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Introduction Faculty Curriculum
Department of Visual Design
Yi, Eun Sil
Identity Design
Seoul National University Graduate Diploma in Arts_Design Doctor
Boston University College of Art and Design_MFA
Seoul National University Graduate School of Industrial Art graduated from the Department of Art_Master of Fine Arts
Seoul National University College of Art and graduated from the Department of Applied Arts_Bachelor of Fine Arts
Currently, Professor of Visual Design, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Committee Chairperson of Design Management Committee, Vatech Ewoo Holdings
Successive service as VP of the CDR Associates(2003.5 - 2011.8)
Research Areas
Identity Design
Design Planning & Strategy
Selected Publications
Design strategy research of cultural city brand identity_monograph
Development of time identity for the brand strategy of the historical and cultural_Doctoral thesis
Design of national integration certification mark as a national brand asset_Thesis work
Study on the development and application of the evaluation model of logo design_monograph
Journal Papers
[Protagonists Hidden move the design company] Design planner armed with typography_Monthly design 2008.5
◾ A Study of Slogan Brand Development in an Agricultural City: Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.23 No.3 pp.81~96, 2024이은실
◾ Characteristics of Hearing-Impaired Persons in Recognizing Safety Signs: Picture Signs for Public Guidance, Archives of Design Research, vol.36 No.4 pp.333~345, 2023이은실
◾ A Study on the Trend of Logotype Change According to the Introduction of Smartphones, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.21 No.4 pp.75~88, 2022이은실
◾ The Application of Motion Graphics to Disaster Safety Pictograms for the Hearing-Impaired, Archives of design research, vol.35 No.4 pp.175~193, 2022이은실
◾ A Study on the Design Development of Prescription Drug Charta Considering the Characteristics of the Visual Perception of the Elderly, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.20 No.3 pp.25~38, 2021이은실
◾ A Study on the Relationship Between Character Change and Color Change of Live-Action Movies in Disney Animation, KSDS Conference Proceeding, 2020이은실
◾ A Study on Type Classification According to Characteristics of Flexible Identity ‑Targeting Urban Brands‑, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.19 No.2 pp.9~24, 2020이은실
◾ An Analytical Study on the Brand Experiences of Korean Café Brand Specialized Stores, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.19 No.1 pp.27~40, 2020이은실
◾ A Study on the Direction Establishment for Improvement of Grain Labeling of the Korean Rice, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.18 No.3 pp.43~57, 2019이은실
◾ A Developmental Study on CPTED Reflecting Urban Brand Identity Design Characteristics - Targeting the CPTED of Dongjoong Town in Yangsan City, Gyeongnam -, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.18 No.2 pp.27~43, 2019이은실
◾ A Suggestion for Developing an App Icon Design Considering the Visual Recognition Characteristics of the Elderly, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.18 No.1 pp.63~75, 2019이은실
◾ A Study on the Development of the Statement Design for Metabolic Syndrome Health Information, Archive of Design Research, vol.29 No.4 pp.139~151, 2016이은실
◾ A Study on Brand Color Selection Standard for Customer’s Emotional Value, Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture, vol.22 No.2 pp.481~492, 2016이은실
◾ Identity Design Platform Development Study for CEO Branding, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.15 No.2 pp.19~30, 2016이은실
