Jongmin Byun, Microsutructural evolution of Mo-Si-B alloy using Mo powder with homogeneously dispersed oxide nanoparticles synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ Siyeon Kim , Chaehyun Lim , Woocheol Kim , Jongmin Byun, Syntesis of Nb-Based MAX Phase Using Intermetallic Compounds of Nb-Al, The 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 이용성, 김정현, 이동훈, 윤경식, 변종민, 이영인, Optimization of Sintering Conditions for Fine Molybdenum Powder Synthesized by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Followed by Hydrogen Reduction, 2023 대한금속·재료학회 춘계학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김지영, 이의선, 허연지, 오승탁, 변종민, TiH2 분말 미세화를 위한 밀링 조건 최적화 및 특성 분석, 2023 대한금속·재료학회 춘계학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 이의선, 허연지, 김지영, 최지원, 오승탁, 변종민, 방전 플라스마 소결 및 열간 등압 성형을 이용한 W-Y2O3과 W-La2O3 의 소결 거동 분석, 2023 대한금속·재료학회 춘계학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 마은호, 김시연, 최현영, 신승혁, 황병철, 변종민, 기계학습을 이용한 Nb-Si 합금의 조성 설계, 2023 대한금속·재료학회 춘계학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김우철, 임채현, 박지원, 이임경, 변종민, 고에너지 볼 밀링 시 볼 크기가 STS 316L 분말 형상에 미치는 영향 및 이로부터 제조된 다공체 특성, 2023 대한금속·재료학회 춘계학술대회, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김희연, 이원희, 박천웅, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, 기계화학적 공정으로 제조된 몰리브데넘 코어-쉘 분말의 마이크로/나노 비율에 따른 소결 특성 연구, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 이원희, 김희연, 박천웅, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, 기계 화학적 공정을 통해 제조한 Mo-Ti 코어쉘 분말의 성형 및 소결 특성 연구, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김시연, 마은호, 임채현, 이임경, 변종민, Nb계 MXene의 합성을 위한 Nb-Al 금속간화합물의 제조 및 MAX Phase 합성, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 박지영, 은수민, 변종민, 최병준, 원자층 증착법을 이용한 Nb-Si계 분말상의 TiO2 나노 박막 코팅 연구, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 마은호, 김우철, 최현영, 신승혁, 황병철, 변종민, 데이터 통계학적 접근을 이용한 Nb기 초내열 합금의 설계, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김지영, 이의선, 허연지, 오승탁, 변종민, TiH2 분말의 밀링과 탈수소화로 미세 Ti 분말 제조를 위한 밀링조건 최적화, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 박천웅, 김희연, 이원희, 하윤철, 변종민, 김영도, 디스플레이 타겟 소재용 Mo 및 Mo-Ti core-shell 분말의 소결 특성 연구, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 이의선, 허연지, 김지영, 최지원, 오승탁, 변종민, 활성제 Ni 첨가 W 분말의 합성 방법이 소결체 특성에 미치는 영향, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 김우철, 김시연, 박지원, 변종민, 고에너지 볼 밀링 시 밀링 속도가 STS316L분말 형상에 미치는 영향 및 이로부터 제조된 다공체 특성, 2023년도 한국분말재료학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2023변종민
◾ 장진광, 김우철, 이준수, 장성원, 변종민, Fabrication of B doped polycrystalline SnSe by Hydrogen reduction of Bi2O3, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 김우철, 장진광, 김시연, 마은호, 변종민, Fabrication of stainless steel 316L porous body using plate-shaped powder manufactured by high-energy ball milling, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 이용성, 김정현, 변종민, 정영근, 이영인, Synthesis and sintering behavior of fine molybdenum powder by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and subsequent hydrogen reduction, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 신승혁, 오동규, 변종민, 황병철, Machine-Learning for Predicting the High-Temperature Strength of Nb-Based Alloys, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 이의선, 허연지, 김지영, 변종민, 오승탁, Spark Plasma Sintering and Hot Isostatic Pressing of W-La2O3-Y2O3 Composite Powders Prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 김희연, 이원희, 박천웅, 변종민, 김영도, 기계화학적 공정을 통해 제조된 마이크로/나노 코어-쉘 Mo 분말의 소결 특성 연구, 2022 Fall conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 휘닉스 제주, 2022변종민
