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Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Chang-Kyoo Park
Materials science and engineering/ Surface engineering
Journal Papers
◾ Investigation of Laser Surface Texturing and Injection Molding Parameters in Advanced High-Strength Steel-Polyamide Direct Joining, Steel research international, 2024박창규
◾ Effect of laser surface cleaning on yellow brass: Application for cartridge case maintenance, Optics and Laser Technology, vol.174, 2024박창규
◾ Long-Term Stability Test for Femtosecond Laser-Irradiated SnO2-Nanowire Gas Sensor for C7H8 Gas Sensing, Photonics, 2024박창규
◾ Investigation of airborne nanoparticles emitted during the laser cleaning process of corroded metal surface, Environmental Research, vol.248, 2024박창규
◾ Effect of High-Power Laser Cleaning for Surface Contaminants Removal on SS304L, Korean J. Met. Mater., 2024박창규
◾ Wear and corrosion behaviors of high-power laser surface-cleaned 304L stainless steel, Optics and Laser Technology, vol.168, 2024박창규
◾ Facile and rapid fabrication of wearable biosensors via femtosecond laser-directed micro-patterning with large-sized reduced graphene oxide for physiological monitoring, Chemical Engineering Journal, vol.479, 2024박창규
Conference Papers
◾ 정민후,박창규,손현기,조대원, Effects of metal 3D printing-based impact nozzle on increasing microbubble generation, 대한금속재료학회, 평창 알펜시아 컨벤션센터, 2024박창규
◾ 김유신, 김해탄, 박창규, 금속 3D 프린팅 기반 충돌형 노즐이 마이크로 버블 발생량 증가에 미치는 영향, 대한용접접합학회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2024박창규
◾ 김유신, 김해탄, 박창규, Investigation of laser surface texturing and injection molding parameters in advanced high-strength steel-polyamide direct joining, 대한용접접합학회, 창원컨벤션센터, 2024박창규
◾ Hyeonsik Kang, and Changkyoo Park, Effect of laser nitriding in microstructure and mechanical properties of mold steel, Optical Society of Korea, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, 2024박창규
◾ Haetan Kim, Yusin Kim, and Changkyoo park, Evaluation of Tensile Strength and Joining Characteristics of Metal-Plastic Joints by Changing Laser Process Parameters, CLEO-PR, Songdo Convensia, 2024박창규
◾ 강현식, 정민후, 박창규, 내마모성 향상을 위한 레이저 조건에 따른 질화 특성 평가, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 창원 컨벤션 센터, 2024박창규
◾ 김유신, 김해탄, 박창규, 레이저 공정조건 변화에 따른 금속-플라스틱 인장강도 및 접합력 특성 평가, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 창원컨벤션센터, 2024박창규
◾ 박창규, Study of corrosion and corrosion prevention of amonia-based eco-friendly vessel, AeroNDT2023, 부산조선호텔, 2023박창규
◾ 박창규, 김수원, Laser welding technology for quartz products, 2023 Spring Conference of the Korean Welding and Joining Society, 대전DCC, 2023박창규
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