◾ A Study on Tablet Antipyretic-analgesics Package Design of CVS, Journal of Integrated Design Research, vol.14 No.4 pp.153~165, 2015이은실
◾ 문화수도 브랜드 아이덴티티 개발 연구, 디자인학연구, vol.28 No.4 pp.195~209, 2015이은실
◾ 고객경험기반의 브랜드 아이덴티티 핵심가치 도출 프로세스 연구-치과용 저선량 영상진단 서비스를 대상으로-, Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture, vol.20 No.4 pp.521~530, 2014이은실
◾ A study on developing the design of UI(University Identity) slogan brand for promotional marketing of university, Journal of Basic Design & Art, vol.15 No.5 pp.481~491, 2014이은실
◾ A Study of Media Attitude of Inmate for Visual Communication of Digital Signage, 디자인융복합연구(구.인포디자인이슈), vol.12 No.5 pp.31~49, 2013이은실
◾ Research on the Identity Design Strategy of Medical Equipment - Focusing on digital diagnosis medical products -, Design Convergence Study, vol.12 No.1 pp.177~188, 2013이은실
◾ A Brand Identity Strategy for Culture City Brand, Journal of Digital Interaction Design, vol.11 No.1 pp.187~200, 2012이은실
Conference Papers
◾ Proceedings, A Study onn the Development of Urban Brand Slogan: Targeting Goesan City Branding in Chungcheongbuk-do, Evolving Horizons, 2023 KSDS-SDC Fall International Conference, 홍익대학교 세종캠퍼스 세종관, 2023이은실
◾ Proceedings, Development Strategy for Standard Safety Design by Social Disaster Type for the Vulnerable in Safety, Evolving Horizons, 2023 KSDS-SDC Fall Academic Conference, 홍익대학교 세종캠퍼스 세종관, 2023이은실
◾ 손정섭 이은실, A study on the usage of warning color for the Visually-impaired - Based on the case of Yellow Carpet, KSDS Spring International Conference Journal, 대한민국 서울 숙명여자대학교, 2022이은실
◾ 김한, 이은실, Comparative study of emotional design between paper planner and digital planner, KSDS Spring International Conference Journal, 대한민국 서울 숙명여자대학교, 2022이은실
◾ 이화진, 이은실, 어린이보호구역 사고예방을 위한 안전 깃발 디자인 개선, 2021 한국디자인학회 가을국제학술대회 논문집: 디자인을 통한 관계회복, DDP 및 온라인, 2021이은실
◾ 손정섭, 이은실, A Proposal of Disaster Emergency Pictogram : focusing on the Hearing-impaired, 2021 KSDS Fall International Conference, DDP 및 온라인 , 2021이은실
◾ 김지수, 이은실, A Study on the Cognitive Difference of Brand Value Delivered through Color – Focusing on Color Vision Defectives(Protanopia and Deuteranopia), 2021 한국디자인학회 가울국제학술대회 논문집 디자인을 통한 관계회복 , DDP 및 온라인 , 2021이은실
IDENTITY 2.0_Translation 2013
Province is really good (Design House)_Joint book 2013
Color Marketing(Color Science Association of Korea)_Joint book 2012
◾ 지은이: Total Identi, identity2.0, 역서, 978-89-953434-3-2, cdr associates(시디알어소시에이츠), 2014이은실
◾ 저자: 김남형, 남도가 정말 좋아요, 저서, 978-89-7041-610-6, design house, 2013이은실
◾ 한국색채학회 [편], 컬러마케팅, 저서, 978-89-7006-594-6, 지구문화사, 2012이은실
Advisory design of products and brands, Vatech Ewoo Holdings_2012~2014
Package design advisory and consulting fancy tape brand, PROM_2013
Development of identity and brand strategy development, SeWon_2013
Industry-university cooperation of package design development, Cheong ju crafts cultural products War_2012
◾ 기업 아이덴티티의 글로벌 표준화 연구, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2019.03.~2020.03.이은실
◾ 이은실 교수의 전시 창작연구, 산학협력단, 2018.09.~2024.06.이은실
◾ 빌트인 주방가전의 브랜드 개발 자문, 제이에스, 2018.04.~2018.06.이은실
◾ 바텍 CI활용방안 연구, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2018.03.~2019.03.이은실
◾ 노블클라쎄 브랜드 컨설팅 및 아이덴티티 디자인 개발, 주식회사 케이씨모터스, 2017.12.~2018.02.이은실
◾ 다기능 산소포화도 측정기 브랜드 개발, (주)시디알어소시에이츠, 2017.08.~2017.10.이은실
◾ 2017년 안양시 일반고 진로진학프로그램, 안양시, 2017.04.01.~2017.12.31.이은실
◾ 대한민국 정부상징문양의 디자인 개선 방향 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2018.02.이은실
◾ 청각장애인을 위한 긴급경고용 픽토그램 개발연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2018.02.이은실
◾ 바텍 폰트개발을 통한 CI개선 연구, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2017.03.~2018.03.이은실
◾ 커피 빔히터 브랜드 아이덴티티 디자인 개발, 주식회사 이노파트너스, 2017.01.~2017.02.이은실
◾ 대한민국 정부상징 온라인 사용현황 조사분석 및 온라인 디자인가이드 개발, (주)시디알어소시에이츠, 2016.10.~2017.02.이은실
