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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Visual Design
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 9621001 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9621002 Research for the Master's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 9621009 Color Design 3
Major Electives 9621011 Advanced Visual Comm. Design 3
Major Electives 9621013 Special Lecture on Symbol and Typography 3
Major Electives 9621016 Illustration Phaseology 3
Major Electives 9621017 Information and Semiology 3
Major Electives 9621025 Identity Workshop 3
Major Electives 9621032 Design Research 3
Major Electives 9621033 Identity Workshop 3
Major Electives 9621035 Marketing Communication 3
Major Electives 9621037 Service Design 3
Major Electives 9621042 Innovative Advertising 3
Major Electives 9621045 Contents & Media 3
Major Electives 9621046 Typography Study 3
Major Electives 9621048 Editorial Design Methodology 3
Major Electives 9621050 3
Major Electives 9621051 3
Major Electives 9621053 Experience Design Seminar 3
Major Electives 9621055 Public service branding 3
Major Electives 9621057 Data Visualization Study 3
Major Electives 9621058 User experience design 3
Major Required Courses 9621059 Research for the Doctor’s Degree 1 3
Major Required Courses 9621060 Research for the Doctor’s Degree Ⅱ 3
Major Electives 9621061 Illustration Research Methods 3
Major Electives 9621062 Understanding of Media and Contents 3
Major Electives 9621063 New Media & Culture 3
Major Electives 9621064 Motion Graphics 3
Major Electives 9621065 Visual Storytelling 3
Major Electives 9621066 Brand planning and strategy 3
Major Electives 9621067 Brand Communication 3
Major Electives 9621068 Design and Start-Up Projects 3
Major Electives 9621069 Typography project 3
Major Electives 9621070 Typography & Media 3
Major Electives 9621071 Qualitative Research Methodology 3
Major Electives 9621072 Service System Design 3
Major Electives 9621073 Web Trend Research 3
Major Electives 9621074 JS project studio 3
Major Electives 9621075 Writing and Image 3
Major Electives 9621076 Illustration Workshop 3
Major Electives 9621077 Ideas & Moving Images 3
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