◾ 김지영, 이의선, 허연지, 변종민, 오승탁, Effect of the Initial Powder Characteristics on the Microstructure of Tungsten Densified by Spark Plasma Sintering and Hot Isostatic Pressing, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 김시연, 장진광, 장성원, 이준수, 마은호, 변종민, The Study on Formation Mechanisms of Ti-based MAX phase by using Ti-Al Intermetallic Compound, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 변종민, 김정현, 최원준, 이영인, Hydrogen reduction behavior of WO3/Y2O3 powder synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis for fabrication of oxide dispersion strengthened refractory alloys, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 황병철, 최병준, 이영인, 변종민, Basic Research Laboratory for Refractory Alloys with Ultra-high Heat Resistance Based on Microstructure Control Convergence Technology, The 17th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, 휘닉스 제주 섭지코지, 2022변종민
◾ 이호준, 장진광, 김우철, 이준수, 장성원, 변종민, Formation Mechanism of Ti3AlC2 between Ti based Intermetallic Compounds and TiC, 2022 Spring conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy and Materials Institute, 경주 화백컨벤션센터, 2022변종민
◾ 노구원, 변종민, 김승겸, 박은수, Evolution of microstructure and texture in Mo sheets during hot rolling and recrystallization, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing (ISIMP-2021), 소노캄 제주, 2021변종민
◾ 박천웅, 변종민, 김영도, Study on grain growth behavior according to the sintering process of nano-Mo powder manufactured by mechanochemical process, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing (ISIMP-2021), 소노캄 제주, 2021변종민
◾ 이호준, 윤예준, 장진광, 김우철, 변종민, Synthesis of Ti3AlC2 MAX Phase by Using Ti-based Intermetallic Compound and Carbide, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing (ISIMP-2021), 소노캄 제주, 2021변종민
◾ 정명준, 원예빈, 박지영, 윤예준, 변종민, 최병준, Change of thermoelectric characteristics of SnSe powder materials by atomic-layer-deposited ZnO thin films, International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing (ISIMP-2021), 소노캄 제주, 2021변종민
◾ 박천웅, 변종민, 김영도, 기계화학적 공정을 통해 제조된 나노 Mo 분말의 소결특성 연구, 2021년도 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021변종민
◾ 김민상, 최승규, 변종민, 김영도, 김세훈, 고엔트로피 합급 분말이 균일 분산된 알루미늄 복합체 특성, 2021년도 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021변종민
◾ 김정현, 변종민, 정영근, 오승탁, 이영인, Fabrication and mechanical property of W-Y2O3 composite with controlled Y2O3 fraction via ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, 2021년도 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021변종민
◾ 이호준, 윤예준, 장진광, 김유림, 변종민, 고에너지 볼 밀링과 열처리를 통한 Ti3AlC2 MAX상 제조, 2021년도 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021변종민
◾ 윤예준, 이호준, 장진광, 김유림, 변종민, FeMnZnNiX (X=Co, Cr) 고엔트로피 합금 분말 첨가에 따른 알루미늄 합금의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성, 2021년도 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2021변종민
◾ Jongmin Byun, Hyeunhwan An, Jaeyun Moon, Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Polycrystalline SnSe with Surface Depletion by Sintering Condition, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Hojun Lee, Ye Jun Yun, Jinkwang Jang, Won June Choi, Chun Woong Park, Jongmin Byun, Oxidation Behavior of Pack-cemented CrMoNbTaW Refractory High Entropy Alloy, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Hojun Lee, Jinkwang Jang, Ye Jun Yun, Won June Choi, Chun Woong Park, Young Do Kim, Jongmin Byun, Oxidation Behavior of Surface Coated Molybdenum Boride Alloy via Silicon Pack-cementation, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Jeong Hyun Kim, Myeongjun Ji, Jongmin Byun, Young-Keun Jeong, Sung-Tag Oh, Young- In Lee, Fabrication of Tungsten-based Alloy with Homogeneously Dispersed Yttrium Oxide Nanoparticles by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis and Spark Plasma Sintering, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Gyuhwi Lee, Jongmin Byun, Young-In Lee, Byung Joon Choi, Hogyoung