◾ 대사증후군 및 유질환 건강안내문 디자인 개발, 주식회사 이노파트너스, 2016.10.~2016.11.이은실
◾ 서울브랜드 아이서울유 어플리케이션 디자인 개발, (주)시디알어소시에이츠, 2016.10.~2017.02.이은실
◾ 브랜드 진단 및 개선방향 도출, (주)제이앤브랜드, 2016.10.~2016.11.이은실
◾ 프롬의 멀티형 눈금자 그래픽 개발, 프롬, 2016.10.~2016.11.이은실
◾ 인포마크 CI 기본 디자인 개발, (주)인포마크, 2016.01.~2016.02.이은실
◾ 영광정공의 신규 CI 디자인 및 제품브랜드 네이밍과 BI 디자인 용역, 영광정공(주), 2015.05.~2015.08.이은실
◾ 대한민국 문화수도 아이덴티티 개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.03.~2016.02.이은실
◾ CEO의 퍼스널브랜딩을 위한 브랜드 플랫폼 개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.03.~2016.06.이은실
◾ 편의점 정제타입의 해열진통제 패키지디자인 연구, 산학협력단, 2015.03.~2016.02.이은실
◾ 바텍네트워크 CI/BI 점검 및 개선 방안 연구, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2015.03.~2017.03.이은실
◾ 주식회사 예건 신규브랜드 아이덴티티 개발, 주식회사 예건, 2014.10.~2015.01.이은실
◾ 바텍 브랜드 리뉴얼, 레드, 2014.08.~2014.11.이은실
◾ 티팩토리912 Brand ldentity 개발, 인버스에프앤비(주), 2014.06.~2014.08.이은실
◾ 카페인버스 서비스 디자인 아이디어 기획, 인버스에프앤비(주), 2014.06.~2014.08.이은실
◾ 신규 브랜드 개발 및 홍보동영상 제작, (주)나무물산, 2014.06.~2014.09.이은실
◾ 고객경험 기반의 브랜드 아이덴티티 핵심가치 도출 프로세스, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.이은실
◾ [국제전시] 아이덴티티 디자인 포스터, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.이은실
◾ [국내전시] 한글 타이포그래픽 콤포지션 디자인, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.이은실
◾ 제품 및 브랜드 디자인 개발 자문, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2014.03.~2015.03.이은실
◾ 서울과학기술대학교 UI상징물 개발 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.11.~2014.01.이은실
◾ 교내연구소 역량평가 기획연구, 산학협력단, 2013.10.~2014.02.이은실
◾ 디지털 사이니지의 비주얼 커뮤니케이션을 위한 수용자 매체태도 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.이은실
◾ 프롬 문구제품 패키지디자인 시스템개발, 프롬, 2013.09.~2013.11.이은실
◾ 슈퍼레이스 콤포지트 로고디자인 개발, (주)슈퍼레이스, 2013.03.~2013.04.이은실
◾ 아이덴티티 2.0, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.이은실
◾ 2012청주공예문화상품대전 포장 디자인 개발 관련 산학협력, 재단법인청주시문화사업재단, 2012.08.~2013.01.이은실
◾ 잃어버린 꿈의 왕국, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.이은실
◾ 제품 및 브랜드 디자인 자문, (주)바텍이우홀딩스, 2012.05.~2014.03.이은실
◾ 의료기기 제품아이덴티티 디자인 개발전략 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.03.이은실
◾ 서울동물원, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.이은실
◾ 댄스페스티발, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.이은실
◾ 플렉서블 아이덴티티의 특성에 따른 유형 분류 연구 ‑도시브랜드를 대상으로‑, 우수논문상, Design Institute Inje University, 2021이은실
◾ Goesan City Branding Mood Board, 2024 KSDS Internailnal Spring Invitaional Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2024이은실
◾ 이우아이 플렉서블 로고, Seoultech, College of Art & Design Faculty Exhibition 2024, 서울과학기술대학교 미술관, 2024이은실
◾ alphaber and hunminjungum-jamo, 2023 Gwangju Design Biennale International Poster Invitation Exhibition, Gwangju Design Biennale, 2023이은실
◾ No title, The 45th Hanwool Artists Association Exhibition, Women Alumni Association College of Fine Arts Seoul National University, 2023이은실
◾ Experimental Typeface Design, 2023 KSDS Tangshan International Invitational Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2023이은실
◾ Mugyun BI Mood board, 2023 한국기초조형학회 춘계 국제초대작품전, (사)한국기초조형학회, 2023이은실
◾ Realgam Brand Identity, 2022 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2022이은실
◾ Typefade for Excelso and Greco, 2022 KSDS Tangshan International Invitational Exhibition, 한국디자인학회, 2022이은실
◾ 로보랑 B.I. 무드보드, 서울과학기술대학교 조형대학 교수 작품전, 서울과학기술대학교 미술관, 2022이은실
◾ Brand Identity Design, 2022 제46회 한울회, 서울대학교 미술대학 여성동문회, 2022이은실
◾ perdm brand mood board, SDGs와 기초 조형, 일본기초조형학회, 2022이은실
◾ The Birth of Hangeul, 2022 Summer Invited International Design Exhibition & Conference of The Korean Society of Design Culture, 한국디자인학회, 2022이은실
◾ Hangeul_Alphabet, 2021 KSDS Fall International Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2021이은실
◾ YoonGothic, d-Revolution, GWANGJU DESIGN BIENNALE, 2021이은실
◾ Logo & Character for Roborang, 2021 한국기초조형학회 춘계국제초대작품전, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2021이은실
◾ IN&ON brand logo, Artists of Seoul National University 1946-2020, Seoul National University College of Fine Arts, 2020이은실
◾ Tokki&Noguri_rythmn, 2020 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2020이은실
◾ Tokki&Noguri, 2020 KSBDA INSA ART CENTER INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2020이은실
◾ Poster of Roborang Character, 2020 KSDS International Spring Invitation Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2020이은실
◾ digital society, 2020 KSBDA SPRING INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2020이은실
◾ Image Poster of Health Report, ART&LIFE, KSBDA INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2020이은실
◾ Roboranf Playful Lofo, 6th 2019 KSCD Domestic Group Exhibition, Korea Society of Communication Design, 2019이은실
◾ valunix corporate identity board, 2019 KSBDA SPRING INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2019이은실
◾ Roborang Brand Identity Design, 2019 KSBDA PURDUE INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2019이은실
◾ Perdm Logo Variation Poster, 2019 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korean Society of Design Science, 2019이은실
◾ Perdm brand identity design, 2019 The Anniversary of Foundation of SNIT, Korean Society of Communication Design, 2019이은실
◾ Health report for National Health Insurance Service, International Design Education Expo & Conference, San Jose, CA, 2019이은실
◾ GRECO Brand Identity Design, 2019 KSBDA CHIANG MAI INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2019이은실
◾ EXCELSO Brand Identity Design, 2019 21st KSCD Invitation International Exhibition, Korea Society of Communication Design, 2019이은실
◾ Ultracoco Green Fairy B.I,, 2019 KSBDA FALL INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2019이은실
◾ Excelso Package Design, 2019 KSBDA CAIRO INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea Society of Basic Design & Art, 2019이은실
◾ E-DON Makgolli tetrapak package design, 2018 KSCD Domestic Group Exhibition, KSCD, 2018이은실
◾ Panoptics Brand Identity Mood-board, 2018 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, KSDS, 2018이은실
◾ Curix Logo Variation, 2018 KSBDA FALL INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea society of basic design & art, 2018이은실
◾ Dongjung Town CPTED identity poster, All the way that colors 2018 International Invitation Exhibition of color works, Korea Society of Color Studies, 2018이은실
◾ Digiral Hearts with Frame, Hanwool Artists Association Exhibition, Hanwool Artists Association, 2018이은실
◾ Ultracoco logotypes design poster, SEOULTECH & IOWA ART & DESIGN FACULTY EXCHANGE EXHIBITION, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, The University of Iowa, 2018이은실
◾ Digital Hearts_red face, Alumni Arts Exhibition 2018, Boston University College of Fine Arts Korean Alumni, 2018이은실
◾ Brand character of Ultracoco, 2018 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, KSDS, 2018이은실
◾ UUL-blue, 2018 KSBDA SPRING INTERNATIONAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Korea society of basic design & art, 2018이은실
◾ Curix BI mood board, The Design and Life of Sang Kyun Bong : A Memorial Exhibition, Korea Society of Design trend, 2018이은실
◾ Brand logo design for Roborang, 2017 KSDS International Invitation Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2017이은실
◾ Degital Hearts Three Faces, Arts Exchange Exhibition 2017 Celebration, Boston University Alumni Association of Korea, 2017이은실
◾ 스프링; 엔다밀레이, 제1회 한국정보디자인학회 국내단체전시회, 한국정보디자인학회 KSCD, 2017이은실
◾ 2017 Identity Projects, Massart X Seoultech Design Exhibition 2017, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2017이은실