Kim, Sung-Tag Oh, Effect of Sintering Condition on Microstructure and Properties of Bi2Te3-based Thermoelectric Alloy Powders, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Min Sang Kim, Jong Min Byun, Young Do Kim, Se Hoon Kim, Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Matrix Composite Reinforced with Uniformly Dispersed High Entropy Alloy, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Myeong Jun Jung, So Hyeon Kwon, Ye Jun Yun, Jong Min Byun, Byung Joon Choi, Effects of Atomic-layer-deposited ZnO Layer on SnSe Powder Materials, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ Ye Jun Yun, Hojun Lee, Chun Woong Park, Won June Choi, Ok Hyung Nam, Jongmin Byun, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Mn-Cu Alloy Fabricated by Powder Metallurgical Route and Surface Modification, The 16th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Phoenix Jeju, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 2020변종민
◾ 박천웅, 최원준, 변종민, 김영도, Effect of titanium addition on tungsten oxide dispersion strengthened alloy, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 박푸른솔, 이호준, 윤예준, 최원준, 김민상, 변종민, Fabrication of aluminum-based metal matrix composites reinforced by high-entropy alloy powder, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 한주연, 변종민, 이영인, 최병준, 김호경, 오승탁, Dilatometric analysis of the sintering behavior of Bi2Te3 thermoelectric powders, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 최원준, 박천웅, 박정효, 변종민, 김영도, Fabrication of Mo-Si-B alloys with La2O3 particle and the effect of La2O3 particle in Mo-Si-B alloys, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 이재욱, 정명준, 신승철, 한주연, 지명준, 고승희, 변종민, 한정환, 이영인, 류도형, 오승탁, 최병준, Atomic interface engineering of thermoelectric materials by atomic layer deposition, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 윤예준, 박푸른솔, 이호준, 안현환, 변종민, Thermoelectric properties of polycrystalline SnSe prepared by powder metallurgical route, Abstract book for ISIMP 2019, 제주 피닉스 리조트, 2019변종민
◾ 박푸른솔, 박천웅, 최원준, 변종민, Mechanical alloying behavior of Fe-Mn powder by high-energy ball milling, 2019 Abstract book for Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2019변종민
◾ 최원준, 박천웅, 박정효, 변종민, 김영도, Fabrication of rare-earth oxide dispersed Mo-Si-B alloys and its mechanical properties, 2019 Abstract book for Spring Conference of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, 여수 엑스포컨벤션 센터, 2019변종민
◾ 박천웅, 변종민, 최원준, 이승영, 김영도, Analysis of Milling behavior on Ni-based Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy Powder Prepared by Atomizing Process, 2018 추계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2018변종민
◾ 박푸른솔, 변종민, Fabrication and electrical properties of molybdenum silicide composite with uniformly distributed SiC, 2018 추계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 부산 해운대그랜드호텔, 2018변종민
◾ Won June Choi, Seung Yeong Lee, Chun Woong Park, Jong Min Byun, Young Do Kim, Effect of the Titanium Addition on Mechanical Properties in Mo-Si-B Alloys, The 15th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Tivoli Oriente Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018변종민
◾ Jong Min Byun, Hyeunhwan An, Improvement of Thermoelectric Properties on Flexible Bi2Te3 Composite Films via Post-annealing Treatment, The 15th International Symposium on Novel and Nano Materials, Tivoli Oriente Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018변종민
◾ 변종민, 안현환, Effect of Heat treatment on the Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Hybrid Thermoelectric Films, 2018 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회 강연 및 발표논문 초록집, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2018변종민