◾ Flexible Identity of Ewoo Children's Center, 2016 KSDS International Invitaion Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2016이은실
◾ 대한민국 정부상징 온라인 디자인가이드, 대한민국 정부상징 온라인디자인가이드개발, (주)시디알어소시에이츠, 2016이은실
◾ Yi Eunsil Identity Design Exhibition, Yi Eunsil Identity Design Exhibition, 서울과학기술대학교, 2016이은실
◾ 바텍네트워크 그린 폰트디자인, 바텍네트워크 CI/BI 점검 및 개선방안 연구, 바텍이우홀딩스, 2016이은실
◾ Digital Hearts 2016, GVSU & SeoulTech Art and Design Faculty Exchange Exhibition, Grand Valley State University, 2016이은실
◾ m-valley brand identity poster, 2016 KSCD Invitation International Exhibition, KSCD, 2016이은실
◾ Digital Heart 2016, 10210 Ten to Ten, Boston University College of Find Arts Alumni, 2016이은실
◾ perdm graphic motif poster, SJSU x Seoul Tech Design Exhibition, San Jose State University, 2016이은실
◾ Ewoo flexible brand logo, SS Design, 서울과학기술대학교, 2016이은실
◾ Degital Hearts 2015, 15th KSCD International Group Exhibition, Korean Society of Communication Design, 2015이은실
◾ Corporate Identity renewal for Ceragem, 14th KSCD Invitation International Exhibition, Korean Society of Communication Design, 2015이은실
◾ Bo, Seu, Ton, 2015, The sound of an exhibition, Boston University Alumni Association, 2015이은실
◾ Seoul Zoo Brand Identity, 2015 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2015이은실
◾ 영광정공의 신규 CI 디자인 및 제품브랜드 네이밍과 BI 디자인 용역, 영광정공의 신규 CI 디자인 및 제품브랜드 네이밍과 BI 디자인 용역, Young Kwang Co.Ltd, 2015이은실
◾ 바텍네트워크 CI/BI 점검 및 개선 방안 연구, 바텍네트워크 CI/BI 점검 및 개선 방안 연구, Vatech & Ewoo Holdings Co., Ltd., 2015이은실
◾ Corporate Identity renewal for Vatech Network, 13th KSCD Invitation International Exhibition, Korean Society of Communication Design, 2015이은실
◾ Vatech Networks CI renewal, 2015 KSCD 13th ation International Exhibition, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2014이은실
◾ Poster for Ecogeo Event Identity, 2014 KSDS International Fall Invitational Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2014이은실
◾ 바텍 New Graphic Motif활용 어플리케이션 디자인가이드, 바텍네트워크 제품 및 브랜드 디자인개발, 바텍이우홀딩스, 2014이은실
◾ 라이플러스 디자인가이드 Liflus Brand Identity Design Guide, 나무물산 신규브랜드 및 홍보동영상 개발, (주)나무물산, 2014이은실
◾ Poster for University Seal of Seoul Tech, 2014 KSDS International Spring Invitational Exhibition, Korea Society of Design Science, 2014이은실
◾ spin letter Bo, metonymy, Boston University College of Fine Arts Alumni Exhibition 2014, 2014이은실
◾ spin letter Ton 2014, INTERNATIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGN INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2014이은실
◾ Bo. Seu. Ton., 2013, Global Days of Service, National Cancer Center, Seoul, BUAAK, 2013이은실
◾ spin letter Ton 2014, INTERNATIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGN INVITATIONAL EXHIBITION, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2013이은실
◾ Pattern of Spring I, II, III, Spring Remembrance, Boston University College of Fine Arts Alumni, 2013이은실
◾ Dance Festival, International Exchange Exhibition Asian Culture, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2012이은실
◾ 2012 청주공예문화상품대전 포장디자인, 2012청주공예문화상품대전 포장디자인개발, 청주시문화사업재단, 2012이은실
◾ Seoul Zoo Brand Identity, Asia Spirit 2012, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2012이은실
◾ The Kingdom of Dream, 8th KSCD Internationanl Group Exhibition, Korean Society of Communication Design, 2012이은실
◾ Seoul Zoo (Corporate Identity), red dot design award winner 2011_Seoul Zoo, red dot, 2011이은실
◾ UUL_National Art Museum, Seoul (Corporate Identity), red dot design sward winner 2011_UUL, red dot, 2011이은실
◾ Spring Waltz I, 2011 Cheongju International Craft Biennale, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2011이은실
Korean Society of Design Science_Director
WDL net Women Design Leadership_Director
Society of Design Convergence
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